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Softest, most hypoallergenic diapers


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2013
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My LO appears to be allergic to everything. He has eczema all over his body and a diaper rash (mostly on legs and belly from the diaper touching. . He breaks out to cloth and disposable diapers. We rotate between the 2 to keep his skin as clear as possible. We think part of the issue is rubbing.
So we use size 2 to keep it loose which seems to help. I also keep the cloth diapers as loose as I can. (Which annoyingly often causes leaks).

We are almost out of our disposables.

I wasn't a fan of honest as they were too rough. Pampers sensitive has not helped.

I don't know if I'm ready to try wool diapers yet, but if you have good info I'll take it.

Need ideas. Brands, lotions (currently I'm using canduela lotion from California Baby which seems to be helping.) I'm also going gluten and dairy free.

Our LO had really horrible chafing rash where the nappy rubs on him, especially around the legs and on his belly. We had started with cloth, and swapped to disposables, but it didn't make much difference. We are now using Carrefour Eco nappies, which are French - don't know if that's any help. They are very generous in size, and have no chemicals on them. They seem to have made things better. Have started alternating with cloth again recently.
We have also found that Sudocrem, with very occasional doses of Canestan/hydrocortisone helps keep things looking better.
Hope you find something that works for you.
We use Kissaluv's organic cotton and hemp nappies. I'd recommend them. We've also used burt's bees diaper cream which has all natural ingredients.

DD used to get nappy rashes fairly often, but after we switched to baby led potty training (elimination communication) she stopped getting rashes because now her skin has plenty of time to breath. (Most of the time now she's just in her Kissaluv's with no waterproof layer, and often pees in the potty.) I know doing ec is not for everyone though, so you'll have to see what works for you.
What wipes are you using? What detergent were you using for cloth? What sposies have you tried?
This is SUPER important. I have really bad eczema too...like wash my pants with the wrong detergent and my skin will flake off. I found out not too long ago that I do not tolerate methylisothiazolinone and it seems like more and more people are coming up sensitive to it. It is found in quite a few products (my sensitivity has gotten worse over the years.) To make things worse, it is also regularly found in natural products too!!! I originally became cautious about natural products when a deodorant, no joke, make my armpit skin fall off. I was literally bleeding and blistered all over.

As far as detergent goes, a lot of people with eczema have trouble with using detergent with enzymes in it.
I think maybe wool would be well worth a try. Or alpaca, as that is hypoallergenic, and works the same as wool - one of my boys was allergic to wool, and it set his eczema off. Just allowing the nappy to breathe may make all the difference though.
For the wipes we use water wipes (that's the name) I'm planning to switch to cloth wipes and just using water but I haven't had time yet to make them.
Detergent we use Purex free and clear we recently briefly used arm and hammer free and clear (I went to the wrong store and needed laundry detergent, they didn't have Purex). Since we switched back to Purex the rash is a little better but, I also started using calendula lotion from California baby. That for sure has helped.

I am seriously debating wool. I'm just not sure. I should probably go with alpaca since I know his skin is ultra sensitive. Just scared to pay so much! But I think it will help in summer and in his car seat as I do think heat is part of the equation.
I don't have diaper advice (we use mostly cloth-eeze pre-folds), but I want to reccomend Earth Mama Angel Baby's Bottom Balm. It's all natural and perfectly safe for cloth diapers. My dd gets rashes and this clears them right up. We apply pre-emptively at night knowing she will be in a wet diaper for longer. You can get it on amazon. We love it!
Have you considered making your own laundry detergent? Its much cheaper and lasts for aaaages, I make my own cause I also have very sensitive skin and hubby does too, now we don't break out.

I posted my recipe for the powder detergent on my blog, if you are interested PM me and I can help you with it.

Earth mamas bottom balm is actually one of the creams we use and don't have much luck with it.

I have uh ought about making our own detergent, but I haven't found a recipe I like (too many have harsher chemicals I'm unsure about trying.

We recently started using 7th generation diapers in rotation with our cloth and it seems to be the best option so far (disposable wise). I am starting to think we may have a ammonia issue with the cloth but I'm not sure.

I've started using calendula lotion and it seems to help. This kiddo is so sensitive!
For the wipes we use water wipes (that's the name) I'm planning to switch to cloth wipes and just using water but I haven't had time yet to make them.
Detergent we use Purex free and clear we recently briefly used arm and hammer free and clear (I went to the wrong store and needed laundry detergent, they didn't have Purex). Since we switched back to Purex the rash is a little better but, I also started using calendula lotion from California baby. That for sure has helped.

I am seriously debating wool. I'm just not sure. I should probably go with alpaca since I know his skin is ultra sensitive. Just scared to pay so much! But I think it will help in summer and in his car seat as I do think heat is part of the equation.

If you knit your own alpaca soakers , or know someoe who will knit them for you, they will only cost what the yarn costs, so not expensive at all ;)
Where can I get a pattern? I think my in laws can get me alpaca yarn, and my mom knits. My in laws gave him alpaca bottles for Xmas and he does fine with them so I would at least know that would work for him.

I did find some alpaca soakers on etsy that were reasonable too.

Then for inserts do I just use what I normally would? What do you use in the summer? Polar fleece seems so warm! I know the wool helps though, so I'm thinking of doing wool for sure in the summer.
There's a good and easy pattern here. Make sure the alpaca is hand wash only, as you'll need to lanolise, and machine washable yarn won't accept lanolin. It''s simple to do, but you need the right yarn - 100% wool and/or alpaca, and hand wash only. Here's a video of the simplest way to lanolise

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