This is super long, sorry!
Well, I have to say everything about this pregnancy and labor was better than last time with James. With my son I had gestational diabetes and was GBS+. He had problems on his 20 week scan that required specialist visits before and after birth. Was terrifying wondering if something was wrong with my baby and if I had failed him somehow. He was comfy, too comfy, I had to be induced at 11 days over because of rising blood pressure. He came 13 days late, after 50 hours in the hospital. My body refused to dilate, going into the hospital at 1 cm, 4 rounds of cytotec over 24 hours I still remained 1 cm. They started pitocin, after 3 hours I was still 1 cm when my water broke on its own. 12 hours later I was finally 10cm, took 3.75 hours of pushing and a vacuum assist to get him out. I had a 3rd degree tear from all this. I felt like my body failed me on so many different levels. I was looking forward to birth this time.
At 32, 33, and 34 weeks I had had contractions. At 34 weeks they were 2-3 mins apart lasting for a minute each for several hours. I was worried about having an early baby. HA! THAT didn't happen.
At 39w0d 12/19/12 I asked my doctor to do a membrane stripping (sweep). She delivered my son and didn't see any harm in it. I was 1 cm and still long and posterior. Boy was she into it! Im going to give you the best one I can without breaking your water. I wasn't expecting her enthusiasm! She apologized as she did it, and I was like, oh no, I asked for it! After about a minute I said, ok, thats enough, thanks, lol. Turns out even if I ask for it I have a limit of how much I can stand someone digging around down there! She said you never know, but see you in a week. Over the next two days I lost my mucous plug, had bloody show and got all excited for nothing to happen. So much for the cramping.
At 40w0d 12/26/12 Saw my doctor again. Asked to be checked but didn't want another membrane stripping it had been PAINFUL! BUT if it did something I figured I would ask for it in another week if I were still overdue. I was 2 cm, 50%, midposition and soft. PROGRESS! I was in the hospital for a day and a half before I got past 1 cm! I felt relieved and excited. I knew it could still mean a while, and actually, she started talking induction date already, but hell, it was something, my body was doing SOMETHING! Doctor said shed be surprised if I made it to my next appt in a week, but that they have been wrong before. I was very hopeful! Due to feeling her less than the previous weeks I was sent for an NST that day. Was told it would take 20 minutes (I had only had 1 with my son and didn't remember it). Ended up taking 1.5 hours due to her not cooperating and being too sleepy. I was worried after an hour! But they let me leave.
40w4d 12/30/12 I dropped at about 7pm in the shower. Just all of the sudden there was more pressure and looked down and my bump was lower! Never had this with my son!
40w5d 12/31/12 Another NST, only took 45 mins this time for the 20 min test. Still a sleepy girl despite eating right before. Very tearful this day. I had some cramping and more pink discharge, but that seemed to be par for the course. I didn't realize how much discharge/mucous plug you could have! DAMN! There was TONS over the next 2 days. I finally realized I wasn't going to have my 2012 baby. Cried repeatedly before midnight. I couldn't believe I was going so overdue again. Husband did what he could to comfort me telling me I made our babies such good homes they didn't want to leave. We toasted at midnight with Sparkling cider. Fell asleep around 1 am.
40w6d 1/1/13 4:17am woken up with contractions. Started timing at 5:15, they were 5 mins apart, and 1 min long. Woke Lee at 5:45 "Hey Lee, I think I'm in labor" "Are you serious? Yes Are you serious? Um, yes, I think so Are you serious? Pretty sure Are you serious? No, but its different than before Are you serious? YES LOL. Hes not very with it when woken up from a sound sleep. When he finally woke up enough he suggested we take a shower since who knows when we'd get another. Did that, contractions slowed a lot to like every 10-12 mins apart. Laid down and tried to sleep about 7am. 7:30 called my parents as they were getting closer and knew they had breakfast plans with someone, told them to cancel plans and come over when they got around to it. So like an HOUR later they came over. Contractions were about 8 mins apart and 35-45 seconds long. Had TONS of pink mucous everytime I went to the bathroom. Mom wanted to get to town even if we didn't go straight to the hospital. I live in a big city, but we were going back to the smaller city where i had James, about 40 mins away by car. So we went there, she asked if we should go to hospital or walk around the store. I said let's go see where we are at the hospital.
