Its hard to find Someone to talk to who wont judge me. And its even harder becuse the ones I do know as single moms dont know what its like to really be in it 100% alone.. They live/lived in the same house as thier parents, had a free babysitter, was easier to finish school, had finacial help from the babys daddys and thier familys were always close by ... Im not saying they had it easy.. Im just saying, Im gonna be figuring out everything alone, paying for day care, ect things they didnt have too.. I didnt even have a babyshower... I saved and bought everything I needed slowly.. They say its so easy but thier situation isnt the same either. I know Im going to do good, Im just fed up of being told that its going to be soo easy. It wont be Easy at all... But what It will be is Worth It. The babys father denyed him and then got verbally, mentally and physically abusive.. Was hauld out by the cops and has had no contact for 7 months (Not that I want any contact).. Im now almost 9 Month preggo and he decided to call my fathers house on christmas day... I was visiting My dad at the time who lives quite a ways from my place. All he wanted was to degrade me and then complain he wanted my cat... He never once mentioned the baby and we werent Together in a relationship, we were just "casually dating"... I never slept with anyone else but all the same, Was accused of it. I Love my Soon to be born son already and havent even me him yet.. I know I'll be a good mommy.. I just feel alone in my small community who doesnt accept single mothers all that well. Dating or finding a relationship at this point is out of the question becuse all they want is someone to have sex with without the chance of having someone be preggo.. everyone knows, cant get someone preggo if she already is. I also feel fort of cheated a bit with the fact that most others I see around here have someone to share every special moment with and someone to rub thier feet and pamper them and love them. Its not the same when your trying to reach your swollen feet over a almost 9 month bump to rub them yourself. I just wanna know that Im not the only one who feels this way...