Quiz about you! *for fun*


Baking #2
Jun 3, 2012
Reaction score
Just for fun! :)

Your name: Roxy

Where are you from: United Kingdom

Occupation: Student at uni

TTC or a suprise: a big suprise haha!

How far gone are you: 5ish weeks!

Do you have any other children: a 15 month old girl, my little princess!

Gender preference: would love a boy, but any healthy baby is a blessing.

What are you most excited about: my LO having a sibling close in age! Having a newborn again!

Any pregnancy symptoms: cramps, sore boobs on and off, waves of feeling sick!

Showing yet?: not really, very bloated though!

Who knows?: my mum and sister and OH ! :)

Your turn! :)
Your name: pinkribbon (paranoid I'll get found on here by ex :dohh:)

Where are you from: United Kingdom

Occupation: Sales assistant

TTC or a suprise: we were TTC but decided to take a 2 month break. First month we took a break we got pregnant :haha:

How far gone are you: 7 weeks today :flow:

Do you have any other children: a 3 year old boy and an almost 1.5 year old boy.

Gender preference: we'd both love a girl but I think it's another boy.

What are you most excited about: it's my partner's 1st baby, so generally sharing the pregnancy with him.

Any pregnancy symptoms: cramps, nausea, headaches

Showing yet?: just bloat

Who knows?: nobody apart from 1 friend who guessed.
Your name: Emma

Where are you from: United Kingdom

Occupation: Masters Student and full time care worker

TTC or a suprise: TTC for 2 months

How far gone are you: 12 weeks and 1 day

Do you have any other children: no

Gender preference: always dreamed of having a little girl but think this one is a boy and would be very happy with a boy.

What are you most excited about: everything! at the moment I am most excited for feeling movement after seeing the baby jumping around and kicking on my scan yesterday

Any pregnancy symptoms: I had cramps, nausea, exhaustion, acne, bloating and headaches. Now I pretty much only have the acne and occasional waves of nausea left.

Showing yet?: Just about, enough for all of my work colleagues to say I am

Who knows?: Everyone, we announced at 10 weeks after seeing the heartbeat at a scan.
Your name: Lizzie

Where are you from: Ireland (although to be specific I'm a New Zealander living in Ireland)

Occupation: Mum

TTC or a suprise: Ttc, but very surprised since we only dtd once that month!

How far gone are you: 7ish weeks!

Do you have any other children: an 18 month old girl.

Gender preference: No preference :) although DH might secretly want a boy.

What are you most excited about: getting to do everything over again, with way more confidence in myself!

Any pregnancy symptoms: cramps, sore boobs, exhaustion, thirst and waves of feeling sick!

Showing yet?: No, but incredibly bloated.

Who knows?: DH and his brother :)
Great idea :)

Your name: Shelley

Where are you from: United Kingdom

Occupation: Property Lettings

TTC or a suprise: TTC :)

How far gone are you: 6 Weeks tomorrow

Do you have any other children: No

Gender preference: Either is fine, just want it to be healthy!

What are you most excited about: Having a cute christmas baby!

Any pregnancy symptoms: cramps, sore boobs on and off, waves of nausea, TIREDNESS!

Showing yet?: I don't think so, but bloated low down!

Who knows?: OH, and a few close friends!
Your name: S

Where are you from: England but in Cyprus

Occupation: Accountant

TTC or a suprise: TTC for a LONG time

How far gone are you: 7 weeks 5 days

Do you have any other children: none

Gender preference: Nope just happy and healthy

What are you most excited about: Maternity leave :haha:

Any pregnancy symptoms: sore boobs on and off, waves of feeling sick, tiredness!!

Showing yet?: No but very bloated last few days and feel a bit paranoid people are looking at my stomach :blush:

Who knows?: OH, our close friends here, our parents and my sisters/brothers
Your name: L

Where are you from: Suburbs of Washington, DC, USA

Occupation: Accountant

TTC or a suprise: TTC for 5 months!

How far gone are you: 4 weeks and some change.

Do you have any other children: None! This will be my first.

Gender preference: It doesn't matter. We have a boy's name picked out already, so I'll say boy!

