Hey all! My name's Robin, I just joined the site. Hubby (31) and I (26) have been married for 3.5 years. We're just now "trying" to have our first, since I suppose you have to do the baby dance more than a few times a month to get pregnant lol. Anyways, my last monthly was October 17th. I was due to start on November 21st (35 day cycle), but I didn't. I was sick with the flu and I just assumed that it was delayed because of that. But before I missed, I started to get pregnancy symptoms. I warn you, I'm a horrible symptom watcher, it's hard not to be sometimes! My breasts started swelling (never have before), my areolas darkened slightly (they're usually so light you can hardly tell where they begin), I've been having terrible heartburn and wind, and most importantly, I haven't spotted... at all. Which is very unusual for me, since I start light spotting off and on a few days before Aunt Flow arrives full swing. I've NEVER competely missed. I've been late, but I've always started. I don't have any health issues that I know about, no overly painful periods or lack of them. Thing is, I took a cheapy test the day I should have started, BFN. I then took one today, being 4 days late, in the morning.. BFN. But my breasts are still extremely sore, and they look like a road map of blue veins. I'm light complected, but I've never had veins like that before, especially on the areolas. And one other thing... my Montgomery glands have enlarged, and my breasts have been incredibly itchy, so today I was gently scratching them and looked down to discover I had small oil droplets coming from them. I know I'm not supposed to squeeze them, so this was purely accidental and was just from pressure, so they didn't even need to be squeezed. One of my questions are if any you have had oil coming from the glands, was it when you were pregnant? My mom tells me I have all the symptoms, but my BFN is really a downer. I've just been trying to go by my own body and lack of AF. I don't want to get my hopes up, because I've been disappointed before, but when new things are happening to my body like this, I kinda freak out. Any advice would be great! Thanks for reading my novel lol. I've been a spectator for a while, but I decided to write my own post, since I'm sooo confused!