Birth story
So after the BH I started to feel at midday did not appear to be subsiding I suspected something may be starting. It was weird as I totally was expecting labour to start obviously like it did last time but there was little gap between the contractions and they really felt more BH like, no clear defined start or finish. Within a couple of hours they were still coming and there was the odd one that felt much more definite, not quite painful but convincing enough. I went over to see a friend and while I was there had a few more 'almost' painful contractions but they were still intermingled with BH so I was still only hardly convinced. I got home about half five and decided to ring my MIL with a heads up that things may be starting. DH got home about 6.15pm and I told him about it, he was excited and said he better get some work done this evening... we both seemed to be under the impression this may go on for a while...
We put Will to bed and I got in the bath... by this time contractions were really obvious and starting to get pretty painful. I decided to start timing and was shocked that they were already less than five minutes apart. I got out of the bath and called birth unit. We then called MIL to come over and sit for Will... had got all his stuff ready for the next day as I was sure would be away overnight.
The journey to the hospital was horrible although DH got me there in record time. I was in so much pain. I didn't speak, just breathed through every contraction as best I could. When we arrived at birth unit I immediately asked for gas and air. The midwife took her time coming into the room (although it was probably not more than five minutes.. felt like forever). We were in the exact same suite as I had DH in... memories flooded back and I felt really panicked... very proud of myself though as I refused to lose control. I looked at the clock and it was 9.30pm. The midwife was really nice but very firm. I asked straight away to be transferred to delivery as I wanted epidural but she said it was unlikely as I was probably ready to give birth... despite this blow I just kept breathing on the gas and air while I was examined. I was 9 1/2 cm dilated! The mw told me to push... I was scared and in agony but I pushed. After about two pushes the mw told me she could see baby and I needed to turn over. I didn't want to move but I did as I was told. Two more pushes on my knees and the head was out!! It was AGONY but I just kept listening to the mw telling me this was the quickest way for this to be over. And it was!! DH had a look at the head out then came back to my head for my final push.. and he was out. It was over so fast!! Within 22 minutes of arrival the boy was here!!
I was shocked.. I just had not expected it to be like that.. the relief was IMMENSE. The post birth experience was exactly as you would fantasise... and so different from last time. I birthed the placenta while holding my son skin to skin. I handed him over while I had a couple of small stitches and then we were left alone with tea and toast and our baby! After a while one of the staff came in and ran me a bath so I had a wash.. I was amazed that although a bit shaky I felt.. ok! Last time I was so sore and swollen I could hardly move.
We moved into a recovery room and with dim lights and more tea just mooned over our son a bit. DH went home by about midnight and I stayed in. I was so excited I hardly slept but I was SO euphoric.
The next morning I was having some concerns about urinary retention.. although I had been peeing during the night I didn't feel satisfied. I discussed it with the midwife and after my next trip to the loo she emptied my bladder for me.. there was over a litre still retaining . I had a bit of a wobbly moment as all the memories came flooding back and I was told I would need to stay in for 48 hours with a catheter and bag. NOT what I had hoped for but I managed to stay positive...determined this would not be a huge set back.
Two days in hospital later and this morning the catheter came out... and I can pee!!!! Absolutely delighted to be able to bring my son home without any ongoing issues.
We are home now and everything is perfect... truly on cloud9.
Birth was DEFINITELY a lot better this time round!!
So after the BH I started to feel at midday did not appear to be subsiding I suspected something may be starting. It was weird as I totally was expecting labour to start obviously like it did last time but there was little gap between the contractions and they really felt more BH like, no clear defined start or finish. Within a couple of hours they were still coming and there was the odd one that felt much more definite, not quite painful but convincing enough. I went over to see a friend and while I was there had a few more 'almost' painful contractions but they were still intermingled with BH so I was still only hardly convinced. I got home about half five and decided to ring my MIL with a heads up that things may be starting. DH got home about 6.15pm and I told him about it, he was excited and said he better get some work done this evening... we both seemed to be under the impression this may go on for a while...
We put Will to bed and I got in the bath... by this time contractions were really obvious and starting to get pretty painful. I decided to start timing and was shocked that they were already less than five minutes apart. I got out of the bath and called birth unit. We then called MIL to come over and sit for Will... had got all his stuff ready for the next day as I was sure would be away overnight.
The journey to the hospital was horrible although DH got me there in record time. I was in so much pain. I didn't speak, just breathed through every contraction as best I could. When we arrived at birth unit I immediately asked for gas and air. The midwife took her time coming into the room (although it was probably not more than five minutes.. felt like forever). We were in the exact same suite as I had DH in... memories flooded back and I felt really panicked... very proud of myself though as I refused to lose control. I looked at the clock and it was 9.30pm. The midwife was really nice but very firm. I asked straight away to be transferred to delivery as I wanted epidural but she said it was unlikely as I was probably ready to give birth... despite this blow I just kept breathing on the gas and air while I was examined. I was 9 1/2 cm dilated! The mw told me to push... I was scared and in agony but I pushed. After about two pushes the mw told me she could see baby and I needed to turn over. I didn't want to move but I did as I was told. Two more pushes on my knees and the head was out!! It was AGONY but I just kept listening to the mw telling me this was the quickest way for this to be over. And it was!! DH had a look at the head out then came back to my head for my final push.. and he was out. It was over so fast!! Within 22 minutes of arrival the boy was here!!
I was shocked.. I just had not expected it to be like that.. the relief was IMMENSE. The post birth experience was exactly as you would fantasise... and so different from last time. I birthed the placenta while holding my son skin to skin. I handed him over while I had a couple of small stitches and then we were left alone with tea and toast and our baby! After a while one of the staff came in and ran me a bath so I had a wash.. I was amazed that although a bit shaky I felt.. ok! Last time I was so sore and swollen I could hardly move.
We moved into a recovery room and with dim lights and more tea just mooned over our son a bit. DH went home by about midnight and I stayed in. I was so excited I hardly slept but I was SO euphoric.
The next morning I was having some concerns about urinary retention.. although I had been peeing during the night I didn't feel satisfied. I discussed it with the midwife and after my next trip to the loo she emptied my bladder for me.. there was over a litre still retaining . I had a bit of a wobbly moment as all the memories came flooding back and I was told I would need to stay in for 48 hours with a catheter and bag. NOT what I had hoped for but I managed to stay positive...determined this would not be a huge set back.
Two days in hospital later and this morning the catheter came out... and I can pee!!!! Absolutely delighted to be able to bring my son home without any ongoing issues.
We are home now and everything is perfect... truly on cloud9.
Birth was DEFINITELY a lot better this time round!!