What are you most excited about: Telling my parents! They're going to be thrilled! After that, just entering this new chapter in our lives!

Any pregnancy symptoms: cramps, sore boobs, mild nausea, and tired

Showing yet?: no, but I feel like everyone can tell. LOL

Who knows?: Just me, my hubby, and all you ladies! :)
Your name: Justine

Where are you from: Massachusetts

Occupation: Dental hygienist and dance teacher

TTC or a suprise: Ttc (ntnp) for 1 cycle

How far gone are you: 5 and a half weeks

Do you have any other children: yes, a 19 month old boy

Gender preference: Girl. But if it's a boy it's ok as Thorrin will have a brother to play with.

What are you most excited about: Having a newborn again. :)

Any pregnancy symptoms: cramps, backache, sore nipples when bfing sometimes and fatigue. Some heartburn. Tiny bit of mild nausea.

Showing yet?: no. Still have a tiny bit of belly from last time though.

Who knows?: hubby, hubby's parents and sister, my grandmother, aunt, cousin and dad. I told a couple friends who are not part of my social circle.
Fun idea, Roxie!

Your name: M

Where are you from: Canada (but living in China)

Occupation: Teacher

TTC or a suprise: TTC for 2 months

How far gone are you: 7+6

Do you have any other children: This will be my first.

Gender preference: I picture us having a girl first, and have more girl name ideas. But I would be thrilled with having a little boy too!

What are you most excited about: Moving back to Canada in July, and surprising my parents with the news when I get off the plane with my 19 week bump. They really want to be grandparents! And also meeting our LO and bonding with him/her...oh, and seeing what a great dad DH is going to be. I guess everything!!!

Any pregnancy symptoms: waves of nausea, cramps, breakouts, exhaustion, sore side boob :)

Showing yet?: Yep! The bloat went down a couple weeks ago, and just yesterday DH and I could see a little bump. It makes me so happy :)

Who knows?: DH, his best friend, my best friend, the principals at our school (really didn't want to tell them, but had to), and my teaching assistant
Your name: Samantha

Where are you from: South, FL USA

Occupation: Admin Asst

TTC or a suprise: Not trying, not preventing! :)

How far gone are you: 14 weeks 6 days!

Do you have any other children: Just our fur and feather babies. 1 dog, 2 cats, 3 birds.

Gender preference: Always wanted a girl.. but we will be happy with either!

What are you most excited about: Meeting the miracle my fiance and I created. :)

Any pregnancy symptoms: Had cramping, fatigue, slight nausea.

Showing yet?: Not too much, bloated mostly.

Who knows?: Everyone! :)
Your name: Rachael

Where are you from: United Kingdom

Occupation: Mum to two!

TTC or a suprise: Happy accident.

How far gone are you: 5w+5d

Do you have any other children: 19 month old girl, 3 month old boy. My angels :)

Gender preference: Either.

What are you most excited about: That my family will be complete, however rapidly it happened. Watching my babies grow together.

Any pregnancy symptoms: Some nausea and food aversion.

Showing yet?: Bloating only.

Who knows?: My OH and closest friend.
Your name: Lucy

Where are you from: United Kingdom

Occupation: Residential Care Worker.

TTC or a suprise: TTC for 3 months.

How far gone are you: 6w+1

Do you have any other children: 17 month old daughter - my rainbow <3

Gender preference: I would be happy with either.

What are you most excited about: My daughter becoming a sister, the newborn stage, completed family.

Any pregnancy symptoms: Sore boobs, Heartburn, lots of Nausea and Tiredness.

Showing yet?: Only Bloat.

Who knows?: DF, Mum, MIL, Grandparents, 2 best friends & work.
Your name: Angela

Where are you from: California

Occupation: puppeteer at a local children's park

TTC or a suprise: TTC

How far gone are you: about 6 wks

Do you have any other children: nope

Gender preference: girl...I've always been such a girly girl myself- it would be fun to have someone to share that with. (Not that having a girl guarantees that!)

What are you most excited about: Watching a baby grow into a little person...discovering who that person is, and introducing him or her to my favorite stories and songs.

