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so confused about making up bottles uk


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2013
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So everyone friends and family wise are giving me conflicting advice on making up bottles. Basically i want to use cow and gate. The government say no bottles should be made up for more than 2 hours. This is ok in the day but in the middle of the night i am not gunna want to be waiting 30 mins for the kettle to cool and having a screaming baby for 45 mins! Imagine if its 11pm 2pm and 5pm.

My friends recommended me the tommee tippiee flask. She said it stays hot for hours and then you just pour the water in the bottles when you need it. But then im worrying the water wont ve hot enough to kill bacteria. Or do i need to sterilise the flask. Im considering doing cartons in the night to start with as they are easier but they are expensive so id of liked to have found a method so i can use the powder.

I dont understand if you have to let water go cold before storing it in the fridge. Ive heard others say they keep a bottle of cool boiled water in the fridge and put so much boiling water straight out the kettle and top it up with the cooled water. But do u still have to wait 30 mins for the kettle to cool.

im sorry i post things abit repetitive on here sometimes but im so baffled. Thanks for your help xx
I used to get soooo confused with it all,I ended up buying the perfect prep machine and it was the best thing and totally recommend it,It makes the bottle up so quickly,I used to take it up in our bedroom for the night time feeds made things so much easier for us.I used to get the ready mde cartons for when we were out but in the early days I made up a flask with boiled water as it gets pricey
I used to boil kettle. Add to 4 bottles. Then add powder as needed. Done this for all 3. Did go through stage of using fridge when she had colief but mainly done them the above waY x
Thank you. So before bed you just boiled the kettle waited half an hour then added the powder in for the night feed? X
Thank you. So before bed you just boiled the kettle waited half an hour then added the powder in for the night feed? X

You only have to wait half an hour if you are making one fresh bottle it's just because there's a theory that putting the powder in fresh boiled water could scald the powder and reduce the nutritional content.

I boil the kettle, straight away fill a thermos and that keeps it nice and hot but not boiling for about 6 hours. At the same time I fill a jug which I leave on the counter to go cold then put in the fridge.

I have a powder dispenser pot which you can measure the powder into in advance so it's ready when you want to make a bottle.

When she's hungry I take a bottle and teat from the steriliser, pour half the water I need from the thermos, add the powder and swirl it around. Check to see the level as powder will raise and then add the other half of the water from the cold flask.

So if I'm making a 4oz bottle:

- 2oz of hot water into bottle
- Powder in bottle and swirl
- Look at the bottle and see the level is 2.5 oz because of the powder
- top up to 4.5oz with cold water

It takes less than 30 seconds to make a bottle and prep work is less than 5 mins every 6 hours to refill the flasks and powder dispenser.

At night I just put my flasks, bottle and powder in a basket and keep them next to the bed.
No, i just left water in bottles then added powder in night when they wanted one lol at room temp. Never had an issue.
i think the guidelines are stricter than they need to be.
when i brought my LB home i made up about 4 bottles before bed and left them in my bedroom, i then just gave him them like that. this was within his first week and hes fine always has been. i then started using a flask of hot water and cool water to cool it (for a 5oz bottle i did 2 oz boiling water, add 5 scoops then 3oz cool water)
now i make up bottles doing the above (2oz hot, 7 scoops, 5 oz cold) then put them in the fridge heat up 1 min in micro good shake and done :) no forking out on a good, but totally un needed perfect prep.
i also know someone who boils water, adds needed amount to bottles then as & when baby wants bottle she adds powder, again not advised but her baby is fine, and she is tiny and a little prem
Thanks. I agree they have made it to complicated now. I have invested in a tommee tippee flask and i will fill that up and pour it in the bottle then cool the bottle in a jug of water if needed. When im even more confident ill take the water to bed already in the bottle and add the powder when she wants a bottle. Thanks for everyones tips x
Dont worey too much it'll be fine x

this!! dont stress too much on what people say u can and can not do.. they say not to leave made up bottles at room temp for longer than 2 hours, i have a few times, Malakai has never had any sickness, poo or tummy troubles (apart from reflux) they say to make sure you always sterilise bottles properly, last night i made a boo boo and forgot to turn steriliser on so i had to put boiling water in the bottle, shake it then make the bottle.
just do things on your own accord and dont worry too much x
Thank you. Im sure alot of babies would be sick otherwise. Most people find their own methods because the government recommendations are unrealistic. Unless you never want to sleep again lol. Also when your out you cant always pop into a cafe and get water etc.

I feel a whole lot more relaxed now xx
My best friend used to fill all her bottles with the required amount of water and leave to cool then just added the milk as and when she needed a bottle.

when I had my first two it was common practice to make them all up at once then put on the fridge once cooled then re heat when needed. I did that with Archie too. This time I have bought a perfect prep machine more because I forgot how stressful ot was to have a screaming baby demanding their milk now and you're running around trying to cool it down/heat it up!
The guidelines on my powdered milk (Aptamil) says leave the boiling water to cool for no longer than 30 mins. I just pour it in after the kettle has boiled. You don't have to leave it 30 mins exactly - it's just warning you not to leave it any longer than that. In the night we're just using the ready made milk cartons at room temperature, it's expensive though (79p per 200ml) but you just keep the cartons on the side, pour it into a sterilised bottle and it's ready. Any left over milk in the carton can be stored in the fridge and reheated in the day. xx

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