Hi, my little girl is nearly 4 weeks old. I would at some point in the future like her to take a bottle of ebm, so today tried to express, and I could only get 1/2oz!! This is really not very much lol. With my first I mixed fed with formula, ebm and some breadtfeeding and always got much more. This time I'm exclusively breastfeeding, is this why I can't pump so much? Should I be concerned about supply? My baby has lots of wet and dirty nappies and has been gaining weight, but she never seems content for long after feeds, unless we are out and she is asleep in the car seat or pram. The midwife also thinks she has slight breastmilk jaundice so we have to go for a blood test
worried I will be pressured to supplement. I'm Proud of our achievement so far, I have an 18 month old as well and feel I'm neglecting her needs a little but she's amazing and is not jealous at all . Hopefully someone can reassure me! X