So close to giving up :-(


Mum to two :)
Jul 30, 2011
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Hi everyone.

My little man had tongue tie which was corrected at 5 days old. I got mastitis too (because he wasn't able to drain my boobs well enough). Because of these factors, my milk supply has been affected and it's still very low. I'm feeding Joshua more or less all day and it's very exhausting, it's been like this since his tongue was fixed and he was able to feed well. Unfortunately I just don't have enough milk to satisfy him and he is losing weight. He's never gained weight since he's been born and is now the lowest he's ever been. I'm taking domperidone (on prescription) and also fenugreek to try to increase my supply, and I'm pumping as much as I can (with next to nothing coming out). My little man is very upset and obviously hungry. It's so upsetting seeing him hungry and losing weight.

Can anyone help me before I reach for the formula for good? X
you should take blessed thistle along with the fenugreek.
If your LO is upset due to hunger you could try a supplemental nursing system. Then you would have your LO on the breast but he would get the extra he needs till you can get your supply up. Feed him on both sides until he pulls off or gets fussy because he's not getting enough and then use the supplemental nursing system.

Do lots of skin to skin with your LO wear him in a wrap if you can then he can be close to you often. Which will help with supply and you would have hands free to do other things.

Eat oatmeal every day (not instant) and you could try making lactation cookies. Also I have heard drinking Gatorade can help with supply.
First big hugs :hugs:

Kudos to you for giving it all you have... I think BF is such a personal experience for each woman. No one else can possibly tell you when it's Ok (or not) to give up. TBH- the lactation specialists at my hospital were my best friends for the first several weeks after LO was born. I struggled (different issues though) and eventually came to terms that pumping is what works for me for a while- before finally going to formula. It's a horrible and helpless feeling when it's not "naturally" happening...

I have no great advise. If there are lactation consultants in your area- for sure check them out and see if they can offer help. I was lucky the hospital where I had LO had them on staff.

At the end of the day- do what you feel is best for you and LO. You both matter. Obviously LO's health is the priority. Would you be open to supplementing with formula till you get your supply back up? I did that towards the end of my pumping to give LO as much BM as I could while still getting her other nutrients. Just a thought... do what your comfy with hun. :hugs:
:hugs: :hugs: My son only gained 1lb a week between birth and 5 months. He didn't get back to his birth weight until 4 weeks old. I know how much it kills you to be fighting against your own body and feel like you're failing but I promise you're not at all. Lactation consultants (proper ones, not the sure start breastfeeding helpers who think they're qualified) and paediatricians saved my son and I's breastfeeding relationship. Health Visitors told me to stop so I saw my GP instead. I hope it works out for you, but don't beat yourself up if it doesn't. You are doing your very best!
Thank you everyone. I feel angry at myself, like my body is failing me. I love breastfeeding him so much. I am desperate to carry on but just can't see how I can. He had his first taste of formula today. I felt like that was the end, as he was no longer EBF. He had 2ozs and then fell straight to sleep. He was obviously very content after that. Probably the first time he's ever had a full tummy :-( why can't I just make more milk. He is always rooting on me, he is so relaxed while feeding from me, his latch is great...everything should be going really well, it's me that's the problem :( x
He's a big baby, it's hard going!

How much weight has he actually lost? And how often are you having him weighed? x
He was born 9lb 3 and he is now 8lb 12, so it's not huge but obviously not really ideal. They last weighed him yesterday, and a week before that, however they want me to go back in 2 days time xxx
I had to start supplementing due to no/poor weight gain. Took lo 5 weeks to get back to birthweight & a gain of 4oz a week from there.

LO was never satisfied on just me, we could through the day but on an evening LO would cluster feed as normal but would never settle throughout the night, was screaming every time I took her away from breast.

I try to pump after every feed where possible & I've been taking fenugreek which has seems to increase my milk as LO is putting a lot more weight on & seems more satisfied off me.

You can successfully mixed feed until your milk increases just make sure you pump at the time LO has formula to tell your body to make milk.

People will tell you just to keep on feeding baby all the time to increase your milk but I did this & LO really struggled never settled on just breast milk & was losing weight. You can introduce a little formula till your milk increases then slowly remove it once milk supply is up, this is what I am doing.

Do whatever you feel is right, follow your mothers instinct.
I'm having a similar problem - we struggled to get going because he just wouldn't latch and now, even if I bf him for 45 mins he'll still take formula afterwards. I think I'm coming to the end of my bf journey and feel very guilty and sad about it. Just wanted to lend some support :flower:
Thank you popples. So sorry you are going through the same. I was so determined to do it. And everything is great except for me not having enough milk. Nothing I can do is helping. Medication nope, expressing nope, fenugreek nope, baby constantly on boob nope :( I seem to actually have less milk ! X
It's so draining when you're trying to do everything at once - bf, expressing and topping up with bottles. I really feel for you. I spent 2 weeks crying and feeling really guilty until I gave the bf a rest for a week and did EBM & FF instead so I could see that something was going into him.

A few people have recommended oats to me too so I've been eating plenty of porridge. My LO is definitely feeding better than he was but I'm finding it really hard to trust my body and not give him formula every now and again to make sure he gets a 'proper' feed :(

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