Scariest night of my life (Baby girl born at 34+3)


Mommy of 2
Mar 11, 2013
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My bp meds were running out and my regular dr would have written me a prescription but by the time I was ready to go out (after 2 school runs) her clinic wasn’t open yet and wouldn’t be for a few hours. I went to the hospital itself to see if any available dr would be able to look at my file (I was hospitalized for bp spikes last week) and refill my medication.

I know it sounds like I was being impatient, but it really isn’t that. I feel stupid going to the ER complaining of headaches and dizziness but I did have headaches, dizziness, nausea, visual disturbances and I was so tired I felt if I didn’t push myself to go now I wouldn’t leave the house. I honestly almost didn’t go. My bp was showing up as 177/112 and then later 188/112. The dr said she recommends immediate admission. I was so disoriented I couldn’t even explain that I would like someone to contact my regular dr. My mom did that and my dr came and said my bp was too high and I was showing pretty much all signs of preeclampsia. She said it was absolutely the right thing to do to come in and that she would have been called sooner if I’d gone to the ER. My cervix wasn’t favorable for an induction so from the time I saw the dr till I was wheeled away for the c-section was roughly an hour. I was so terrified and shivering I’m surprised I was able to keep still for the spinal! Never thought I’d ever have a c-section.

Baby girl was born at 4 pounds 85 ounces and able to breath. I only got to see her briefly before they took her to nicu. My mom and hubby also saw her in the nicu. I want baby to be well enough to come home with me but I know nothing about what to expect with a 34 weeker.

Moral of the story for me: I let that ER dr several weeks make me feel stupid for coming in for high bp (after being advised by my dr to always go in for high bp during pregnancy) and accusing me of using my pregnancy as an excuse to skip work (I’m a stay at home mom!). Don’t ever let anyone make you feel like you’re being stupid for advocating for yours and your baby’s health. Better to err on the side of caution. In my case I didn’t feel right at all and I almost did nothing because I didn’t trust myself and assumed I was imagining it.

Thank you for reading if you made it to the end. It has been a really long night and I still pretty shocked. Can’t wait to see my baby girl (and my 2 babies at home for that matter!)
Oh wow hun so glad you and baby girl are ok ! That must have been so scary for you all !

Just goes to show we should always stand our ground when it comes to our babies and pregnancy related issues ! And we should never feel stupid for going to get checked out even when we are made to feel it !

Congratulations on your baby girl , hope you will all be well enough to go home soon xx
Jeez sorry u were treated that way by er doc glad u got help and that u and baby are safe. Can relate to never thinking youd have a csec then blink of an eye decision made. Hope you get home and reunited your babies soon and recover okay and that your newborn goes from strength to strength xxx
Thank you ladies for your comments. I’m hoping little one keeps getting stronger. I saw her and was told she is breathing so much better.
Omg I'm so glad you and little one are doing okay! I always say trust your gut even if you feel like the hospital is fobbing you off which they do 90% of the time. Take it easy and congratulations x
I feel like my heart will break if I go home without my baby :( I wanted to ask if I could stay a little longer...
You poor thing, I think its cruel and wrong that they can send mothers home without their babies, I know hospital space is getting worse over the years, but they need to realise a baby needs their mother there, even if they are having the best care. Their quick enough to hospitalise someone who drank to much on a Saturday night but they cant accommodate a mother for a few extra days or weeks with their baby. I've never had to leave my babys in hospital thankfully but if they tried sending me home ifld probably refuse, I'd sleep on a hard back chair before they got rid of me! I hope your all okay x
I feel like my heart will break if I go home without my baby :( I wanted to ask if I could stay a little longer...

Aww hun my heart broke for you reading this post ! I would be asking about staying over options ! I know when my nephew was born and put on the NICU my SIL got given a little room in a ward down the hall !

Fingers crossed you can arrange for something to happen ! How is baby girl and yourself today
Thanks ladies. I’d definitely ask once I’m ready to be discharged. My dr was going to discharge me tomorrow but since my bp spiked again they’re keeping me a bit longer.
Thought I would update. My symptoms of preeclampsia aren’t completely gone yet. I was able to extend my stay at the hospital but I will probably be discharged today. Pain levels have decreased a lot. I’ve decided against asking to stay as I also felt bad for my older kids. It kinda scares me when the nurses ask if I had hypertension before pregnancy. It makes me feel my bp won’t normalize.

Baby turned out to have mild jaundice. Right now she is breathing on her own and started to bottlefeed. I think at this point it’s pretty much just to ensure she’s feeding well. The dr is estimating that if things carry on as they are now it will only be a few more days. I feel they don’t really like to estimate because the little ones are so unpredictable at this point.

I was able to carry her kangaroo style yesterday. It was perfect. I know skin-to-skin is good for babies but it was good for me, too. I can’t wait for her to be home.
I’m glad your feeling a lot better hun , take your time with getting back to notmal , you’ve been through so much both physically and mentally !

I’m so happy baby girl is doing so well ! Little ones always amaze me ! I hope she is home with you all soon !
Oh wow I have just read this thread so glad you and baby girl are all good how scary that must have been to be rushed for a c-section hoping you can all be home soon together xx
Thank you for your support everyone! Baby was released today and the family is reunited!

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