Just keep offering lots of things. You'll be surprised when one day you hit on something and it just takes off. Purees generally tend to be sweet compared to normal finger foods as they often end up being sweetened with added fruit, so you might try more fruit to see if she shows an interest. Also, sit down and eat with her. Even sit her on your lap while you eat your own meal. You'll be surprised how much more willing she might be to pick something up and try it to mimic you when it's sitting in front of both of you and you're eating it. You can also put all sorts of things on toast and rice cakes, hummus, nut butters, mashed avocado, mashed banana, so those might be a route to introduce some new tastes if she eats those things. 9 months is also often a weird tricky phase, which lots of people struggle with when it comes to eating. My daughter who ate all sorts of things from 6 months, feeding herself, when into a phase where she would only eat fruit or yogurt for probably a month. It was really frustrating, but I just kept offering lots of things even when she wasn't interested. And then one day, after a month, it just kicked off and she ate probably half of a small (like 4 inch) broccoli quiche in one sitting. After that, she was back to eating loads again. Just hang in there.