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So scared huge baby


♡Praying for a miracle rainbow baby at 43♡
Sep 13, 2018
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Ladies so I know I've posted about my last growth scan and baby being 4lb. And I was worried then but I've just had my 34+2 growth scan and he is now 6lb 13oz I'm in tears and absolutely terrified.
I know these scans can be out but the scanning machine looked modern and she said that there quite accurate.
My biggest baby was 9lbs at 42 weeks and that was a very traumatic birth.
I'm hoping to get my my induction date when I see the consultant in a bit. I was originally being induced no later than 37 weeks but when I saw the consultant last time they said I cud go to 38 weeks. I'm already extremely anxious about the birth and now I'm shaking like a leaf. I'm so scared ladies. I've been denied a elected section and have to do it vaginally.
I'm only tiny. 5ft 4 and very pattite narrow hips.
My 9lb son got very stuck and they had to used forceps and he was born not breathing because of how long he was stuck for.
I'm trying to hold in the tears so I can really out my fears across to the consultant but I just know I'm gonna end up crying in there.
I'm already struggling so much. I know it's to early to induce now but I'm really hoping they dont make me go over 37 weeks. I'm terrified
You'll be fine, bigger babies are easier to evict apparently! I had a scan the other night at the hospital, I was 30+2 and he was measuring 4lb odd then, my brains frazzled from being here but I believe he was 4lb 6/7oz. You'll be completely fine the more you work yourself up about It the worse you'll feel. Just think hes coming regardless of his size and worry about the pain after:)
Try not to stress. They grow about half a pound a week so at 37/8 weeks, even if the scan's accurate, you'd be looking at 8-9 lb. Perfectly good size. And from what I've heard, bigger is often better coz gravity does a lot of the work. Even small ones can get caught and tear you up. The trauma of a stuck baby is surely something you'll never forget - but that can happen at any size and no two births are alike. Panicking will make it harder and make the next couple of weeks unbearable. Baby has to come out - and if it looks like you need an emergency section they'll give you one. Trust your consultant and see what happens. Good luck and remember, you'll soon have baby in your arms :)
Just checked my previous post baby is roughly just under 5lb at 30+3, that's how bad my brain is right now, that seems quite large looking at that now. I'm even confused of what day it is just from being stuck in here!
(I'm on for a pretty large one here too, off the charts when measured, then 95th centile at 36 weeks. No early induction either, it's my first and no issues and not engaged yet so could easily go the whole 42 weeks - and I'm short, petite and an absolute wuss when it comes to pain.
But fuck it, it has to happen, so bring it on and gimme that squishy little baby!!)

(I'm on for a pretty large one here too, off the charts when measured, then 95th centile at 36 weeks. No early induction either, it's my first and no issues and not engaged yet so could easily go the whole 42 weeks - and I'm short, petite and an absolute wuss when it comes to pain.
But fuck it, it has to happen, so bring it on and gimme that squishy little baby!!)


That's exactly my motto at the moment, this will be quite obviously my biggest baby of the 3, I can tell that just by feeling him in my stomach, hes going to rip my little body In two! But that's what a designer vagina is for afterwards hahaha
@HLx this one weighed 4lb at 30+1 so around the same as ures.
I cant believe he is already just shy of 7lbs.
I'm not aloud a section because I'm at high risk of bleeding out. My son was a traumatic birth because he was 8lb 15 and he didn't breath he was born purple with blue lips hands and feet and completely lifeless. All because he got so stuck because of my tiny frame. Mind u with him they said he wasnt big and wud only ne 7 and a half lbs max but I just new he was big because I was huge. I'm not even big this time. I'm about the same size I was with DD and she was only 5lb 7oz when I had her at 35+4 she was easy to get out but i hemorrhaged because the placenta came away in pieces.
I'm going to tell them I want them to induce me asap and I'm not going any further than 37 weeks and if they push me to go further I'm going to demand a section. Which I know that really do not want me to have.
I've been feeling so unwell the past 2 days and I'm in so much pain I really cant go on much longer.
I've had a liver transplant and the bigger he gets the more presure that will put on my body.
I know some womon say bigger babies are easier to push but that was not the case for me. I had a terrible time with my 8lb 15oz son and this one cud be as big or even bigger even at 37 38 weeks. Shitting its babe.
How u doing
(I'm on for a pretty large one here too, off the charts when measured, then 95th centile at 36 weeks. No early induction either, it's my first and no issues and not engaged yet so could easily go the whole 42 weeks - and I'm short, petite and an absolute wuss when it comes to pain.
But fuck it, it has to happen, so bring it on and gimme that squishy little baby!!)


