So confused by my symptoms....Clomid or will it be BFP???


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2011
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So this is the first time I have taken Clomid. Im 5 or 6 dpo (cant decide based on first positive OPK on Monday 26th) and need some help with my symptoms.
Is it coming from Clomid????

From Wednesday I had cramps in lower abdo
Since Friday my stomach around my belly button hurts to touch
CM has increased and I will apologise now for TMI but its been a bit stretchy and snot like and creamy in colour.
Sensitive nipples
Raised Montgomery tubucles on areola
Blue veins on areola and left breast
Swollen labia
Cold symptoms

My stomach just doesnt feel right either.

I just dont know what to expect with it being my first post Clomid 2ww.

Any ideas would be good to know.

This is my second round of clomid and I have the exact same symptoms! I am not trying to symptom spot, but it is so hard when your body doesn't feel "normal". I am 7dpo and the cold symptoms started this morning. And the stretching/pulling feeling in my lower abdomen started at 4dpo along with pain in my cervix which only lasted 1 day.

I have a history of cysts to btw :hugs:

I don't remember feeling any of these symptoms the first cycle on clomid either :shrug:

This is my second round of clomid and I have the exact same symptoms! I am not trying to symptom spot, but it is so hard when your body doesn't feel "normal". I am 7dpo and the cold symptoms started this morning. And the stretching/pulling feeling in my lower abdomen started at 4dpo along with pain in my cervix which only lasted 1 day.

I have a history of cysts to btw :hugs:

I don't remember feeling any of these symptoms the first cycle on clomid either :shrug:

No my body just doesnt feel right at all. I took Clomid fine and my only side effect was hot flushes but I took to it ok. Its so hard not to because Ive never ever had some of the things that is going on like swollen labia etc.
I also wouldnt mind the cold symptoms but about 1 1/2 wks ago I had a cold and was fine last week no symptoms what so ever then Thursday/Friday it started again.
I also have a history of cysts, one in 2008 and I have another one now which they found last week but I wouldnt of thought that was it because in 2008 I never knew I had it and never had these symptoms.
Oh really so you would say there is definate differences in how you feel this time to the first time of taking Clomid???
yes. I took my first round beginning of July and It gave me a 6cm cyst that they were worried could twist or cause damage to my ovary. So I had to take August off and do nothing. Then the cyst shrunk to 2cm so I was cleared to start my next round in beginning September. I was in the hospital last week for a cysts rupture (confirmed with free pelvic fluid). I have had more cysts than I can even count at this point. This will be my last month on clomid because it is obvious that my body doesn't handle it well.

But yes, this cycle on clomid I feel very different then the first. Very strange. I haven't been around anyone that is sick, so this cold is kind of strange to me. Plus 1st cycle on clomid dried me up like a raisin (had to use preseed) this cycle I had so much fertile CM I didn't know what to do with it!

I had horrible symptoms with clomid also, hot flashes, upset stomach and headaches.

I took 100mg cd 3-7

Were you monitored this cycle? what mg did you take?? What days??
This is my second round of clomid and I asked my FS before starting it and he said you will only have symptoms while the clomid is in your system and the effects should be over a few days after you finish your prescription...sounds like you ladies may have some BFP symptoms on your hands :) GL
This is my second round of clomid and I asked my FS before starting it and he said you will only have symptoms while the clomid is in your system and the effects should be over a few days after you finish your prescription...sounds like you ladies may have some BFP symptoms on your hands :) GL

really?? I didn't know that! But I haven't asked OB or FS either. The headaches and upset stomach only lasted the first couple days on clomid. But the hot flashes and acne I am still having. :shrug:
yes. I took my first round beginning of July and It gave me a 6cm cyst that they were worried could twist or cause damage to my ovary. So I had to take August off and do nothing. Then the cyst shrunk to 2cm so I was cleared to start my next round in beginning September. I was in the hospital last week for a cysts rupture (confirmed with free pelvic fluid). I have had more cysts than I can even count at this point. This will be my last month on clomid because it is obvious that my body doesn't handle it well.

But yes, this cycle on clomid I feel very different then the first. Very strange. I haven't been around anyone that is sick, so this cold is kind of strange to me. Plus 1st cycle on clomid dried me up like a raisin (had to use preseed) this cycle I had so much fertile CM I didn't know what to do with it!

