Quit smoking


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2013
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Evening all!

I am a smoker and on the advice of doctor and the whole of womankind, I have been cutting out the nasty sticks and tomorrow will be the day I will completely rid of them.

Whilst I know some people have said they quit automatically, I have been one of the ones who have struggled to cut it out from a 20 a day habit.

I feel totally proud of myself by getting to this point for me and my little pea. Would anyone be honest with me enough to share success stories/struggles? I would really appreciate hearing from other people who are/have been in the same boat.

Love and hugs in return!! :)

Well done you! Be proud of yourself....

Im a smoker but most of 20 a week type, with my daughter I stopped the day I found out, but come 36 weeks I actually wanted one and would have the odd one now and again! Its bad i know and people will have their say on how horrible etc it is...

This time around it though me about a week to finally stop! So much more harder then before! I miss it too! It takes all my will power not to cave! I would happily spark up one now (if it wasn't raining out!) ha!

your going to have bad days you was a full time smoker.. Do not be so hard on yourself, just remember you've gone from 20 to none and that mean nothing will be going into your baby.... If you have a slip up I say the next day you start again... If you really struggle their are smoking midwives who can help

that is wonderful :) I started smoking at 16.. I'm 19 now, and a family friend died of cancer about two weeks before I found out, I saw her the day before and told myself I would NEVER pick up another one. well I quit, then found out I was pregnant.. I cant even stand the smell of em anymore.. someone actually had the nerve to light one up IN THE CAR!!.. I guess it is different with different ppl.. I am proud of you that you are doing so good with quitting :) some women cant do it!!! you are STRONG AND YOU GOT THIS :)
I quit (pre-baby years) in 2007. I was one of those who would score top marks on a "how addicted are you?" calculator. Tried a million times and failed. I found I could cut down, but then increase again...or else I'd just get hooked on the nicotine replacements.

When it did work I initially had 2 weeks on the gum, and then quit all nicotine cold turkey. The first 72 hours are bad, really bad, but after that it gets surprisingly easier. I literally locked myself in my bedroom with my pc and a load of mints and sweets with no access to go and buy any cigs or gum for those 72hrs. Knowing that I only had to make it 3 days and it would be easier really helped.

Knowing how addicted I was I really believe that if I could do it anyone can.
I.just quit three days ago its hard but.im doing good, u can do it

I wasn't expecting that many replies so quickly!!

Thanks for the gee up and your experiences, very much appreciated and wants me to go for it even more. I want to be able to answer the "are you still smoking" question at my 12 week scan on the 27th with "NOPE!!"
With my MMC I quit the day I found out. Picked up again about a month after I miscarried. This time I really wanted to quit so a month before I found out and I used an e-cig to help. Every once in a while I had a cigarette. Whenever I found out this time I was still using the e-cig, until my fiance ripped it off of me and hid it lol. I have been craving them, but I've managed to keep myself from them just telling myself it will be a lot better for myself and the baby. Surprisingly, the smell hasn't bothered me at all compared to my last pregnancy. You can do it! :hugs:
Well, I gave up completely from a full time 20 a day habit at about 12 weeks with my son, I had cut down to a few a day, very gradually then cut it all together. About 36 weeks I got a massive craving, caved and would have the odd one now and again. Started up again properly a few weeks after he was born. With my daughter i did the same with the cutting down, but had such a hard time giving up! We were going through all sorts and really struggled.. managed it eventually about 18 weeks. Didn't start again until 3 months after she was born. 9 weeks now and have cut right down again.. and hoping to cut it out within the next week. It is very easy to judge, when you've not been there, or when you've done it and got past the hardest stage at the beginning.. very easy to come across smug about it. But as long as you do your best, you can get there. Please try not to beat yourself up if you don't do it by your deadline or something. It's Bloody hard, and power to you for doing so well. Keep it up, we're all here for encouragement purposes! X
I was a regular smoker and for the most part stopped as soon as I found out- it was friggin MISERABLE!!! Not to mention I had my family in from out of town that same week driving me crazy!

I will confess shamefully that I do occasionally take a tiny puff off one of my husband's cigarettes, I'm talking maybe once every couple weeks, and lately the smell has really been putting me off so it's been even less often. I wish he would quit as well it would make it a lot easier! He says he wants to and that he will, but I'm not sure. I told him I do not want a newborn baby smelling like cigarette smoke after he holds him/her.

Good luck!!!
Evening all!

I am a smoker and on the advice of doctor and the whole of womankind, I have been cutting out the nasty sticks and tomorrow will be the day I will completely rid of them.

