Hi SeaB117,
My DH and I are TTC and before we did we made an appointment with our own doctors and got blood work done for everything. Once we got an okay for everything i made an appointment with my OBGYN. I had my primary doctor send over all my doctor results to the OB, so that he/she knew my health issues that i had in the past or if i had any in the present time being. The questions i asked were:
How long for my age does it normally take a couple to conceive?
Are there certain positions you recommend when doing the deed?
What type of prenatal do you recommend for me to take?
What should I change my diet to?
What other screens or test he/she recommends?
What medications can u take while TTC and which ones not to take (including both over the counter and prescribed?
I know some may be silly or common sense questions but each doctor is different and has different recommendations. I hope this was helpful