I had horrible symptoms with clomid also, hot flashes, upset stomach and headaches.

I took 100mg cd 3-7

Were you monitored this cycle? what mg did you take?? What days??

So sorry to hear about your cyst, my first one was 3.5 cm and the surgeons said that was bad enough because it was blood filled, plus they couldnt stop the bleeding and i was in surgery for hours with first cyst, also had appendicitus so i was in proper state. I hope your feeling better now and resting lots, it seems to take ages to recover I was off work for 5 wks after both surgeries. I work with children and so thats why the signed me off work.
I'd heard clomid dries up cm which was why i was so shocked to have so much of it still.
Oooh the hot flashes are awful I took Clomid at night, thinking I would sleep most of it off but I hardly slept that week cus i had such a heavy cold so I didnt know what to do with myself lol.
I took 50mg cycle day 2-6. On Monday 26th got my first positive OPK plus I had an internal scan and I had really great sized follicles apparantly. I have been told I have low progesterone so next wed I have to go for bloods to see where progesterone levels are and then AF may arrive following wed or before/after I guess. By Thursday 12th I shall be testing if no AF.
yes. I took my first round beginning of July and It gave me a 6cm cyst that they were worried could twist or cause damage to my ovary. So I had to take August off and do nothing. Then the cyst shrunk to 2cm so I was cleared to start my next round in beginning September. I was in the hospital last week for a cysts rupture (confirmed with free pelvic fluid). I have had more cysts than I can even count at this point. This will be my last month on clomid because it is obvious that my body doesn't handle it well.

But yes, this cycle on clomid I feel very different then the first. Very strange. I haven't been around anyone that is sick, so this cold is kind of strange to me. Plus 1st cycle on clomid dried me up like a raisin (had to use preseed) this cycle I had so much fertile CM I didn't know what to do with it!

I had horrible symptoms with clomid also, hot flashes, upset stomach and headaches.

I took 100mg cd 3-7

Were you monitored this cycle? what mg did you take?? What days??

So sorry to hear about your cyst, my first one was 3.5 cm and the surgeons said that was bad enough because it was blood filled, plus they couldnt stop the bleeding and i was in surgery for hours with first cyst, also had appendicitus so i was in proper state. I hope your feeling better now and resting lots, it seems to take ages to recover I was off work for 5 wks after both surgeries. I work with children and so thats why the signed me off work.
I'd heard clomid dries up cm which was why i was so shocked to have so much of it still.
Oooh the hot flashes are awful I took Clomid at night, thinking I would sleep most of it off but I hardly slept that week cus i had such a heavy cold so I didnt know what to do with myself lol.
I took 50mg cycle day 2-6. On Monday 26th got my first positive OPK plus I had an internal scan and I had really great sized follicles apparantly. I have been told I have low progesterone so next wed I have to go for bloods to see where progesterone levels are and then AF may arrive following wed or before/after I guess. By Thursday 12th I shall be testing if no AF.

sorry about your cysts too :hugs: they suck! I HATE them!

my 1st surgery was to remove a cyst that was blood filled also, that is when dr discovered that I had endo. That is the only cyst that I have had removed, all the other ones have ruptured:( very painful!

how funny, I work with children also! I am a preschool teacher:) And I am 22 been TTC since Feb, I now have stage 4 endo, history of cysts, and don't ovulate on my own. I have had 1 miscarriage and 2 chemicals, so I am praying for a sticky bean some time soon! :)

I also have a progesterone deficiency and take suppositories from 3dpo on ward. I hate taking them! But it will all be worth it one day:)

