Reduced movement again, not sure I can cope with the worry UPDATE still not better :(


Mum of beautiful girls! WTT Dec 2023
Mar 31, 2012
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I went in for reduced movement only 6 days ago and had a scan and all was okay. Yet she still hasn't really been the same since then and I'm just about to head back in after little/no movements for 24 hours. I know chances are she will be fine again and I just keep thinking I can't go in every few days! I'm only 32+2 but I cannot establish a movement pattern with her yet and she doesn't move at all as much as she used to back when I was 26-29 weeks!

I hate not knowing her pattern, I hate that nothing makes her move and I hate worrying. Yet when I get to hospital she's fine and I feel like an idiot! :(
Have you discussed your concerns with anyone, your midwife or someone at the hospital? Why don't you mention it this time if you haven't just so that this issue can be investigated for you? I am guessing you don't have an anterior placenta and this is why you are finding it hard to establish a pattern of movement? Remember it is their job to help you and if you can't find a regular pattern then they should investigate to ensure all is ok.
Please don't worry about how many times you go in to get checked out, you are mum here and you are trying to protect your baby, if you are not happy with movements you should go in to get checked out, every time and I am glad you are doing that today. And every time until your little one is here:) Good luck this afternoon and let is know how you get on. If you feel bad about going in just keep messaging us we will keep you going ;)
Thank you. I know I certainly wouldn't risk it for fear of being a pain. I'm just waiting now. Yes I have an anterior placenta and find it extremely difficult to establish a pattern. I'll certainly mention my concerns whilst here
I am the same and this is baby number 7! Her movements have really changed over the last few days, they are a lot more subtle and I feel them less, sometimes not at all.
She was quieter than normal yesterday but when I actually had a chance to pay attention she did move enough so I ended up not phoning the hospital. She had a busy spell this morning after I ate my breakfast but I have been busy since then so not really noticed too much.
Don't worry about feeling that you are wasting their time as they would rather see you than have you sat at home worrying. You need to put that feeling to one side and get checked out as it is always better to be safe than sorry.
I am 34 weeks pregnant and my last 2 pregnancies have been induced due to reduced fetal movements, both times babies have been fit and healthy but lazy!!
If in doubt, get checked out. Good luck xx
I also have an anterior placenta and have been in a few times for reduced movement. There have been a few days that I feel that I should have gone in and haven't because I know that this is just how he is. I discussed my issue with my MFM last week and he is now talking about induction at 38 weeks as my anxiety with the reduced movements is getting worse. I'm also going for weekly scans to relieve my anxiety.
He has no pattern and I have trouble getting him to move with juice and laying down. I have found that sometimes switching sides helps and also pushing down on the side of my tummy (I can feel little wiggles that way that I can't feel otherwise).
I agree though, if you need that reassurance just go in. Also speak with your midwife/doctor. They should be able to come up with a plan for you to feel more confident.
So they gave me a scan and all seems well. Fluid is good and she seemed happy. She didn't kick so much on the ctg but she did during the scan.

The plan is now twice weekly ctg monitoring, a week fluid and doppler scan and two weekly growth scans. I feel more assured but just know I'll be worried I between as her movements are so little
Go back as many times as you need to, even between the scans- it's their job to ensure you Nd your baby are well, never worry about feeing silly or an idiot- you are not.xx
I was the same in my last pregnancy. I had an anterior placenta and I felt like I was forever at the hospital because I hadn't felt any movements. At least they sound like they are doing a good job at monitoring you.
Do you have a home doppler? I had to have so many non stress tests with my son that I basically learned how to do them myself. So when I'm worried about this baby's movements, I grab my doppler and listen for accelerations and decelertions based on her movement. It's not an exact science, but it does make me feel better when I'm worrying about her not moving as much.

Also, keep in mind that at 32 weeks, they're starting to get too big to move around as much as they used to.

