Proud mummy alert-just want to share!


Jun 4, 2008
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Hope you dont mind me posting-this is a shameless "look what my baby can do!" thread :blush:

Brooke is 8.5 months and 12lb 8oz. . .

In the past two weeks, Brooke has learnt to roll over (and over and over and over!), stands up at the side of the sofa (and holds on for dear life!!) says hiya, waves hello and goodbye and CUT HER FIRST TOOTH!!

Just two weeks ago I was saying to my mum that I was getting worried because her development seemed to have plateaued and that I wanted her to do something new.. .well, famous last words.

Im so proud of her right now. . .I juts cant stop watching her! I woke up to her at 5am yesterday morning yelling HIYA at her snugglecat in her cot. :cloud9:

Feel free to do some shameless plugging of your own babies-it'd be fabulous to know how they're all getting on :cloud9: Thanks for reading xx
Way go to Brooke!! You little doll. We need to see more pictures of you...especially doing your new stuff!

Lakai has been getting into a sit by himself for a month now, he can crawl, pull himself up almost, he just got the ok to eat purees and some meltable foods (after 8 months on a feeding tube..though it will stay for thin liquids..but thats ok!)...he is starting to wave bye, he is trying to stand up by himself by getting on all fours (on his feet not knees) and it scares the pants off of me!!!!

He is 8 months as of yesterday!
yeah way to go Brooke (and Lakai) sounds like they are doing amazingly you must be so proud of them both :happydance:

Matthew is now 7 months roughly 15lb and has started clapping his hands (well smacking them together hehe) he has been able to roll from his belly to his back for months but yet to master the other way round. He can sit for about 15 secs on his own but he's a nosey wee bugger that gets the better of him before he topples - he has started throwing himself forward onto his front so think he'll be a fast crawler once he has the know how. He babbles alot saying 'mamamamama' but so far no intention it it. He is very alert and watches everything going on and has started enjoying looking out the car wndow. I see a big difference in him last few weeks and think he's developing a treat xx
Well done Brooke, Lakai and Matthew! You are all little stars. :happydance: Molly can now get around the room and go where she wants, and get what she wants by rolling over and over. She has started blowing raspberries all the time to get attention (OHs fault for encouraging her!) She can sit for a little bit until she gets excited and falls down, and can now eat pretty much what we eat (but not chocolate biscuits which seems to baffle my nan who keeps offering them! :dohh:). She also has four teeth now. Im so proud :cloud9:
Findlay is 6 months old and has in the last week:

Hit the 9lb mark

Started babbling and doing very OTT yawns with big sighs if you don't get him to bed as quick as he'd like

Started managing to lift his head off the ground for v short periods when on his tummy

He's also *drum roll* started having tiny amounts of solids! He's only allowed 1-2 tsps in total a day as we have to be really careful to minimise the risk of him being sick but it makes him so happy as he thinks he's hungry all the time as he's got an NJ tube so his tummy is always empty.
Way to go everyone!!! :flower:

I forgot Lakai also got two bottom teeth! =)
Hey. Well done to all of you and your LOs. Love reading threads like this, so nice to read about everyones progress.:happydance:

Poppy seems to be at the age where new things are happening every day which is brilliant. Her top two teeth are just coming through (will make a grand total of 4!) and she is starting to 'say' more and more things. She is really into looking at photos at the moment so if we ask 'where's Grandma/Daddy' etc she will point at a photo and say 'there!'

She is also doing more signing which is fun to see. Oh and she has just mastered giving proper kisses, my favourite new thing of all :cloud9:
Awwwwwww its so cute reading about your babes! They are doing great aren't they! Its so wonderful when they hit a milestone. And some of them have had such long journeys so far, you must be over the moon:happydance:

I was so fed up of the docs and peads asking if Rose had smiled yet, she was only 2 weeks old corrected age bless her.
She started smiling a couple of weeks later and every time she did it (not very often at first) i cried, i was so happy. And that was just a smile!
She grins her head off now and I make the biggest effort not to cry:blush:

How can you be proud of your baby just because they are smiling:dohh:

Wow, we have some clever babies here!! They seem to grow and change so quickly, no new things for aaaaaaages and then 'BOOM!' five or six in a week!

Wowie to Lakai crawling at only 8 months corrected-he's a clever little thing isnt he!! and pulling himself up to stand :shock:

awwwwwwwww Matthew clapping his hands, that sounds so sweet! You should record him doing that, Id love to see it! Brooke LOVES to do pat-a-cakes and claps my hands not hers :lol:

Molly has 4 teeth?! :shock: she must look soooo cute! are they the front four, two on the top and two on the bottom? hahaha to blowing Rasperries, Brooke does this too-mainly at inappropriate moments-last week at church I took her up to get blessed at holy communion and she blew a HUGE raspberry in the priests face :lol: Luckily he laughed :blush:

Well Done Little Findlay for getting to the 9lb mark-it really seems like SUCH a milestone doesnt it! Her is catching Brooke up :thumbup: He sounds like he has such a personality on him-RE the extreme yawning ("hurry UP mum!!") He sounds like he is going to be full of mischief when he is a big boy!! :cloud9:

Bec L, i cant WAIT for Brooke to give kisses!! Im going to cry when she does! :cloud9: if you put your cheek up to her mouth and say "kisses for mummy, ahhhhhhhhhhh" then she chuckles her little head off :cloud9: Poppy seems to have really changed since you posted last, suddenly grown up! :cloud9:

awwwww Grumpymoo, I cried my eyes out when Brooke smiled for the first time too!! :blush: Its AMAZING isnt it! Well done little Rose. Iv got a picture of Brooke over my shoulder just as she did it-the timing was amazing-and everytime I look at it I well up! Shame its framed in my living room :haha: Damn these hormones! :blush:

It sounds like all the babies are doing fabulously well! Long may it last-well done babies-and their mummies and daddies! :cloud9:

Molly has 4 teeth?! :shock: she must look soooo cute! are they the front four, two on the top and two on the bottom? hahaha to blowing Rasperries, Brooke does this too-mainly at inappropriate moments-last week at church I took her up to get blessed at holy communion and she blew a HUGE raspberry in the priests face :lol: Luckily he laughed :blush:

She has her front two bottom ones, and two at the top but they are the next ones round (so she looks like a vampire!):haha:

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