I Od on Sun 25th:) we are so close in our cycles! Af is usually 33-35 days for me, so due around October 7-9th.. If I miss it, I will test on the 10th
Hey ladies. Hope you don't mind me joining in, but I'm on my 2 nd round of Clomid, cd 2-6. The first one was 100mg and I had the most horrendous hot flashes and night sweats. Wents for a scan on cd 12 and a follicle was there but not big enough. Unfortunately the day my fs thought it would be ready was a bank holiday so hospital wasnt open. Went in the day after and follicle was gone :-(. Had blood test to see if I ovulated but hadn't. This month Clomid was upped to 150 mg and had scan on cd14 that showed mature follicle! Woohoo. Had HSG shot to trigger O and told to BD every day for next 3 days. Now, this time around had no hot flushes or night sweats but have low down AF type cramps from dpo 5 to present. Had almost no cm since O but was normal (for me)before. Have also been getting low back pain and had a real thirst on today. Everything else seems normal except my bbs would be sore by now but are only a tiny bit tender on one nip. I'll be testing on 12dpo which is Tuesday. After 5 years of ttc I really hope we've cracked it. I hope this helps with your comparison, I've noticed no swollen labia or dryness but it seems when it comes to our bits and symptoms we're all different. Best of luck, hope we all get out bfp's soon! X
yes. I took my first round beginning of July and It gave me a 6cm cyst that they were worried could twist or cause damage to my ovary. So I had to take August off and do nothing. Then the cyst shrunk to 2cm so I was cleared to start my next round in beginning September. I was in the hospital last week for a cysts rupture (confirmed with free pelvic fluid). I have had more cysts than I can even count at this point. This will be my last month on clomid because it is obvious that my body doesn't handle it well.

But yes, this cycle on clomid I feel very different then the first. Very strange. I haven't been around anyone that is sick, so this cold is kind of strange to me. Plus 1st cycle on clomid dried me up like a raisin (had to use preseed) this cycle I had so much fertile CM I didn't know what to do with it!

I had horrible symptoms with clomid also, hot flashes, upset stomach and headaches.

I took 100mg cd 3-7

Were you monitored this cycle? what mg did you take?? What days??

So sorry to hear about your cyst, my first one was 3.5 cm and the surgeons said that was bad enough because it was blood filled, plus they couldnt stop the bleeding and i was in surgery for hours with first cyst, also had appendicitus so i was in proper state. I hope your feeling better now and resting lots, it seems to take ages to recover I was off work for 5 wks after both surgeries. I work with children and so thats why the signed me off work.
I'd heard clomid dries up cm which was why i was so shocked to have so much of it still.
Oooh the hot flashes are awful I took Clomid at night, thinking I would sleep most of it off but I hardly slept that week cus i had such a heavy cold so I didnt know what to do with myself lol.
I took 50mg cycle day 2-6. On Monday 26th got my first positive OPK plus I had an internal scan and I had really great sized follicles apparantly. I have been told I have low progesterone so next wed I have to go for bloods to see where progesterone levels are and then AF may arrive following wed or before/after I guess. By Thursday 12th I shall be testing if no AF.

sorry about your cysts too :hugs: they suck! I HATE them!

my 1st surgery was to remove a cyst that was blood filled also, that is when dr discovered that I had endo. That is the only cyst that I have had removed, all the other ones have ruptured:( very painful!

how funny, I work with children also! I am a preschool teacher:) And I am 22 been TTC since Feb, I now have stage 4 endo, history of cysts, and don't ovulate on my own. I have had 1 miscarriage and 2 chemicals, so I am praying for a sticky bean some time soon! :)

I also have a progesterone deficiency and take suppositories from 3dpo on ward. I hate taking them! But it will all be worth it one day:)

I Od on Sun 25th:) we are so close in our cycles! Af is usually 33-35 days for me, so due around October 7-9th.. If I miss it, I will test on the 10th

Yeah I hate them too.

Are you based in UK? I work for the children's centres. Im 28 and have been ttc since Jan 11. I have been told I dont have PCOS and have never been pregnant but yes I hope for a sticky bean BFP in 2011.

I dont have to take anything for low progesterone, yes thats hat i think I would do anything to get my BFP and have a happy healthy baby.

Thats great that our cycles are so close, I shall be in Scotland from 8th October for a whole week so I should either have AF or BFP whilst on hols and will have to post what happens when I get home.

I hope you get your BFP x
This is my second round of clomid and I asked my FS before starting it and he said you will only have symptoms while the clomid is in your system and the effects should be over a few days after you finish your prescription...sounds like you ladies may have some BFP symptoms on your hands :) GL

really?? I didn't know that! But I haven't asked OB or FS either. The headaches and upset stomach only lasted the first couple days on clomid. But the hot flashes and acne I am still having. :shrug:

I did get the acne the first month, this month I used witch hazel on my face like it was going out of style and it seems to be helping but the hot flashes and mood swings only last while I am taking the clomid...Also I took the Clomid at night, still got the flashes but the upset tummy and headaches were almost non exsistant for me:happydance:

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