I'm really sad after today's doctor visit. My baby girl has always been small, last time at 22weeks measurning one week behind. It wasn't concerning forvmy doctor. But today she has been 10days behind, her weight is in 25%- 590grams, so not so bad, but her measurments are making me worry. Head is 10days behind, femurs almost 2weeks, abdomen one week. So she is proportionally small. Blood flow is good and i'm on blood thinners from beginning because i have trombophilia. My docor said it's too early for diagnose iugr, but i have to come back in two weeks. I'm scared, that something is very bad. There is no other abnormalities, amniotic fluid level is normal, flows normal. My nt scan was normal. Anybody in similar situation
I'm really sad after today's doctor visit. My baby girl has always been small, last time at 22weeks measurning one week behind. It wasn't concerning forvmy doctor. But today she has been 10days behind, her weight is in 25%- 590grams, so not so bad, but her measurments are making me worry. Head is 10days behind, femurs almost 2weeks, abdomen one week. So she is proportionally small. Blood flow is good and i'm on blood thinners from beginning because i have trombophilia. My docor said it's too early for diagnose iugr, but i have to come back in two weeks. I'm scared, that something is very bad. There is no other abnormalities, amniotic fluid level is normal, flows normal. My nt scan was normal. Anybody in similar situation