I'd say; remember that you and baby are both learning how to BF, even though it's natural sometimes it can take a while to get right.
Trust in your own body. When baby has fed for 45 minutes and wants feeding again 15 minutes later trust that it's normal newborn behaviour. You are making enough milk as long as baby has wet and dirty nappies and is putting on weight. Cluster feeding is normal and my daughter did marathons even at 10 weeks old. You might be on the sofa all day at times and that is normal but you will see how amazing your body is when you see her growing on just your milk.
Eat and drink well, especially water to keep yourself hydrated.
Keep working on the latch. I really couldn't get a good latch on my right side until week 12 and my supply was never great on that side because of it but it worked fine and she fed on both sides.
Know that it does get easier, baby will feed less frequent and you will get to the point where you'll latch baby on and not even think about it. That is the best time, when it's enjoyable but it can take a while to get there. 12 weeks was when it all fell into place for us.
Remember you are not a failure if you use formula. Take one day at a time. My first was formula fed after two weeks but I was better prepared and researched lots this time and we are still going strong.
Good luck and congratulations