Hush little baby don't say a word.
This is the way we clap our hands,,,clap our hands , clap our hands etc,,,
Row row row your boat,,,,,,or seesaw marjery daw.
Zoom zoom zoom, were going to the moon.
Miss polly had a dolly. And the grand old duke of york.
My Son particularly likes action songs. Haha we have silly song we made up too, glad I'm not alone lol.
1) Jibran is a booby baby, booby baby, booby baby.
Jibran is a booby baby, yes he is!
I Love my booby baby, booby baby, booby baby.
I love my booby baby yes I do!
He loves it lol as he grows up booby may not be so appropriate, I will find an alternative word , in case one day he repeat this song in public hahaha