When it's been awhile since she last moved, try lying down and doing a movement count. I have an app on my phone that keeps track of kicks. Drink something cold and sweet and wait for movement. If she still hasn't moved much in an hour, go back in. Best to be safe in this situation. Good luck!
That sounds like a great plan!
I agree though if you don't feel confident in between to go in. You aren't bothering anybody and the anxiety can be overwhelming.
Good I am glad they have argali sed a plan of care for you and bubs :) It's so stressful when you can't feel kicks isn't it, pregnancy is very stressful!
I'm glad they are helping you hun, I have an anterior placenta too and my baby goes quiet for a few days then moves a lot again, on the quiet days I stress out a lot. Around 34-35wks I had decreased movement but my ob did a scan and he was moving, I just couldn't feel it, must be the position they're in and also the placenta at the front. It is so stressful though!
It is so difficult making thst judgment call - Jessica is a pretty quiet baby and as it turns out...pretty small as well. So despite having a posterior placenta I don't feel massive kicks etc. I woke up a few times in the night on Monday and she wasn't kicking - I dozed off but kept waking up worried. By 6am me and OH we're trying ice cold water, snacks, laying in all positions and nothing! Got Doppler out and heard her but was still worried. Then 20 mins later she started moving around! I told the midwife that it's hard because she isn't really a big mover and id be in hospital all the time if I were to go in when I'm worried! I find it difficult to know when I should.
The plan you've got from the hospital sounds like a good plan and a reassuring one and I agree with everyone else about going inbetween if you still feel worried about movements. No healthcare professional ever thinks your silly when it comes to your babies movements, and if they do then they're not a very good one. I'm a midwife and we would much rather you come in, monitor you for half An hour and everything be fine and send you off home Again than be sat at home worrying.
Can I also just add that home dopplers and reduced movements are not a good combination. Midwives are not a fan of them at all. Yes there may be a heartbeat present when you listen in but that gives a snapshot of how a baby is doing, when there are concerns re movement we ask that you come in to be monitored properly.
Thanks ladies. The midwives were so nice at the hospital. The Drs did a fluid volume scan on me and they said even though everything looks fine it's important that I do come in if I'm not happy even between scans and CTGs. So that's reassuring. They were great and said its never silly coming in even every day if you're not feeling movement.

This morning again she's quiet. I'm just having some OJ and breakfast and will see if that gets her wriggling. Fingers crossed she does x
Don't know if I can cope with this for the duration of the pregnancy. I wasn't so happy yesterday but had a few movements so left it and I'm awake now since 5:30am worrying as she isn't moving again so even though I'm booked for a ctg tomorrow looks like I'll be in again today.

I can't go in everyday and get there and she's fine. Why won't she move at home?!!! I'm sorry but I'm so stressed and upset by it. It's just constant fear and then feeling like an idiot when she has perfect scans and CTGs when I go in :( as soon as I leave, I can barely feel her again
Oh IsabellaJayne you must feel so stressed I really do feel for your situation. But remember you have done everything right and you must keep going in to get things checked out. Remember the midwives said to you it is important to keep going in if you are not happy with movement and they themselves also said you are not being silly in doing that, so you just keep going in. I have never experienced anterior placenta but it must be hugely stressful, we are all told to track movement but if you can't it must be extremely worrying. I am a huge believer in instincts hun and if you feel something isn't right then you go with what you think is right. Give the hospital a call and tell them how you are feeling, will you let us know how you get on today? I send you big hugsx
Thanks Willow. I've had a few movements since writing that so I'm a bit more calm. Just trying a hot cup of tea then I'll lie down again and see if she's awake. I had an anterior placenta with my DD too but never had problems with reduced movements. I think I went in once with her.

It's so stressful and being only 33 weeks nearly it's going to get more stressful the bigger she gets. I hope she starts moving soon or I'm going back in. I'll keep you updated. Thanks for replying

I had this in my last pregnancy and I know how stressful it is. I had scans and went in twice weekly for monitoring. Everything was fine, she just didn't move much! She's been a very lazy chilled out child since too.

In the end I was induced due to the amount of reduced movements I was having.

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