So we parked, but left everything in the car. Went up, the triage room was taken so I went straight into a room - the corner room I had with James, the BIGGEST room they had! I was like well I hope we're not leaving now! Hooked up to monitors, contracting every 5 mins, but only 2 cm and 60-75% effaced at 11. So no more dilated than my appt the week before, which I figured with all the discharge and contractions I would at least be a little more! Called doc, said to walk. Walked until 12 when the doc was there. Went up and down several flights of stairs, felt like I didn't feel bad enough to be kept and thought for sure they'd send me home! 12:30 was told a loose 3 and 80-90% effaced, I could stay. Told I could have an epidural anytime, but wanted me to be in more active labor first so to walk more and try a bath if wanted. Walked some more. Then something changed and I wanted my epidural! I'd say 1:15 I was like please! I want one! Screw the tub and walking. Wasn't hooked up to monitors so no clue about how my contractions were, but they were and closer together. They didn't even have my IV in. They called for the anesthesiologist my one from last time! He's AWESOME! They said he was supposed to be in surgery, but hadn't gone in yet so he'd come here first. THANK GOD! I had wanted to try laboring in the tub but by this point I couldn't stand the thought of the pain anymore or of future pain as I figured I was maybe 4 cm and had another day to go!
The anesthesiologist was PISSED at the staff that I didn't have my IV in and wasn't ready for him (cause he started prepping me for my epidural and they told him he had to wait for my IV). So he was like fine, I'll do her IV first! No alcohol swab ready? Fine, I'll use my sponges for epidurals! I wouldn't want to insult or demean you by asking you to get me an alcohol swab! Get me a smaller needle! Pay attention! He was mad and let them know it. He doesn't seem to like to see people in pain and was going back and forth from prepping my back to my hand to multitask and get things going as quickly as possible. Got me fixed up as quick as he could got the epidural at 2:00 pm, adjusted it to give me a higher dose as I was still in pain. Hes a crack up kept telling me hed get it to work because his reputation was on the line and he didn't want it tarnished! Kept reassuring me the pain in my stomach would be gone but warning me that my vagina would still have pain, lol. I was telling him I loved him from the minute he came in the door up until he left after my epidural. He came back much later to see if it was still working, bless him.
Felt like a wimp getting an epidural so early until they told me at 2:15pm I was already 7cm. I was like WHAT? 7? Both my husband and my mom 7?! No wonder I wanted an epidural! Thankfully they didn't send me home at 12:30! Jesus, I would have been DYING. Turned me on my side as her head was at a weird angle and they wanted her to turn. 2:23 my water broke, I felt a weird gush and asked the nurse still standing there doing paperwork if it was my water (I was worried it would be like blood as I was catheterized I knew it wasn't pee at least). Broke on it's own with James too, but at 1 cm. I GUSHED fluid the rest of the time. The doc was even like, this is a lot of fluid while I was pushing! Holy shit. I was like I hope that's 40 lbs worth of fluid (LOL). Asked Lee and the nurse a couple of times to check that it was still my waters gushing later as I was so worried all of the sudden I would just be bleeding tons. Lee was like, no, theres just lots flowing out of you.
4:18pm was told I was 10 cm. They had told me they didn't want me to hit my epidural button for more drugs as they wanted me to be able to feel for pushing. So by the time 4pm came I could feel my knees and lower, but still no pain
The nurse and doctor were pleased I was so mobile with how numb I was. They had me move up or down the bed, I lifted my butt so they could change the pads Id leaked all over. I was really proud I could still be helpful lol. Told me we would start pushing at some point. Doc came and had a feel, said her head was transverse and angled. So Woo! Gonna make it so much more difficult!
Said we could try a few practice pushes, but with my epidural, her being at -2 station and a bad position said we might wait a while and let her come down on her own since I was comfy with the epidural. They were displeased about my urine output and how full my bladder was, and with her head where it was they were hoping if they could empty it it would help her come out. So they wiggled around the catheter. That didn't do anything, took that would, did a straight catheter, that did very littler. So they gave up on hopes of that and just looked at eachother weird. So at 5pm tried pushing and said I was doing well enough, so we continued. With the first set of pushes moved her down to 0 station! WOW! James spent over 2 hours of pushing at -2, so felt very encouraged!
