You're only just past the six months mark so try not to get worked up about it yet. It's nice to just enjoy the trying for awhile. I know people say start temping, etc, and that's fine if you feel you need to but really all that does is prove you have ovulated. Temp if you are getting worried, but if not then don't put any added pressure on yourself. There's enough emotional pressure already. I temped for about six months. In the end it just became such a tedious chore that it made everything seem ten times worse and I threw the thermometer away. You learn to know your own body, to recognise your own symptoms. Temping will not help you get pregnant, it will just tell you if you have indeed ovulated. By then it's too late anyway.
I'll be honest when i say that my doctor didn't give two hoots about my charts. Barely even batted an eyelid. I just told him that I had tried temping for awhile, that it showed I wasn't ovulating and that was enough for him. He didn't even mention it. I had to bring it up myself. Their blood tests tell them what they need to know, after all. It's nice to get the ball rolling but don't start thinking of yourself as 'infertile' until it's actually been 12 months.
It's good if you don't think you're ovulating and it's interesting to see if you are but don't drive yourself crazy.
Just look for your EWCM, etc. If your periods are regular and you are getting EWCM then those are good signs. If you were having no EWCM and madly irregular periods then temping would be highly beneficial for your own peace of mind. Just don't heap the pressure on yourself. I'd say to anyone, don't make the mistakes I made By the time 12 months was up I was ready to jack it all in because I'd driven myself so mad with charting, temping, sticking my legs in the air, etc.