OMG! thats so shocking, MIL tried to take Olivia off formula when she was like 10 months old, trying to give her evaporated milk saying her kids had it so its fine,when i blatantly told her not to, but i have got to say, yours sounds like a complete d***!
i wrote this on the pregnancy after ours preemies thread but instead of writing it again im just gonna copy n paste it lol
Grace has had a pretty crappy today, i phoned last night to see how she was before i went bed, they said she was puffy/swolen, really pale and that she had had another really dark black/green poo so they had got the docs to come and review her and they said just to keep an eye on it. In the night she needed oxygen for the first time in ages and today she was being sick loads and having really big aspirates when they checked her tube so they have put her back to 2 hourly feeds, she had another really dark (looked like meconium) poo so they sent it off for cultures. Her HB is really low so that could be causing the paleness/O2 requirment/puffiness but they dont really want to transfuse again as she has already had 6 and they want her body to kick in and start makeing blood. Im more worried about the being sick/bowel movements and large aspirates due to her having had NEC and this is how it presented last time, hopefully 3 hourly feeds is just a bit too much for her atm so going back to 2 hourly will help! I kind of think if it was because shes on 3 hourly feeds though she would have started being sick earlier as she has been on them about a week now.