Recurrent Clogged Ducts


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2012
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It's like the name of this thread says... recurrent clogged ducts. It sucks and is making me seriously question whether or not I can continue to breastfeed.

Before I go any further I'll just write what I've already tried, since the purpose of this thread is to see if anyone has suggestions for things that I HAVEN'T done yet. So, so far, I have tried (and am continuing to do in the present moment):

1. Massaging the clogs (I tried doing it gently, tried doing it hard, always either before nursing or pumping, and I always tried to nurse if possible but sometimes my DS would be sleeping)

2. Hot, hot, hot shower water held directly on the breast

3. Holding a heating pad on the breast (again, either before nursing or pumping)

4. Having my DS nurse from this breast as often as possible and in as many different positions as possible including getting on all fours and letting gravity help

5. Taking 4800mg of sunflower lecithin to try to help clear up the clogs from the inside out

6. Lots and lots of water

7. Rest

8. Nursing and pumping continuously

9. Ibuprofen both for the pain and the inflammation

10. Soaking the breast many times a day in a bowl full of epsom salt solution

11. Only sleeping on my back since sleeping on either side seems to really aggravate the clogs

I only have the clogs in my left breast.

Originally, the clogs were on the side, and then on the top. Those went away by doing all of the above and were gone for a few days when BAM basically the entire bottom half of my left breast turned to cement (painful cement) and I developed a milk blister on top of things (miserable!) I've only managed to get the one giant mass of clogged duct to break into many different lumps and it's now been 3 or so days since the bottom got clogged. It is SO HARD to massage properly because it's on the bottom.

Any of you ladies have a suggestion for me to do something NOT listed above? Is there anything I can do? I am DESPERATE. This is so painful and long-drawn-out and I'm losing my mind and sleep over it. Please, any advice you can give on anything that worked for you is appreciated. These clogs and masses are so hard and so deep in the breast :( I'm really scared of it getting infected so I want to get the clogs moving.
Sorry to hear this! It's happened to me 3 times so I feel your pain. In #1 above I can't tell if you massage only before nursing or before and also during. The only thing that worked to get mine out is to massage firmly while baby is actually nursing. It didn't work when pumping, only nursing. I also tried most of what you did.

In the US if you have commercial insurance, the new healthcare reform laws require free coverage of up to 6 lactation consultant visits. I highly recommend a visit if you can. They were a godsend for me and helping to prevent future clogs.
Sorry to hear, I know how painful they are and difficult when at the bottom. I had to pump for like an hour straight and push down on the spot super hard at the same time. Good luck :(
I really feel for you. I've had mastitis 5 times since my LO was born and have really struggled to get rid of the blockages each time. I've taken quite a few courses of antibiotics but the doctors are reluctant to give me any more, which I completely understand. When I last had it, I took ibuprofen for the pain and inflammation, plenty of water, went to bed with my baby to feed feed feed, and hand expressed after feeding to get rid of every drop of milk possible. I still ended up with a mild fever for a couple of days but did manage to get rid of it. It sounds like you've already tried all of this but I really can't think of anything else to do. I think the most important bit is to massage the blocked area whilst feeding.

Because of the frequent blockages, I was referred to a breast specialist, who examined my breasts and did an ultrasound on them. This checked for any significant ill collections and any unusually shaped ducts that could easily trap milk. Nothing unusual was found, which is obviously a good thing, but the specialist basically said that a recurrence is basically a risk that I'll have to face for as long as I want to keep feeding. I'm determined to carry on but I know how tough it is at the time of suffering from a blockage.
My lactation consultant recommends highish doses of vitamin C in addition to the lecithin. There are some good suggestions on this page too, in case you haven't seen it.
Probiotics probiotics probiotics!!

With my first I would get clogged ducts and mastitis - continuously - it was horror. I had antibiotics every month and it was just ongoing. It sucked. And I did everything they told me to do - like you - and everything was only temporary fix and I would get it back again.

With my second I had three bouts in the first 5 weeks - the last one while I was finishing the treatment for the second one. Crazy.

Google mastitis and probiotics and there is a study from the UK that found probiotics more successful than antibiotics in treating clogged ducts and mastitis.

I have been on high quality probiotics for nearly 5 weeks now and haven't had any hint of clogged ducts or mastitis.

It is definitely the answer to my problems.
Do you have any scabbing on your nipples from feeding? I know some people take longer to heal than others. If you have scabs, even super thin ones, they can prevent milk from releasing. I had this problem. I had to locate the scabbed duct and pierce the scab with a needle, then massage/heat/pump, and repeat many times until my nipples completely healed.
This would happen to me ALL the time too till my son was about 5 months old. Then I think my supply established and I just stopped getting them. Understand the frustration and wanting to stop. I felt that way too! But hang in there it will most likely get better with time. I'm still breastfeeding and my son is almost 11 months old now, you can do it!
Have you troed pumping thst side ONLY. No nursing for a few days.

Yours sounds worse than when I had mine on the left breast but doing the above helped mine go away quickly.
I haven't had lumps at the bottom of my breast personally, but a midwife suggested to a friend to feed the baby in a football hold so their chin helps to break up the lumps as they feed.
The only thing that works for me is to comb the affected area from the outside in with a fine toothed comb hard just before & if possible during feeding.

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