I am still now a week later thinking no one said were going to push out a baby now! I had been asking since 12 if I was going to have a baby today and they had yes, but I didn't believe I would labor and birth in the same day! And after being told we would only be doing practice pushes, she never said, ok, were not going to stop now until theres a baby. I kept waiting for her to tell me to stop and that wed revisit this in a few hours. But we continued so I asked for a mirror to watch as Lee and mom were FASCINATED last time when his head was out, so they put one up. DAMN that shit is GROSS. So I was able to see her come down and then go back up (It really is 2 steps forward 1 step back it seems!). Lee went white as a sheet at one point and the nurses yelled at him to sit down and put his head between his knees and drink a glass of juice. So mom held one leg and I held the other as I pushed her out! (Last time Lee threw up during pushing, but watched the birth). Doc told me I'd be told to stop pushing and pant, and would feel a ring of fire. But as she got close to crowning I watched my skin split (2nd deg tear) and her head was out! DAMN that was the grossest part! The doc said I started tearing while she was at -2 station and said it was unavoidable, but at least it's better than the 3rd deg tear last time. And I could see my skin tearing before I could even see her head. Said I'm small and will tear with every delivery. Oh well. Then she told me to stop pushing and pulled her back and forth and got her out - I'm assuming so I wouldn't tear more pushing her out. Then I had a baby on 1/1/13 at 5:36 pm! Was told 35 mins of pushing! Much different than 3.75 HOURS of pushing! Said she would have come out a lot faster if her head had been in a better position! Still glad they kept me cause in 5 hours I had my baby from being possibly sent home! Had skin to skin for 4 hours then she got weighed and bathed. Juliet Lynn was 7lbs 15.3 oz (James was 7lbs 12.7 oz, so she wasn't much bigger!) and 20.5" (same length as James), head 13.75" (James was 14.5" no wonder I tore more)! LOTS of hair in comparison, not long though. VERY dark. She's doing great. I'm doing well. After pains suck. Tear started hurting today. Oh well, still doing better than I was with James!
At her 3 day old appt she's already weighing 7lbs 14 oz - so a 1 oz weight loss, both the nurse and the doctor were impressed. A week later, the tear still hurts, the after pains are just mild cramps sometimes. My body still feels ruined like last time. I have 3x as many stretch marks, officially gained 2x the amount of weight as I did with James. I feel fat, scarred and torn. Not surprising, but depressing. I worry my body will never be attractive again. I know, Im a tiger and I earned my stripes, but they are so red and angry looking, I dont feel like a tiger. I feel defeated, I feel like my body failed me again. I cant believe I tore again and know that IF we have a third Ill just go through this all over again. I was hoping with no vacuum that I wouldn't tear as badly and I didn't, but its still bad. I tore the same place as last time. It still takes 10 minutes to pee with all the squirt bottles and pads and patting dry and numbing spray and witch hazel pads. I can hear my baby crying cause shes hungry and I know I still have 2 more steps to my bathroom routine before I can get to her. I have been drinking less water because I dont want to spend all day in the bathroom! I know it doesn't last long 2 weeks after with James the pain was gone from the scar, so Im halfway there. Shes in the phase where if we set her down sleeping she instantly wakes up. James had to sleep ON a person the first 2 weeks, and so far so does she. Again, I know this phase doesn't last forever, but in the middle of the night I cant help but feel like shell never sleep in a bed.
And then she smiles in her sleep, yes, Im sure its gas, but it melts my heart, and I cant help but be amazed at the miracle of life and how blessed I am. I cant help wondering how on earth I created not 1 but 2 beautiful children. Yes, she came late and kept me waiting which was torture, but shes here and healthy. Its still surreal to think she was living inside of me all of these months. My son is becoming more and more interested in her. We only have dogs, so apparently, according to him, shes a cat. To be fair its his new word and most things are cat but it was so cute when he clearly pointed to her and said in the sweetest voice cat as we tried to correct him with baby. For now I will keep having my random hormonal cries, but I know in the near future I will be left with scars and faded stretch marks and the best family I never could have imagined for myself. Even at this point I wonder if we should have a third as I keep thinking I still have another son waiting for me. I dont know if were complete as a family, but I know we are blessed to have each other and I am thankful that no matter what it took to get here that here we are.
