Should i assume...


Mum to 2 boys
Feb 14, 2009
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...that i am going to have a "normal" 28 day cycle? Or should i go off how long my last cycle was?

I stopped taking my pill (mini pill) the 19th September, and 24 days later AF arrived, she stayed about 5 days. I had all the signs and symptoms of ovulating on about CD10 (which i know is early but not impossible right?! :shrug: ) I don't chart/temp/use opks or anything, but i had a little cramping, lots of ewcm and feeling quite...ahem..frisky :blush:

Anyway on about CD15 i felt sure i was heading for a BFP this cycle as i had a couple of days where i felt really similar to how i'd felt when pregnant with Tobias at around about 5/6 DPO (i got symptoms really early on with him) some low cramping, peeing lots, feeling very tired and just generally feeling a bit pregnant, but then they've mostly all disappeared now :shrug:

So i don't know when to expect AF, how many DPO i am, or if/when i should test and was just wondering what you all think?

If this was going to be a 28 day cycle then AF isn't due until the 10th, but if i go off my last cycle (which wasn't really a proper cycle due to coming off BC) then AF could very well show on the 6th (Tobias's 1st birthday :cloud9:)

So ladies WWYD?

We are only NTNP rather than actively TTC so trying not to get too wound up about it, but still feeling a bit confused and wish i knew one way or the other :winkwink:
I'm in a similar position in that I'm TTC and BFing (noticed the blinkie). I am currently still waiting for first AF, but when she does return I'm going to be avoiding testing until I'm sure I'm at least 15 dpo, if not longer. Whilst BFing you can end up with a short luteal phase meaning that if an egg is fertilised there isn't time for it to become implanted before AF starts. I want to avoid getting an early BFP only to suffer a chemical, I'd rather not know and just think its a normal period.

So under normal circumstances I'd say no harm in testing, but I think if you can stand it maybe wait until the 11th.
Thanks for the reply hun. I am going to do my best to hang on until the 10th at least!
Well...couldn't wait any longer :blush:

Tested this morning (CD27) and got a faint but definitely there BFP :happydance:

Just keeping everything crossed that the little egg is snuggling in for the long haul (i had an early miscarriage before getting pregnant with Tobias so i find 1st trimester pretty terrifying if i'm honest! :wacko: )
Well...couldn't wait any longer :blush:

Tested this morning (CD27) and got a faint but definitely there BFP :happydance:

Just keeping everything crossed that the little egg is snuggling in for the long haul (i had an early miscarriage before getting pregnant with Tobias so i find 1st trimester pretty terrifying if i'm honest! :wacko: )

Yay, congratulations! :happydance:
Well...couldn't wait any longer :blush:

Tested this morning (CD27) and got a faint but definitely there BFP :happydance:

Just keeping everything crossed that the little egg is snuggling in for the long haul (i had an early miscarriage before getting pregnant with Tobias so i find 1st trimester pretty terrifying if i'm honest! :wacko: )

Best of luck hon! Try and stay positive, the less stress you have the better! :) :thumbup:
Thanks ladies :hugs: tested again this morning and got another faint but visible :bfp: :thumbup:

May have to treat myself to a digi to take tomorrow morning :haha: (i am a total POAS-aholic! :blush: )

AF would have 'officially' been due today and no signs of her, so fingers crossed it'll be at least autumn 2011 now before she shows up :winkwink:
Haha, I'd be POAS-ing like mad too! Might as well :haha: Have fun with the digi, I bet it's amazing seeing those words pop up!

Congrats again :hugs:
I make a note of when my periods arrive each month, and go by the average. If I have a 33 day cyle, a 34 day cycle and a 35 day cycle, I'll assume the average of 33 days. Right now my cycles are a mess though, so if we were "properly TTC" (opposed to NTNP), I would have to use OPKs, because I have no idea when I'm actually fertile.
I make a note of when my periods arrive each month, and go by the average. If I have a 33 day cyle, a 34 day cycle and a 35 day cycle, I'll assume the average of 33 days.

That's what i used to do to :thumbup: but i wasn't able to do that this time as i was on the mini pill february until september with no AF at all. Had a 24 day cycle after stopping it and then this was my 1st true cycle so didn't know if i should expect it to be another 24 day one, or 28 day one or longer or what :wacko:

I got "Pregnant 1-2 weeks" on the CB Digi this morning though so i'm happy whatever :happydance: lol.
when i went off the pill i had my break through bleeding but i never waited a long time for true af to return i went right in to a 28 day cycle (every now and again it will be 27 or 29 but never more than that) Ive read so many post about women waiting months for real af to return is that normal or should i assume im still not ovulating?
It's fine, don't worry! I have had 2 cycles so far off the pill, 31 and 30 days, so I seem to have settled back into a pattern straight away too. It's normal - I think most women settle pretty quickly, it's a minority who wait for ages. If you are having regular cycles it's a good sign you're ovulating normally! :thumbup:
Mines settled right into 33 days on the dot for the 2 cycles I've had off the pill so I'd assume you'd be fine! Any sign of EWCM, cramping, right/left sided pain around the time you think you should be o'ing?

Congratulations Rebaby!!
Yea i get the o pains but not much ewcm.... Is that a problem? im not really sure quite how to check for it so maybe that has something to do with it.... i dont know sometimes i feel so clueless and stupid about things.... I always thought this would be easy... you know we are taught from puberty if you have unprotected sex you WILL get pregnant but im learning thats not true...

i cant tell my family about it as they are not supportive about us having children and i dont have any female friends so i have no one i can ask the personal detail questions.... I get very lonely sometimes
Haha we have said the same before, you're led to believe that having sex ANY TIME can make you pregnant then you actually try and it's like WTF?! Try not to worry, you have at most a chance of 25% of conceiving each cycle so if it doesn't happen straight away it doesn't mean there's anything wrong. :)

I never notice much EWCM either, I am going to try and look out for it more this cycle. You can check it internally (wash your hands first)! or I prefer to just wipe the outside and look what's on the paper! A good time to check is after a poo as it will move some mucus downwards. Or you can do a few kegels which will push it down. Sorry for all the TMI! :haha:

BnB is here any time you need to talk. No one knows we are TTC either so it's nice to have people in the same situation to talk to. Feel free to ask any questions any time - and you're not stupid, everyone is new to this at some point!
As silly as it may sound but i appreciate the tmi it gives me more information and i know a lot more than i did.... all ive ever found was vague information so it is really helpful thank you

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