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Question about kidneys and amniotic fluid


Sep 9, 2014
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I had an ultrasound at around 17 weeks(about 2 weeks ago). The tech said it was a little early, but she checked and measured things. Said everything was fine, including the heartbeat. Told me to come back in 3 weeks for another ultrasound. I had a check up with my OBGYN about 6 days later(August 27th). She checked the heartbeat and did a portable ultrasound. Said everything sounded good and looked good. About 4 days ago(Sept. 4), I get a call from my OBGYN's office. It's some secretary telling me my results were in. She then said the OBGYN looked over the ultrasound and said everything looked great. Everything was developing normally. But she thought it may have looked like the baby's kidney's weren't producing much fluid. I was told she was referring me to a specialist for an ultrasound, but that they probably wouldn't call me to set up an appointment for two weeks. After I hung up, I felt confused and worried. I did some research and only found negative, heartbreaking outcomes. My question, though, is this: If there was anything to worry about, wouldn't I be sent to a specialist immediately? Wouldn't they be more worried something was wrong? And why did it take two weeks for the office to contact me after I had my ultrasound? I've been unable to sleep since this phone call, and I break down crying almost on a daily basis. I was told to wait for the specialist to contact me, but I feel like I should be calling them and demanding an appointment. Or that I should contact the hospital and see if they can bring me in for another ultrasound. I feel helpless and worried, even though I was told everything looked great. I even feel those fluttery movements you get before the baby really starts kicking. Does anyone have any advice? Is this something I should worry about? Has anyone gone through anything similar? I just don't know what to do or think right now.
Hi hun hope you are ok! I have reducded fluid and a small baby :( I have had 3 scans now (im 22 weeks) and they can see my babys full bladder but not her kidneys.

Have they told you you have reduced fluid of any sort? I know its a horrible feeling waiting for appointments and scans and after my inital scan which picked up the problems i probably broke down every day for a week, I couldnt really face anyone and have never been so nervous in my life :(

Hopefully it all turns out for the best
I'm just really stressed out. I've only had the one ultrasound at 17 weeks, and nothing else. I wasn't even told anything could be wrong until 2 weeks after I had the ultrasound. I'm currently 20 weeks along and still waiting on news. They've basically told me that everything looks fine, and the baby's kidneys looked ok, but they thought the kidneys weren't producing much, if any, fluid. They were supposed to refer me to a specialist. I was supposed to get a call this week from the specialist, but no one called me. I called my OBGYN's office yesterday and was told they were still waiting on the specialist and that I'd get a call today. Haven't received a call. Called my OBGYN's office back and they said they still hadn't heard from the specialist. So I called the specialist after finally getting the number from the lady I spoke to. Called the specialist, and this woman was super unhelpful. Claimed they got all my information and my referral, and that there is a time frame I need to be seen in, but they can't do anything because, shocker, they're waiting on other people to give them details. Like apparently what I need to be seen for and why. When I told her all I knew from what the OBGYN's office told me, she said it wasn't specific enough and I had to wait. She claimed I'd either receive a call later today or Monday. When I told her I was stressed out, making myself sick with worry, and was tired of waiting, she said there was nothing she could do and I'd just have to wait. So tired of incompetent people who can't give me any information, won't schedule me if there is a time frame I need to be seen in, and just don't seem to care. So basically, I know nothing, and apparently, there may or may not be something wrong. If there is something really wrong, by the time they get to me, it'll probably be too late. :sad2:
Oh hun im sorry :( they know how to make it worse! Is there any other way you could get a scan? Just to reassure you?
I finally got a call back after calling back and being told there was nothing they could do. They are now able to squeeze me in on Monday for an appointment that could take 2 hours or more. I said that was fine, and that was all I had wanted in the first place. So I guess I'll find out more on Monday. Fingers crossed that everything is ok.
So the only call you got about the complications was from the clinic secretary? That seems really off.
I assume it was a secretary, but it may have been one of the triage nurses or whatever they're called. One of the women who takes you back and checks your weight and blood pressure. Either way, I didn't hear anything officially from my OBGYN. Apparently she told one of the nurses the results, and either one of them called or they told a secretary to call and tell me this. But I am going to the specialist on Monday, so I'll know more then. Really hoping for the best.
So I had my ultrasound at the specialist's office yesterday. She spent almost an hour checking things. Very thorough. Then I had the actual doctor come in and go over the ultrasound again, and then she double checked everything with a 2nd ultrasound. Thankfully, they discovered that there wasn't anything wrong at all. The doctor told me that most likely, the other ultrasound tech from the hospital had measured the kidneys and surrounding areas wrong, which made something look like it was wrong and causing complications. So basically, incompetency caused me to stress out and worry myself sick for absolutely no reason. I am both annoyed with that other tech, but seriously relieved that there is nothing wrong at all with my baby.

They told me, though, that the OBGYN has me listed at 20 weeks 5 days, but the baby is measuring 19 weeks and 6 days. So there's a little bit of a difference, but nothing that worries them or makes them eager to change my due date.

Thank you ladies for your advice and support. I can rest easy now knowing that everything is fine with my baby. Oh, and I did find out, it's a boy. :)
Congratulations on your baby boy! Glad his kidneys are healthy! :)

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