Both pics less than 24 hours old.
(the hat was her brother's, and for 2 weeks he kept taking the hat out and carrying it around the house until I hid it from him. I was wondering he knew something we didn't...and maybe he did... I made sure to take it with me to the hospital in case!)
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Well, I have to say everything about this pregnancy and labor was better than last time with James. With my son I had gestational diabetes and was GBS+. He had problems on his 20 week scan that required specialist visits before and after birth. Was terrifying wondering if something was wrong with my baby and if I had failed him somehow. He was comfy, too comfy, I had to be induced at 11 days over because of rising blood pressure. He came 13 days late, after 50 hours in the hospital. My body refused to dilate, going into the hospital at 1 cm, 4 rounds of cytotec over 24 hours I still remained 1 cm. They started pitocin, after 3 hours I was still 1 cm when my water broke on its own. 12 hours later I was finally 10cm, took 3.75 hours of pushing and a vacuum assist to get him out. I had a 3rd degree tear from all this. I felt like my body failed me on so many different levels. I was looking forward to birth this time.
At 32, 33, and 34 weeks I had had contractions. At 34 weeks they were 2-3 mins apart lasting for a minute each for several hours. I was worried about having an early baby. HA! THAT didn't happen.
At 39w0d 12/19/12 I asked my doctor to do a membrane stripping (sweep). She delivered my son and didn't see any harm in it. I was 1 cm and still long and posterior. Boy was she into it! Im going to give you the best one I can without breaking your water. I wasn't expecting her enthusiasm! She apologized as she did it, and I was like, oh no, I asked for it! After about a minute I said, ok, thats enough, thanks, lol. Turns out even if I ask for it I have a limit of how much I can stand someone digging around down there! She said you never know, but see you in a week. Over the next two days I lost my mucous plug, had bloody show and got all excited for nothing to happen. So much for the cramping.
At 40w0d 12/26/12 Saw my doctor again. Asked to be checked but didn't want another membrane stripping it had been PAINFUL! BUT if it did something I figured I would ask for it in another week if I were still overdue. I was 2 cm, 50%, midposition and soft. PROGRESS! I was in the hospital for a day and a half before I got past 1 cm! I felt relieved and excited. I knew it could still mean a while, and actually, she started talking induction date already, but hell, it was something, my body was doing SOMETHING! Doctor said shed be surprised if I made it to my next appt in a week, but that they have been wrong before. I was very hopeful! Due to feeling her less than the previous weeks I was sent for an NST that day. Was told it would take 20 minutes (I had only had 1 with my son and didn't remember it). Ended up taking 1.5 hours due to her not cooperating and being too sleepy. I was worried after an hour! But they let me leave.
40w4d 12/30/12 I dropped at about 7pm in the shower. Just all of the sudden there was more pressure and looked down and my bump was lower! Never had this with my son!
40w5d 12/31/12 Another NST, only took 45 mins this time for the 20 min test. Still a sleepy girl despite eating right before. Very tearful this day. I had some cramping and more pink discharge, but that seemed to be par for the course. I didn't realize how much discharge/mucous plug you could have! DAMN! There was TONS over the next 2 days. I finally realized I wasn't going to have my 2012 baby. Cried repeatedly before midnight. I couldn't believe I was going so overdue again. Husband did what he could to comfort me telling me I made our babies such good homes they didn't want to leave. We toasted at midnight with Sparkling cider. Fell asleep around 1 am.
