I'm not going to bore you with my eating habits so short version is I have Cibophobia which is a fear of food, I don't eat, blood sugar dips, I crave all the wrong things, binge eat crap and then panic etc. I got better when I was 20 and living with my fiance but my Mummy passed away when I was 22, three months after my wedding (she was 44) and it came back which is when the weigh piled on.
I love where I live. Practically on top of Windsor Park, Leisure Center for swimming right next door and the street is full of old people so there's never any trouble. Very close to the butchers and grocers too. And extremely easy for visitors as we are virtually on top of the motor way. They can't get lost. Unless my husbands Grandfather is driving. Not sure how but even with sat nav they ended up over near falls.
I am literally the only one in my family and friends that is going through all this. My Daddy's cousin did have to have IVF but her fella needed a vasectomy reversal. One cousin fell on the pill, another got knocked up the first time she had sex with her fella after he came back from wherever he was with the RAF. Sadly that didn't progress but she fell again straight away and now has her third boy. My sister was off the implanon for 15 weeks when she found out she was 8 weeks pregnant. I was planned and conceived on the first try and my Mummy had the coil fitted when my sister was conceived.
What bugs me more is when people say "But you're still young, you've got plenty of time." When we started this journey I was 21 and my fella was 23, I'll be 26 next month and in March he's 28. My grandmother seems to think that it will happen when I least expect it. I've tried explaining to her that my body doesn't work like normal women's do but she's not having any of it. She's old. Set in her ways. Knows best. Lol.
I can't even say it comes from one side or the other as they are all like bunnies when it comes to it.
You know, I was so paranoid that my puppy would get pregnant before I did so had her spayed this morning. Now I feel awful because she isn't herself at the moment. There are loads of health benefits to getting her done though and hubby wanted her doing anyway (she's got a Labrador mother and Springer Spaniel father) but I can't help feeling bad because she was done for the wrong reasons on my part.