Any pregnancy symptoms: Loss of appetite/ slight nausea , twinges and mild cramps in my lower abdomen, fatigue, mildly sore boobs

Showing yet?: Too early...not expecting to show for a while as I've always had a poochy belly.

Who knows?: Both immediate families and one friend who is about to have a baby herself. We plan to tell more after our first scan next week.
Your name: Sarah

Where are you from: Ontario, Canada

Occupation: Supervisor and teacher at a daycare

TTC or surprise: TTC for almost a year, but took a relaxed approach the month we found out.

How far along: 9 weeks 4 days

Any other children: Nope

Gender preference: Would love a girl, but obviously I will be happy with either

What are you most excited about?: Becoming a first time mom, seeing how my OH does as a father and being able to raise my child

Any pregnancy symptoms?: Nausea, food aversions, bloat, constipation, some vomiting and feeling tired some nights

Showing yet?: Hard to tell as I had a bit of a tummy beforehand. Belly more prominent when I'm bloated !

Who knows: Everyone. After having our first ultrasound and seeing the heart beat and know that it was 166 bpm we told everyone who didn't know yet
Your name: Kim

Where are you from: United States

Occupation: Stay at home wife / dog trainer & sitter

TTC or a surprise: TTC (didn't take long at all though!)

How far gone are you: Just over 5 weeks.

Do you have any other children: This is our first!

Gender preference: Really hoping for a boy!

What are you most excited about: Being pregnant with my sister!

Any pregnancy symptoms: Fatigue, cramps, hunger, cravings, insomnia.

Showing yet?: Nope. But I do feel bloated :(

Who knows?: Both of our families and some close friends. Not announcing it officially until after the ultrasound!
Your name: Mindy

Where are you from: Newfoundland, Canada

Occupation: SAHM, hoping to change that to a WAHM soon, hoping to start sewing things for sale. :)

TTC or a surprise: TTC

How far gone are you: About 6 weeks

Do you have any other children: Yes, a son <3

Gender preference: Kind of would like a girl to experience both, but really want healthy.

What are you most excited about: Watching the kiddos grow up together

Any pregnancy symptoms: Dizzy spells, occasional twinges, super sensitive nipples (not good while still bf!), hunger

Showing yet?: I don't think so. Still have a bit of belly from the first little guy.

Who knows?: Just dh so far. Thinking of telling on mother's day. Really early for us since we didn't tell until almost 18 weeks last time.
Your name: Danielle

Where are you from: United Kingdome

Occupation: Stay at home mum

TTC or a suprise: Both really

How far gone are you: 8 weeks tomorrow

Do you have any other children: Yes, 2 year old little girl

Gender Preference: Niether for me i dont mind, OH would love a little boy

What are you most exited about: Cant wait to start feeling the little kicks & to see my baby on the screen for the first time

Any pregnancy symptoms: Cramps, sore boobs, mild nausea, tired & exhausted

Showing yet: Nothing :( just slight bloating

Who knows: My parents OH parents & a few friends.
Your name: Cristy

Where are you from: U.S.A., Kentucky

Occupation: Full time mommy

TTC or a suprise: surprise, but a blessing :)

How far gone are you: 12 weeks & 6 days

Do you have any other children: a 2 year old son :)

Gender preference: hoping for a girl, but a healthy baby is number 1 :)

What are you most excited about: having a newborn again, my son being a big brother :)

Any pregnancy symptoms: sore boobs, huge boobs, morning sickness, being tired, eating tons, headaches, heartburn, etc

Showing yet?: yes, have been for a while.

Who knows?: everyone does now :)
Your name: Jenna

Where are you from: Midwest US

Occupation: Customer service

TTC or a suprise: surprise :)

How far gone are you: 9w3d

Do you have any other children: 17 month old twins!

Gender preference: Either is fine, but I have a feeling it's a girl.

What are you most excited about: Kids close in age :)

Any pregnancy symptoms: major fatigue, nausea, food aversions, mildly sore breasts, SPD (already!).

Showing yet?: Nope, although I started out with a belly, so it might take a while to show.

Who knows?: Everyone now...just announced on FB last night.

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