Hon u crack me up hahahaha. :rofl:
You never know though you could have a 10 pounder and it be your easiest baby! I dont think for one minute the size is the worrying bit, I think it's how he decided to arrive if you get me! My 7 pounder was the most horrific labour of mine pain wise and the after pain, my 8lb 4 boy even though not big in the slightest was so easy! Even with his complications afterwards, but he was easier to heal from! Just take it a step at the time okay, I know you'll be fine :)
I was only 6lb-ish and my mother had a horrendous 36 hour labour that ended with a blue-light transfer to another hospital because I wasn't budging.

She never had another, it put her off so much. So the small ones can be shit too haha!

On the flip side, I recently watched someone on One Born do an 11 pounder in the pool with just gas. God bless her vagina. Anything above 8, and I want all the drugs...!

Honestly, being worked up about the size won't do anything except make you miserable - especially as anything could happen between then and now. The scan could be wrong, growth could slow down, you could start labour early... so many variables.

We were built to give birth. You'll be in hospital so if anything goes wrong they'll intervene, but if they think you can do the natural labour - and it's safer for you and baby - then trust them. You got this!
Still no fixed induction date just said it will be the week of the 23rd September. I turn 37 weeks on the 23rd September. I have another appointment in 2 weeks and will get my date then. Feel so deflated right now. Was so hoping to an actual date. I just hope the baby comes b4 then I dont want a 9lb 10lb baby I'm terrified
I was told the scans can be inaccurate but this scan looked quite modern
I was told the scans can be inaccurate but this scan looked quite modern

I did ask them this at my recent scan! And apparently older model scanning equipment can be out by ALOT for example baby can be measuring 4 weeks ahead, when in fact they are only nearing a week or two ahead, it can be out by 2 weeks roughly depending on a few factors, the newest tech they use I think it's a 20% each way of the scan, so if your given a measurement baby can be either 20% bigger or smaller, I'm guessing on the centile, so not really a huge difference if baby is big, on these new equipment, hes probably big, but a 20% either side. Hope that helps :)
Sugger you already know about my awful tear - my son was only 7lb 4oz! I had a friend who delivered a nearly 9lb baby last month and she did not tear at all.

I’m pretty sure you’re more worried about him getting stuck like your other baby though right? You could read some books if that appeals to you - one I’ve heard recommended a lot in the tear group I’m in is called How to Heal a Bad Birth. I think it helped a lot of women remember that their bodies are capable of delivering successfully even if they had a previous traumatic birth. Maybe that will help you xx
Thanks ladies.
It was a newer machine by the looks of it but cant be sure sure if u know what I mean. Still been told they can be very inaccurate.
I'm currently getting sharp pains coming and going in my back so I'm on my ball but its not helping. I have never ever experienced back labour so I have no idea what that is like.
It doesn't feel like period back ache it feels sharp. Also having loads of presure in the cervix area and low down in my abdomen some very sharp stabbing sensations. Think baby is back to back so if labour started it wud be back labour first and I dont know what that's like. I guess I'll just have to see what happens over night. If things are trying to start I just wud rather my waters break at least then I wud know for sure.
Still feeling very niggly. Exauseted but restless and just really off.
I'm alot more positive today so not as grumpy. Sorry for all my rants ladies and thank you for always being there for support.
Hey Sugger, sounds like you are having a rough few weeks, so sorry hon.
I guess you are tired of hearing that US can be wrong, and I am sorry to be adding mine to that
I went close to 42 weeks with DD and they said she will be around 9.5 lbs at multiple scans toward the end (38 wk, 39 & 40 wk scans). And this was the best hospital in the area with modern equipments and a very experienced dr. I kinda expected her to be big, given she was to be born at 42 weeks. But DD came out at exactly 7 lbs and they were off by 2.5 lbs at least
So Im hoping they are wrong and baby is on the smaller side
If not, I really hope you will either get a nice & smooth birth or a C section if it is medically allowed xxx
Was the biggest baby that was forceps your first?

I had forceps and a horrible birth with my eldest - she was 6lb 7oz!

It’s about position more than size. My others were bigger but better positioned for birth.

You won’t have a 9lb baby being induced at that stage.

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