Right that's it, it's time to try to bring on labour...!


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2012
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Ok, I've had enough of being pregnant. I want baby out, or at least down. She's still super high and kicking my lungs, I can't breathe fully and I'm all uncomfy (aren't we all?)

So here I am, munching on pineapple, oil burner on with Clary Sage, Jasmine (dilute), Bergamot, Frankensense and Lavender... Gonna get jiggy with DH :thumbup: and go for the nipple stimulation later.

I'm in a good mood though, slept well last night and now I'm all relaxed and calm so I'm ready!

Anyone else actively trying to get labour going? :)
Been trying for the past week!

Spicy food, sex, walking, bouncing, dancing, housework, up and down the stairs, pineapple, lots of bumpy car rides and i'm still here :/

Hope you have better luck than me! :haha:
I love your post! I can tell you're in a good mood. That's sweet.
I'm not trying anything much yet because hubby wants to finish a project before baby's arrival. I think he should be able to, because I haven't had any signs yet. But once I get to my due date on Monday, I'm going to do whatever I can to get things going. Absolutely DON'T want to be induced! I'm gonna try bouncing on my birth ball, going for walks, sexy time with the esposo, maybe eating a little pineapple... what else can we try? I can't really do any aromatherapy because my husband's nose is super sensitive, he won't be able to stand it.
Good luck to you! We're so close!
I've been taking walks everyday since 37 weeks! I mean long walks. Nothing happening here! No even mild contractions.
Don't want to be the one to bring bad news to you but my baby is fully engaged and her feet are always lodged in my ribs and kicking me and breathing is rough I don't know how I am going to be in a few weeks shes already estimated at 4lbs 9oz! I would sat the best thing that helped me was toooooooons of walking.
I was Fully engaged by 37 weeks, tried everything possible since then, I spend all day walking and bouncing... I've even had a sweep, and I'm still here at 40+2...
Unfortunately, it doesn't work and most of it just makes you need the toilet :(
It really is just a waiting game...
I really want baby to come now too! I'm 40 + 3 today and getting so bored and impatient :( I have also tried everything and nothing has worked! My first came at 39 weeks. Good luck, hope something works for you
I'm wasn't too bothered before, I'm uncomfortable but really like being pregnant and slightly apprehensive of the unknown so wasn't trying to rush anything but now the midwives are talking about membrane sweeps and inductions and I really don't want a MS because heard they are super painful and defo no induction because I want a natural birth.

So went on a super long walk yesterday will take the dog out today and do the same, inserted epo vaginally, going to up my RRLF, will be bouncing on my ball as much as I can ( although makes me feel queasy after a while), dont have any pineapple but when I tried it last week I could feel things going on in my uterus.

Operation lets have baby is in full force and effect
If your body isn't ready there is nothing you can really do. The baby will arrive when both the baby an your body are ready no matter what you try.
I been trying the oils, pineapple, walks, stairs, ball bouncing and no signs of my lil man arriving any time soon :( i am so fed up of being prego now i really want my baby! (im super grumpy today)
I'm gonna stick my two cents in here and say, most of you aren't overdue yet and having had a baby a few weeks early I can say I would've really loved to make it your stage.
I had my lo at 35 weeks and I knew she would be early I really hoped to make it to at least 37 weeks. From someone who has also seen babies who were born even a couple of weeks early have issues, (not that I am saying you guys would) try to enjoy your last few weeks.
I'm gonna stick my two cents in here and say, most of you aren't overdue yet and having had a baby a few weeks early I can say I would've really loved to make it your stage.
I had my lo at 35 weeks and I knew she would be early I really hoped to make it to at least 37 weeks. From someone who has also seen babies who were born even a couple of weeks early have issues, (not that I am saying you guys would) try to enjoy your last few weeks.

I agree that it should be enjoyed but I also think even if you go nuts on all the methods that are supposed to make baby come baby will still only come when ready. :haha: Both my previous came at 39 +3 by their choice! I am more miserable right now then ever because ive got some things going on with my body that can cause preterm labor and I am scared! My little girl is also measuring a little large around her chest and even though no GD they are worried now I may have it oh and then there are her kidneys being dilated so I am praying to make it to my normal delivery time and to have a healthy baby. Crunchy bones and all I will suffer for a safe baked baby. :flower:
I'm 39w, baby still high, but only trying pregnancy ball exercises and walking, nothing too crazy! Not trying to bring labor, just bring him down so we will not suffer later. I don't want to be induced!!!
I'm 39w, baby still high, but only trying pregnancy ball exercises and walking, nothing too crazy! Not trying to bring labor, just bring him down so we will not suffer later. I don't want to be induced!!!

Did you know some babies only turn once labor is established? Don't worry to much hun! :hugs:

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