Brenn's first teeth came in at 5 months, and now at 12 1/2 he has a mouth full. He has been a biter as well. He bite me one tme really badly where it broke the skin and bleed and was super sore for 3 days, but I got through it. I found that he mainly would bite when he was teething. He first started biting when he latched on, so I started giving him my finger, he would bite, then I could latch him on with no problems. Then we moved on to biting towards the end of a feed. So I would watch for his to slow down, and just remove him and he was fine. If he bites during a feed, I just remove him from the breast and put him down. He soon learned not to bite me. I found it to be super frustrating at times. I remember one time stomping around the house swearing I would stop BFing him if he bite me one more time. Well of course he did, but I didn't. I love nursing him, through the problems, and the pain, it has totally been worth it. I really have not had any problems with people in my family I told them from the very beginning I would nurse Brenn for as long as he and I wanted to, it really is none of their business.