Doing a nightfeed, thought Id check back 😊 Thankyou for the replies ladies! Induced 2 days overdue just incase this was another big baby and caused more damage! Born 23 hours after induction started. Had the string pessary 24 hours, then had dissolvable pessary in at midday, mild pains every 5 mins all day, 8.15 that night I decided it was unbearable, went on the gas and air and everything happened verryyy fast. I was so off my face on the stuff and the pressure during labour was unreal. I was checked (not sure what time this was) and was 4-5cm she broke my waters as that was the plan at 6oclock if they could but they hadnt had chance to check as they were busy. So broke my waters and what I thought happened straight after (honestly lost track of time from the gas and air at this point) I was saying i needed to push because the pressure was crazy!! Told me not to, pushed anyway! Checked me what felt like straight after and was fully dialated! Hubby reckoned I was pushing for about 20 mins, they lost his heartbeat while pushing partly probably because I was moving about the bed abit but because he had moved down so fast, put the little clip on his head, there was no push pant stop! I just pushed him out because the pressure I couldnt stand, born at 22.12, they said first degree tear but had no stitches! Wahoo! 8 pound 7 ounce aswell 😁😁 im just a week post partum now and feel as though Iv nearly healed, still got the pressure, I brought home a few diamond shaped pots from the hospital to wee standing up with but past couple days Im managing to sit on the toilet. Scary shocking fast birth, cant remember much but thats not a bad thing lol! Got my lovely little boy here now! Iv passed a few small clots in the first few days but my blood loss is so minimal its crazy! All went the opposite of what I expected. Only thing now is the pressure still there, feel like somethings falling out and getting a lot of trapped air down there so I sit and feel a bubble sort of pop out( sorry tmi!!!) hopefully with time this will pass and a soon as I get all sensation back there Ill be doing those pelvic floor exercises all day long 😂 sorry if this is long, rambling, grammar errors, tired mama!! 💙💙💙