So paranoid of miscarriage !


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2012
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I tested early and got my bfp a few days before period was due. I'm now about 5 weeks and so worried of miscarriage! I suffered an ectopic pregnancy at 6 weeks a few years ago but since then have had a healthy pregnancy. I'm young and healthy but know how common miscarriage is! After my first scan I think I'll feel better... Anyone else worried as me!
I had a miscarriage last fall so it's in the back of my mind, but I'm feeling much more positive this time around, whereas I sometimes think the negativity surrounding my last one was what caused the miscarriage.
Yeah I'm terrified this time around. I'm under the heading of "threatened miscarriage" because I've had ongoing bleeding for 3 weeks (just had a scan though and all is well for the moment). But I'm also high risk and was told my chances of mc are about 50%. So yes I'm crapping myself! :(
For some reason I feel once I get past the week I had my mc at then I feel a whole lot better. But that doesn't help to feel sad and hope nothing is wrong.. especially after reading this section of the forum :( So many people have had mc's since I found out I was preg.. its kinda heartbreaking.
I am so scared, at 5 weeks yesterday and had miscarriage last year at 5 weeks. I feel if I make it to 6 (when the doctor is going to do the first scan) I'll feel less scared.
I'm absolutely terrified of the possibility. This is my first pregnancy ever so I've never experienced a MC before. I'm only at 4 weeks so I know it's a very real possibility. I pretty much won't stop feeling nervous until I'm at least 12 weeks.
Does anyone think there are a lot of mc & mmc on this section, it seems to beat the so called odds as there are loads. It doesn't help with my paranoia! I got past 6+1 (my previous miscarriage time) & now find myself crapping myself about mmc :( scan tomorrow & I'm no longer excited just terrified xx
Me me!!! I'm terrified that this is going to end in mc... Unfortunately due to previous experience I see being pregnant as a medical condition. It does not mean I'm having a baby... So sad. First time round you get your BFP and think you're having a baby, from then on Bfp's will always mean 'you're pregnant' nothing more. I keep repeating to myself "I am pregnant today, an I've got to be healthy, happy and positive for the baby", it really helps, although hubby thinks I'm insane! Haha

I think there is a high number of mc on this site, but I think a lot of people don't join sites like this unless they have had previous loss, as I know I didn't. I came after my first loss looking for support and reassurance (which I got) and then I've hung around with my terrible story and negativity like a bad smell! Lol!! X
Well I hope we all get our take home babies this time & sail through to 2nd tri with no problems xxx
I'm 5+1 and feel exactly the same. It's my first and I keep worrying I'm not even pregnant! Despite positive tests and missed period! Plus worrying about ectopic and miscarriage non stop x
The problem with pregnancy is there's no 'safe' point. You might miscarry today, you might encounter second tri problems, you might have issues in labour itself. Unfortunately, being pregnant doesn't guarantee a baby. The only thing you can do is to take each day as it comes. Today, we're pregnant. Enjoy that for what it is. Who knows what tomorrow will bring?

I massively enjoyed my pregnancy with Charley, and even though losing him was hideous, I at least have memories from the pregnancy that make me smile. You can't spend your whole life worrying about the what ifs and the maybes.

Once you get to 12 weeks, and you've got a scan showing that the pregnancy is 'normal' so far, then your chances of losing the baby are reduced. The baby has made it through the riskiest 12 weeks, where genetic problems and hormonal problems are most likely to cause problems. But the worry never really goes away (and having a newborn is a world of anxiety in itself!). It's part of having children. You worry about them. Just don't let the worry spoil the enjoyment of today :) Hope that everything goes smoothly for you :flower:
I agree with above about not letting the worry spoil the enjoyment. My previous two pregnancies I didn't worry as much and was able to just go along for the ride knowing there really wasn't anything I could do either way. This time my chances are so high and I have so many issues that I can't even get my head around the possibility of this pregnancy being successful.

Also I don't think there is an unusually high number of miscarriages on here. At 20-25% of pregnancies (or higher depending on age or high risk) that's more than 1/4 of pregnancies. My m/c risk is 50% because of medical issues! Since this is a pregnancy site with many thousands of members it makes sense there would be lots of mamas who have experienced one or more. xo
Its driving me insane that im going to miscarry, the last few days i wake crying thinking this is the day its over. I had two mc's before my son, one at 6 weeks and one at 7. Its probably the hormones that are doing it to me :wacko:

We just got to keep remembering theres more chance or baby than mc. Roll on the next few weeks to 10 weeks, when i can obsess with a doppler to make sure baby is ok instead.
I'm 5+1 and feel exactly the same. It's my first and I keep worrying I'm not even pregnant! Despite positive tests and missed period! Plus worrying about ectopic and miscarriage non stop x

JerryJo, I am feeling the exact same way. 5 weeks 4 days and still think it could all just be a cruel joke or that I peed on the stick incorrectly (even through I did a text with the doctor)

i feel you all. i'm 12 weeks today, and my dr has advised me to be "cautiously optomistic" been spotting/bleeding for probably 4 weeks out of this pregnancy.
had a massive bleed at 9 weeks, and my dr had prepared me for another mc. low and behold, there was still a proper growing baby at a scan on 9w6d. i dont see my dr again until this coming week and he agreed to set up another sono.
fingers crossed. the paranoia is unbearable.
Sometimes I pop back on here and I just wanted to try and tell you all to try and not worry!

I was TERRIBLE when I found out I was pg, literally was buying tests every day and spending a fortune (I was having to hide them from my OH it was so out of hand) and I kept constantly going to the toilet to check if I was bleeding and I spent every day wondering if it was my last day of being pregnant.
It is hard - but the chances are you will get through 1st tri and I will see you in 2nd (well some of you anyway coz with luck I'll be in the 3rd tri in 7 weeks time!) x
i feel you all. i'm 12 weeks today, and my dr has advised me to be "cautiously optomistic" been spotting/bleeding for probably 4 weeks out of this pregnancy.
had a massive bleed at 9 weeks, and my dr had prepared me for another mc. low and behold, there was still a proper growing baby at a scan on 9w6d. i dont see my dr again until this coming week and he agreed to set up another sono.
fingers crossed. the paranoia is unbearable.

Wow that sounds like my pregnancy. Bleeding on and off, docs being cautiously optimistic but preparing me for the possibility. Plus I am at a double risk of m/c due to other factors! I'm almost 11 weeks and have had bleeding since 6 weeks. I have a scan on the 24th so we'll see if bubs is still going strong then! FX for us! xo
Yup yup yup im exactly the same, this is the first time ive been pregnant and im so paranoid that im gona lose it.
My sister had a bad miscarriage at around 16weeks due to the baby haveing major chromosone problems so she new she was going to lose it. So im freaking out that it runs in the family (docs say it doesnt, and theres basiclly no chance of her having it again) and something will happen to me.
Everytime i go to the toilet i check to see if im bleeding, i think my husband thinks im insane :haha:

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