Whilst I know some people have said they quit automatically, I have been one of the ones who have struggled to cut it out from a 20 a day habit.

I feel totally proud of myself by getting to this point for me and my little pea. Would anyone be honest with me enough to share success stories/struggles? I would really appreciate hearing from other people who are/have been in the same boat.

Love and hugs in return!! :)

It took me a week from finding out to completely stop and since using patches to ease cravings its now been nearly 5 weeks since my last cigarette and I feel so good! Knowing my little one is healthy is all I need to stop me going near them again, that and the fact they smell awful now! Keep up the good work your doing great
took 3 weeks to get fully off the cigs the past week or so ive had a few puffs of an ecig when i feel like im about to kill someone lol it really does get easier hold in there

ps so glad there are no negetive posts on here the most important thing is the asker really wants to quit - we all do
ps so glad there are no negetive posts on here the most important thing is the asker really wants to quit - we all do

Exactly- nobody here would argue that smoking is GOOD for babies! Of course we all want to do what is best for our little ones-- smoking is just a super tough habit to kick! Good job to all who have managed to quit and all who are on their way!
I smoked for about 19 years. Planning to get pregnant I quit about 6 months ago. The thing that helped me the most is the life saver mints. Every time I thought about smoking I popped one of those in my mouth. Mint is calming so that is an added bonus. I still had cravings, more mental than actual need until I found out that I was pregnant. Thankfully haven't had any since.
I found out I was pregnant 7/19. Smoked my last cigarette 7/31. I started smoking at 12, I am 29 now. I smoked a pack a day up until that point. I used e-cigs to help kick the habit in those 2 weeks from when I found out I was pregnant. They really helped. The most important thing you need to remember is, those cravings WILL pass. They are so tough, especially when it's something regular you're doing that you used to smoke during (like driving). But you need to remember it will pass and it does only get easier, I promise!! Here I am 5 months later and I get maybe 1 craving a week.

You can do it!!
I gave up within the week of finding out I was pregnant with DS but mainly due to MS and thought I would puke if I did though was a few weeks further on than I thought (7 weeks). Gave up for 18 months and stupidly went back to it. Am now pregnant again and have managed to cut back to a couple a day ( was on 10 to 15). Smoked my last one an hour ago and hoping this it and hopefully I won't kill anyone in the meanwhile. Despite knowing it is the worst thing in the world it is so hard to stop. GL to you all x
I gave up within the week of finding out I was pregnant with DS but mainly due to MS and thought I would puke if I did though was a few weeks further on than I thought (7 weeks). Gave up for 18 months and stupidly went back to it. Am now pregnant again and have managed to cut back to a couple a day ( was on 10 to 15). Smoked my last one an hour ago and hoping this it and hopefully I won't kill anyone in the meanwhile. Despite knowing it is the worst thing in the world it is so hard to stop. GL to you all x

You can do it! Like others said, mints and hard candies have really helped me as well!

Good luck xx!!
I quit over a year ago - I nursed my mother through lung cancer not long after I quit and it was enough to keep me going. When she got better though, I struggled badly and I got an e-cig - amazing!!

Now? I still use it. Only now it has 0 nicotine in it, just yummy flavour (currently pear drops!).
Once a smoker always a smoker it is just wether or not you light up.one day at a time l started smoking when I was 14 quit 3 months into my first pragnacy started up shortly after having her quit the day I found out I was pg with ds. Started up after having him went back and forth quiting for short period of times until 7 years ago I thought I had finally kicked the habit but even after 7 years I started up again this summer. I quit again the moment I got a bfp. Its a tough habit all u can do is yr best to quit good luck
Once a smoker always a smoker it is just wether or not you light up.one day at a time l started smoking when I was 14 quit 3 months into my first pragnacy started up shortly after having her quit the day I found out I was pg with ds. Started up after having him went back and forth quiting for short period of times until 7 years ago I thought I had finally kicked the habit but even after 7 years I started up again this summer. I quit again the moment I got a bfp. Its a tough habit all u can do is yr best to quit good luck

Really don't agree with you there. I am very very much not a smoker now. People I know now but didn't know back on 2007 would find it very hard to believe I ever smoked. I find it hard to believe I ever smoked. My whole lifestyle is completely different and I don't think I know anybody who smokes any more.

Its completely possible to stop smoking and stop forever.

And one day at a time is good to start with, but remember 3 days without nicotine is all it takes to clear it from your system. I think if you want not smoking to last you need to think of it as giving up nicotine, not just giving up smoking.

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