Question about Progesterone result


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2011
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I had a blood draw approx 23 dpo -HCG was 1800 and Progesterone was only 8.33. From all my reading that seems very low....My Dr does not believe in progesterone supplements, which I think I'd hesitate to take anyway.
Anyway, anybody deal with low progesterone and it be ok without supplements? She said progesterone varies so much throughout the day and she is happy with any result over 5. Idk what to think-she scheduled me for u/s Friday. Of course I've been on the internet non stop for days driving myself crazy!
I don't want to sound negative at all but all of my early losses and my ectopic started out with P levels under 10 so it was never a good outcome for me personally. I was always to understand that healthy progesterone levels should be at least 10 to sustain pregnancy early on but perhaps your doctor is accounting for other factors? Here's an article you may want to check out. Hopefully your body will start increasing it's levels on its own since supplementation is not an option for you. Good luck hun:hugs:
Hi I'm with previous poster.i personally had two previous mcs but my progesterone levels were never checked even though I begged doctors.

This pregnancy I started on progesterone pessaries at 5dpo and I am now 9w3d pregnant. I've heard levels over 20 are okay to sustain a pregnancy. My levels on pessaries have been between 80 and 130.

I would really consider a second opinion I know other ladies who have had mcs and gone on to have healthy babies on progesterone. Good luck!
I was told over ten nonmedicated or over fifteen medicated. Mine were 12 and they said that was borderline low but jumped to 17 in two days. Is your doctor doing a repeat? With my miscarriage, my levels were a 9 I believe. I got put on progesterone but the pregnancy just wasn't viable. The only thing the progesterone did was prolong the inevitable which made things worse. I have had several friends that have sustained healthy pregnancies because of progesterone so I would not rule it out to be useful and helpful. it just won't help a non viable pregnancy be viable.
I have never heard of a doc who doesn't "believe" in progesterone supplements......

Many women would never have children if that was the standard!

I'd definitely be getting a second opinion asap. Your initial hcg level sounds good but a repeat is going to be necessary to assure the pregnancy is healthy with a prog level that low. I do hope everything turns out ok for you in the end :flower:
Thanks for the input girls.
Tryinfor1, you said yours jumped in 2 days, do you mean after supplements or on its own?
On its own. I was freaking out because they said it was low and then they said it was 17 when I got my second beta and that it was great. So it is 100% possible it will go up on its own. You just need the repeat blood test.
My doctor doesn't believe in them either (I am in the UK), he completely dismissed me.

Thankfully, my levels were fine on their own, but your level sounds very low. I would try to get a second opinion! xx
Tryinfor1 thanks--gives me hope. That's why my Dr. said she wasn't too concerned because the levels change so many times throughout the day even and the fact that I ate something before taking it could have also lowered it. I'm basically preparing for the worst, but hoping for the best.
My progesterone with my earlier miscarriage was 8, then dropped to 5.
This time too, it was 8, and I started taking progesterone supplements the day I got my result (my first blood test to confirm pregnancy). I do believe that's what saved my pregnancy.
I'm not sure why you don't believe in supplements. It has been a pregnancy-saver for many. I know several doctors who don't believe supplements really help, but it doesn't hurt. So if I were you, I would take them at least for a few weeks.
In both of my losses my progesterone levels were dangerously low. In my second one I don't believe it was a viable pregnancy to begin with so supplements would not have helped anyway. But my first one I had really good HCG levels but my progesterone was a .5. So I do believe that is what caused me to not be able to sustain the pregnancy. Like it was said earlier...progesterone supplements will not turn an unviable pregnancy into a viable one but without them...and having low progesterone could end up losing a perfectly healthy pregnancy. I swear by them now. With this pregnancy I started taking the supplements the day I got a positive HPT...By the time I did my first blood work 3 days later my progesterone level was 58. I don't know if it would have been ok without the supplements or not but I wasn't going to chance it. And I am staying on them until atleast my 10th week just to be on the safe side.
I'm one of the progesterone supplement success stories. We didn't start monitoring my progesterone levels until my last few pregnancies but I've had three losses that I firmly believe could have gone to term if I had supplemented from the start. I have gone to term twice (my son is 4 and my daughter is 2.5) and I'm due this summer with #3. All three times, I've taken progesterone supplements and baby aspirin from bfp to 13-14 weeks. I've never gone to term without supplementing. Three times I've seen a heartbeat, seen a healthy normal pregnancy, and miscarried within days (between 8-9 weeks) when not taking the meds. And as my dr has always said, taking progesterone won't let an unviable pregnancy continue.

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