40w6d 1/1/13 4:17am woken up with contractions. Started timing at 5:15, they were 5 mins apart, and 1 min long. Woke Lee at 5:45 "Hey Lee, I think I'm in labor" "Are you serious? Yes Are you serious? Um, yes, I think so Are you serious? Pretty sure Are you serious? No, but its different than before Are you serious? YES LOL. Hes not very with it when woken up from a sound sleep. When he finally woke up enough he suggested we take a shower since who knows when we'd get another. Did that, contractions slowed a lot to like every 10-12 mins apart. Laid down and tried to sleep about 7am. 7:30 called my parents as they were getting closer and knew they had breakfast plans with someone, told them to cancel plans and come over when they got around to it. So like an HOUR later they came over. Contractions were about 8 mins apart and 35-45 seconds long. Had TONS of pink mucous everytime I went to the bathroom. Mom wanted to get to town even if we didn't go straight to the hospital. I live in a big city, but we were going back to the smaller city where i had James, about 40 mins away by car. So we went there, she asked if we should go to hospital or walk around the store. I said let's go see where we are at the hospital.
So we parked, but left everything in the car. Went up, the triage room was taken so I went straight into a room - the corner room I had with James, the BIGGEST room they had! I was like well I hope we're not leaving now! Hooked up to monitors, contracting every 5 mins, but only 2 cm and 60-75% effaced at 11. So no more dilated than my appt the week before, which I figured with all the discharge and contractions I would at least be a little more! Called doc, said to walk. Walked until 12 when the doc was there. Went up and down several flights of stairs, felt like I didn't feel bad enough to be kept and thought for sure they'd send me home! 12:30 was told a loose 3 and 80-90% effaced, I could stay. Told I could have an epidural anytime, but wanted me to be in more active labor first so to walk more and try a bath if wanted. Walked some more. Then something changed and I wanted my epidural! I'd say 1:15 I was like please! I want one! Screw the tub and walking. Wasn't hooked up to monitors so no clue about how my contractions were, but they were and closer together. They didn't even have my IV in. They called for the anesthesiologist my one from last time! He's AWESOME! They said he was supposed to be in surgery, but hadn't gone in yet so he'd come here first. THANK GOD! I had wanted to try laboring in the tub but by this point I couldn't stand the thought of the pain anymore or of future pain as I figured I was maybe 4 cm and had another day to go!
The anesthesiologist was PISSED at the staff that I didn't have my IV in and wasn't ready for him (cause he started prepping me for my epidural and they told him he had to wait for my IV). So he was like fine, I'll do her IV first! No alcohol swab ready? Fine, I'll use my sponges for epidurals! I wouldn't want to insult or demean you by asking you to get me an alcohol swab! Get me a smaller needle! Pay attention! He was mad and let them know it. He doesn't seem to like to see people in pain and was going back and forth from prepping my back to my hand to multitask and get things going as quickly as possible. Got me fixed up as quick as he could got the epidural at 2:00 pm, adjusted it to give me a higher dose as I was still in pain. Hes a crack up kept telling me hed get it to work because his reputation was on the line and he didn't want it tarnished! Kept reassuring me the pain in my stomach would be gone but warning me that my vagina would still have pain, lol. I was telling him I loved him from the minute he came in the door up until he left after my epidural. He came back much later to see if it was still working, bless him.
Felt like a wimp getting an epidural so early until they told me at 2:15pm I was already 7cm. I was like WHAT? 7? Both my husband and my mom 7?! No wonder I wanted an epidural! Thankfully they didn't send me home at 12:30! Jesus, I would have been DYING. Turned me on my side as her head was at a weird angle and they wanted her to turn. 2:23 my water broke, I felt a weird gush and asked the nurse still standing there doing paperwork if it was my water (I was worried it would be like blood as I was catheterized I knew it wasn't pee at least). Broke on it's own with James too, but at 1 cm. I GUSHED fluid the rest of the time. The doc was even like, this is a lot of fluid while I was pushing! Holy shit. I was like I hope that's 40 lbs worth of fluid (LOL). Asked Lee and the nurse a couple of times to check that it was still my waters gushing later as I was so worried all of the sudden I would just be bleeding tons. Lee was like, no, theres just lots flowing out of you.
