So frustrating not knowing if I'm late !

Hi hun i had the same after having the implant removed, apparently its normal to have these symptoms. Give it a week ( i know its really hard to wait) and try again. Mine took 9 weeks to show any sign of coming back again and i only had it for 7 weeks.

I too am in the same situation well kind of. I was on the pill and came off of it July 23rd. I had my withdrawal bleed, but seeing as it's not a "real" period I'm not sure when I'm going to have it either!! I too have been having symptoms but of course I keep getting bfn's so I'm done testing at least for a couple more weeks. Goodluck though and I hope you either get a bfp or the wicked witch shows!
Thanks for your replies ! Glad I'm not the only one. I just can't wait to get a BFP ! I am so impatient. Am going to try and figure out when I am ovulating from my cervical position and mucus, that way I can get a rough idea of when AF is due.
Similar for me too!
Came off the pill in july, had the withdrawal bleed and now awaiting something to happen....either af or BFP.
Been on the pill ten years so cant really remember what a normal af and cycle is! lol!
Feels like an age waiting.....wishing my life away!
Its frustrating that you just dont know when it'll happen! :shrug:
Fingers crossed for us all x
Similar for me too!
Came off the pill in july, had the withdrawal bleed and now awaiting something to happen....either af or BFP.
Been on the pill ten years so cant really remember what a normal af and cycle is! lol!
Feels like an age waiting.....wishing my life away!
Its frustrating that you just dont know when it'll happen! :shrug:
Fingers crossed for us all x

I knoooow the feeling!! I've been on the pill for about 5 years so I'm super clueless to know about periods anymore. I was on a pill that made me have no periods at all so "bleeding" after stopping the pill in July was really odd
Just like mine!
My withdrawal bleed was a shock after nothing for 3 years ish .....
luckily i managed to remember the essential bits! :) I dont think I've ever looked forward to af before!
My cousins little boy is nearly 2 and she came off the pill to have him and caught the first month!
I cant help hoping it'll work out like that for us too.....
I was on a couple different pills, one called Lybrel which makes you have 0 periods at all, basically there are no inactive pills, the one I just came off of was called Seasonique and you only get 4 periods a year (but even then I just continued and never stopped for a period). It's women like your cousin who give me hope that maybe just MAYBE I will get pregnant extremely soon!! Good luck to you xxx
ive been stopping and starting with the pill (noriday) as ive been busy with wedding plans, i stopped altogether a few weeks ago basically because i ran out and was too busy to gt any more and we just figured we would start ttc! been married nearly 2 weeks now and i think my period is late but not sure! tested bfn yesterday but my boobs hurt and i have a funny taste in my mouth and feel sick like i need to eat all the time. maybe its all in my mind, normally is! lol
good luck to all xxx
Its horrible not knowing, if i was still on the pill id be wrapped up in my fluffy dressing gown and water bottle and eating my weight in chocolate now lol!!!

Never thought id be so interested and hopefull for AF to arrive. grr
The thing iIkeep thinking is although we've gone for the ntnp option and know theres only a 25% chance of catching, I cant stand the thought of af arriving!
I think I might shed a little tear! lol! :cry:
but then if it comes I know everything is working after coming off the pill and that we can try again next month.
Oh the joys.......................
Awww bekc2005 good luck and hope you get a BFP really soon.

The first time me and my fiance had unprotected sex (even though he pulled out) was about 2 and a weeks ago now.

Today in particular I have been feeling really sick, all foods just seem disgusting, really sore breasts and some major headache. Oh and also I took at mid-day nap for the first time in years because I'm so tired, could have something to do with the fact I can't sleep at night because I have a backache. I'm not sure whether to do a HPT or not. I think I might wait until next week, just to make sure.

I am also in a major stress moment today because I am due to get my A-Level results tomorrow morning and I don't know if I'll get into university directly or if I'm going to have to apply to clearing. I just want to get in somewhere ! [Trust me I'll report back this time tomorrow either boasting about my grades (doubtful) or crying and moaning about having to wait and apply again in January (likely)]

I'm kinda hoping to have to apply to clearing because I can apply to ARU that way I will be closer to home for if I get a BFP and then I might even be able to give birth in the same hospital I was born in.

Sorry for the a lot on my mind at the moment !
Scary stuff! uni and a baby!
Well fingers crossed for good grades, best uni and BFP!!!!
I'm sure you'll do fab and what is ment to be will happen x
What are you hoping to do?
I went off the pill in March, had my withdrawl bleed, got my period on May 10th (6 weeks later), then got my next period July 5th (8 weeks later), and my last one was August 16th. So even after 6 months, my periods aren't regular and I still don't have a clue when they're due.

However, I went off birth control the month before I got pregnant with my daughter. So, I guess it just varies for every situation. :)

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