Simple Questions…pretty please?!


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2012
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1. When did you introduce meats? beans? eggs? cheese? grains? cows milk? butter? WHY??????!!

2. Any particularly food/ brand that your LO loved? That you loved ;)

3. With it Being her first time to eating meets, whats the best way to cook them?? should i puree them??

4. When should i encourage her to self-feed with a spoon and fork?

5. Sippycup, or NO Sippycup??...(any suggestions)
I introduced everything you suggest from 6 months, no reason not too?

My daughter loved scrambled eggs (use whole milk and unsalted butter) and fish. She still won't eat chunks of meat on its own but will in pasta, sandwiches etc

Up to you if you puree or not, just depends on how you are going with weaning

My daughter could self feed from a spoon at 10 months, only because she would grab the spoon off me so we had no choice! I wouldn't get hung up on cutlery at this stage

We started with a sippy cup of water from meals at 6 months, took her a while to used used to it but now downs it!

Hope that helps don't stress!
My lo has been eating everything since 10months he is just now on whole milk at 11! I just went with him if he didnt like something one day i just tired a couple days later and as far as a sippycup thats all he takes besides his one bottle before bed and he doesn't eat from a spoon or fork yet.
1. When did you introduce meats? beans? eggs? cheese? grains? cows milk? butter? WHY??????!!
From 6 months. We did a mixture of traditional weaning and baby led, so why ever we were having as long as it wasn't too fatty, salty, sugary or spicy she had too. I think it's made her a lot less fussy eater and it's also so much easier to give them what you're having for meals.

2. Any particularly food/ brand that your LO loved? That you loved
My daughter loves spaghetti bol home made. But she also loves tins of spaghetti loops with pasta, which u give sometjmes if I'm in a rush and don't have times to make things. Also loves any types of yoghurt a. Especially Greek yoghurt mixed with fresh fruit.

3. With it Being her first time to eating meets, whats the best way to cook them?? should i puree them??

It's up to you, I persoanlly did a bit of both but found baby led weaning easier. Even just trying bits of toast and stuff. Usually they just suck on it ubtil they learn to bite and eat properly. You could just try mashed rather than completely puréed and liquified sometimes baby who only have puréed food have a harder time eating proper aolid food.

4. When should i encourage her to self-feed with a spoon and fork?
Whenever you want. My daughter is 14 months and only really starting to use a spoon and knife. She normally uses her hands a lot. But it depends what the meal is

5. Sippycup, or NO Sippycup??...(any suggestions)
Yes I think sippy cup for water. And bottle for milk (if you bottle feed) that way there's no confusion!
1. When did you introduce meats? beans? eggs? cheese? grains? cows milk? butter? WHY??????!!
- At 6 months.

2. Any particularly food/ brand that your LO loved? That you loved
- My LB loves peanut butter and banana on toast! Sausages are another one of his faves.

3. With it Being her first time to eating meets, whats the best way to cook them?? should i puree them??
I just cook it as I'd cook mine and gave it to him whole, I did baby led weaning (no purees).

4. When should i encourage her to self-feed with a spoon and fork?
They say from 9 months ish, my 10 month old can't do it yet but my HV said it takes them a while to do it upto 2 years.

5. Sippycup, or NO Sippycup??...(any suggestions)
I'd introduce a sippy cup when you introduce foods, my LB has a sippy cup of water every meal.
thank you all! I thought baby did not need water until one yr of age. I was told breast milk was all that she would need the first yr. because its empty calories and fills them up leaving less space in their tummies for nutritious foods. Now I feel like my baby is the only one on the planet that hasn't tried water Any particular reason why you guys give water?
thank you all! I thought baby did not need water until one yr of age. I was told breast milk was all that she would need the first yr. because its empty calories and fills them up leaving less space in their tummies for nutritious foods. Now I feel like my baby is the only one on the planet that hasn't tried water Any particular reason why you guys give water?

Here in the UK we are advised to give water with meals after 6 months. My daughter needs the water to quench her first if she's thirsty and her cup isn't in reach she just throws her food until she gets a drink.

Here we are also advised to give meats, dairy etc from 6 months for dietary reasons.
1. We introduced all of that at 6 months when she started weaning. Obviously some things are easier to eat and chew than others, so she didn't eat much in the way of beans until closer to 10 months (mostly lentils) and she still doesn't eat a whole lot of meat. But all the rest, regularly from 6 months.

2. My daughter has always loved fruit. She would eat nothing but blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, grapes, etc. if we let her. Otherwise, pasta and quiche has always been a big hit. From the first time she tried them around 11 months, she's loved olives and gherkins and pickled onions too!

3. We just offered meat the same way we would eat it - probably roasted or in a stew. Ideally, something not too tough or overcooked. We didn't puree anything.

4. You can always have a spoon and fork around and let her play. My daughter could feed herself with a spoon I loaded for her from around 9 months. I don't think she would have done it before then. She ate with a fork from maybe around 13 ish months.

5. We used a sippy cup from maybe 9 months. Before that, she just couldn't pick it up. Next time, I'd just use a doidy cup or other open top cup and help until they could hold it themselves. I'm not a big fan of sippy cups personally and my daughter found the doidy cup to be easier. Babies do get most of their hydration from breast milk or formula, but the recommendation is offer water with meals if they need a drink (it's a bit harder to get a boob in the mouth while they're strapped in a high chair if they need a drink). I think the recommendation is more just not to replace milk feed with water (some people put water in a bottle and try to give it instead of breastmilk or formula to reduce the number of feeds). If it's just small sips to quench thirst while eating, it shouldn't reduce the number of milk feeds though.
thank you all! I thought baby did not need water until one yr of age. I was told breast milk was all that she would need the first yr. because its empty calories and fills them up leaving less space in their tummies for nutritious foods. Now I feel like my baby is the only one on the planet that hasn't tried water Any particular reason why you guys give water?

My LO has had water (in a bottle) since he was tiny due to fairly severe constipation, now he's being weaned anything starchy clogs him up so it's always a mission to get some water down him as it works wonders in terms of smelly nappy fillings! :thumbup:
Bf babies don't need water in the way a ff baby might if they are constipated or getting dehydrated on a hot day.

Offering water with a meal is part of learning how to eat a meal; use water to clean your mouth out of stuff is stuck, quench thirst, or remove strong flavours if something is too sweet, spicy, salty etc. sometimes my LO would sip water to soften a mouthful of food if it was too dry. The same reason adults drink with a meal really!

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