I had an emcs 2 weeks ago tomorrow. For the first day, I stayed in bed all day because I still had the catheter in and I didn't want to cart that about! But from day 2, I was up and about going for short walks down the ward etc and I think that's what's attributed to my awesome recovery. I've kept up with the regular pain meds (just paracetemol every 4 hours since day 4) and listened to my body and, of course, I'm not 100% but I can do everything I done before just sometimes a tiny bit slower. I have never been in any real pain as I kept up my meds regularly. I've done everything for baby etc by myself since day 1 - I'm not breast feeding so was just left to get on with it in hospital. I was out of the house walking and shopping by day 5 (would have been sooner but only got out of the hospital because baby was small on day 4!)