pushy & proud: junk food mums


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2009
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is anybody watching this!

this woman (21) has just said she would rather her kids be obese and know they are eating then feed them things they dont like (vegetables!!) honestly!!

her kids are sitting eating burgers and chips - they have takeaways most days and are on benefits - how do they afford it??

i just dont get her logic?!
I haven't watched it but these people p*ss me off so bad!:growlmad:

As kids we were fed junk food because it was easy for my mom to give out 5 plates of chips rather than 5 freshly cooked meals, her excuse being that she was a single parent with 5 children. We all had to learn for ourselves what was good and bad. :(

My cousin is 22 with two kids, she feeds her 1 and a half year old daughter two yes TWO lots of fries a day from a takeaway because she is "fussy" and won't eat anything else. She is underweight and isn't growing at a normal rate.:dohh:

All I can say is when I have children, they won't be allowed to know what chips are!!
she had the cheek to say i have 4 kids i havnt got time to stand around and cook...neither of them work!!

she went away with one of the kids while he stayed at home with the older 2 he cooked them homemade spag bol from scratch and they ate it all not one moan out of them (he wants them to eat properly but the mum wont!) so its not because they dont like it, its because she cant be bothered to cook! x
also my son does eat chips sometimes, iv never not let him have anything but in moderation! x
Grr I'm glad I didn't watch it I'd be screaming at the tv lol! At least the dad cares, it's such a shame for the kids :(

I don't have anything against parents who do let the kids eat chips and stuff every now and then, as you said moderation is always the key! My view has changed alot on the subject because of everything I've been through health wise and seeing my cousin feed her daughter two lots of fries breaks my heart. :(

I hate lazy parents, really no excuse for it! :( x
It makes me laugh because surely it takes more effort to trudge up to mcdonalds for a take away than it would to cook something easy like spaghetti Bol, or shepherds pie :dohh: she really ought to be ashamed of herself. Xx
she really annoyed me tbh - because her kids were not getting 'fat' from it she said it was fine for them to be eating all that junk food!

she split from her other half in the end - she just wouldnt change her views!
Exact same program was shown last year- really is shocking!
I remember watching this last year it was so shocking!!
I didn't see it, but from these posts I really don't get this woman's logic either.

For a start, yes her kids may not be "fat" now, but she's basically programming them to only like rubbishy junk food and who's to say they won't be fat in years to come?
I couldn't watch this, I'd be shouting at the telly :lol: DH hates my shouting at the telly habit...
It's not realistic to shelter your children completely from junk food. Don't be ridiculous. What are you going to do when they get invited to parties and there is a happy meal at McDonalds at the end of it- are you just not going to let them go. Cruel IMO.

Everything in moderation. I know a girl who wasn't allowed junk when she was young, and once she left home she BINGED on it.
it was bbc3 and it was called pushy and proud - junk food mums might be on iplayer x

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