I'm really struggling here...I've had 3 losses over the last year so obviously I'm majorly panicked and stressed now about TTC.
This is our first month TTC after a break and RPL testing (nothing to report except a top end of norm FSH level which I suspected iffy eggs was my problem). I always conceive very easily but they don't stick.
I'm now 16/17 dpo and no sign of AF I've had AF cramps for a few days and sore boobs for 10 days. Temp dipped to below cover line once, 2 days ago then went back up and is up today.
Thing is, I'm too scared to test. I'd rather be in blissfull ignorance than go through it all again. I'm also scared of tests / lines / darkness of lines / progression etc...
With my last 2 bfps which ended at 5-6 weeks, the lines were there but not dark and didn't get darker and I was devastated before I even knew I was MC. With my first MC I had the darkest lines I've ever seen and it turned out to be a blighted ovum.
I'm too scared to do a test and then worry about the outcome....realistically I need to know especially before Thursday before my routine appt with my RPL consultant....but I just don't want to know, is that really weird.....help!
This is our first month TTC after a break and RPL testing (nothing to report except a top end of norm FSH level which I suspected iffy eggs was my problem). I always conceive very easily but they don't stick.
I'm now 16/17 dpo and no sign of AF I've had AF cramps for a few days and sore boobs for 10 days. Temp dipped to below cover line once, 2 days ago then went back up and is up today.
Thing is, I'm too scared to test. I'd rather be in blissfull ignorance than go through it all again. I'm also scared of tests / lines / darkness of lines / progression etc...
With my last 2 bfps which ended at 5-6 weeks, the lines were there but not dark and didn't get darker and I was devastated before I even knew I was MC. With my first MC I had the darkest lines I've ever seen and it turned out to be a blighted ovum.
I'm too scared to do a test and then worry about the outcome....realistically I need to know especially before Thursday before my routine appt with my RPL consultant....but I just don't want to know, is that really weird.....help!