I was terrified too, but honestly, it's not that bad at all. For me, the really scary thing was having my baby delivered at 27 weeks - the c-section actually paled into insignificance beside that worry - and I was seriously absolutely terrified at the thought of a section before.
The actual section itself is really nothing - the spinal didn't hurt a bit, they make sure you are well and truly numbed up, you don't see anything that's going on. I found it actually much less scary than being at the dentist, aside from the worry of whether LO was going to be ok being delivered so early.
I won't lie, it was painful for a few days afterwards but just make sure you get all the painrelief you're allowed. Getting out of bed the first couple of times isn't pleasant, but the more you move around, the quicker you recover. I was up and about on the Tuesday, and had Sophie on the Sunday - but I think I'd have been up sooner if I hadn't been so ill myself.
Good luck, and just shout if you have any questions about what happens before, during and after surgery.
With regard to breastfeeding, I couldn't BF Sophie till she was 10 weeks old because of her being so early but they did start me on expressing for her the night after she was born. xxx