Hi everyone! So I'm a little frustrated this month and was wondering if anyone had any options for me on progesterone cream. I've been TTC for 6 months, and I have been having a hard time because I spot- a lot. I start spotting about 10 days before my period every month. I brought this up to my Dr. and I asked if she thought it could be luteal phase defect and if I should go on progesterone. She agreed. When I got the cream, her directions were to use it days 12-24 of my cycle. Everything I read online tells me to wait to use it until after you ovulate because it can suppress ovulation. I tried calling her office to ask but the nurse was rude and told me to just follow the directions. Day 12 is wayyyyy before I ovulate. I used the cream as directed and am currently on day 16- no positive opk yet! Go figure. Also, she only wanted me to use it until day 24. Wayyyy before my luteal phase is over. I don't understand how that's going to help lengthen it if I don't even use it the whole time. I Feel like I'm out of luck this month now. Help!