4:18pm was told I was 10 cm. They had told me they didn't want me to hit my epidural button for more drugs as they wanted me to be able to feel for pushing. So by the time 4pm came I could feel my knees and lower, but still no pain
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I am still now a week later thinking no one said were going to push out a baby now! I had been asking since 12 if I was going to have a baby today and they had yes, but I didn't believe I would labor and birth in the same day! And after being told we would only be doing practice pushes, she never said, ok, were not going to stop now until theres a baby. I kept waiting for her to tell me to stop and that wed revisit this in a few hours. But we continued so I asked for a mirror to watch as Lee and mom were FASCINATED last time when his head was out, so they put one up. DAMN that shit is GROSS. So I was able to see her come down and then go back up (It really is 2 steps forward 1 step back it seems!). Lee went white as a sheet at one point and the nurses yelled at him to sit down and put his head between his knees and drink a glass of juice. So mom held one leg and I held the other as I pushed her out! (Last time Lee threw up during pushing, but watched the birth). Doc told me I'd be told to stop pushing and pant, and would feel a ring of fire. But as she got close to crowning I watched my skin split (2nd deg tear) and her head was out! DAMN that was the grossest part! The doc said I started tearing while she was at -2 station and said it was unavoidable, but at least it's better than the 3rd deg tear last time. And I could see my skin tearing before I could even see her head. Said I'm small and will tear with every delivery. Oh well. Then she told me to stop pushing and pulled her back and forth and got her out - I'm assuming so I wouldn't tear more pushing her out. Then I had a baby on 1/1/13 at 5:36 pm! Was told 35 mins of pushing! Much different than 3.75 HOURS of pushing! Said she would have come out a lot faster if her head had been in a better position! Still glad they kept me cause in 5 hours I had my baby from being possibly sent home! Had skin to skin for 4 hours then she got weighed and bathed. Juliet Lynn was 7lbs 15.3 oz (James was 7lbs 12.7 oz, so she wasn't much bigger!) and 20.5" (same length as James), head 13.75" (James was 14.5" no wonder I tore more)! LOTS of hair in comparison, not long though. VERY dark. She's doing great. I'm doing well. After pains suck. Tear started hurting today. Oh well, still doing better than I was with James!
At her 3 day old appt she's already weighing 7lbs 14 oz - so a 1 oz weight loss, both the nurse and the doctor were impressed. A week later, the tear still hurts, the after pains are just mild cramps sometimes. My body still feels ruined like last time. I have 3x as many stretch marks, officially gained 2x the amount of weight as I did with James. I feel fat, scarred and torn. Not surprising, but depressing. I worry my body will never be attractive again. I know, Im a tiger and I earned my stripes, but they are so red and angry looking, I dont feel like a tiger. I feel defeated, I feel like my body failed me again. I cant believe I tore again and know that IF we have a third Ill just go through this all over again. I was hoping with no vacuum that I wouldn't tear as badly and I didn't, but its still bad. I tore the same place as last time. It still takes 10 minutes to pee with all the squirt bottles and pads and patting dry and numbing spray and witch hazel pads. I can hear my baby crying cause shes hungry and I know I still have 2 more steps to my bathroom routine before I can get to her. I have been drinking less water because I dont want to spend all day in the bathroom! I know it doesn't last long 2 weeks after with James the pain was gone from the scar, so Im halfway there. Shes in the phase where if we set her down sleeping she instantly wakes up. James had to sleep ON a person the first 2 weeks, and so far so does she. Again, I know this phase doesn't last forever, but in the middle of the night I cant help but feel like shell never sleep in a bed.
And then she smiles in her sleep, yes, Im sure its gas, but it melts my heart, and I cant help but be amazed at the miracle of life and how blessed I am. I cant help wondering how on earth I created not 1 but 2 beautiful children. Yes, she came late and kept me waiting which was torture, but shes here and healthy. Its still surreal to think she was living inside of me all of these months. My son is becoming more and more interested in her. We only have dogs, so apparently, according to him, shes a cat. To be fair its his new word and most things are cat but it was so cute when he clearly pointed to her and said in the sweetest voice cat as we tried to correct him with baby. For now I will keep having my random hormonal cries, but I know in the near future I will be left with scars and faded stretch marks and the best family I never could have imagined for myself. Even at this point I wonder if we should have a third as I keep thinking I still have another son waiting for me. I dont know if were complete as a family, but I know we are blessed to have each other and I am thankful that no matter what it took to get here that here we are.
Both pics less than 24 hours old.
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