Anyone have any idea of what this could be? The pain is not bad at all really, but it is noticable, sucked in my breath a few times, and actually its only been stabbing pain off and on. I have noticed it maybe 4 or 5 times in the last 12 hours maybe? And now its sort of dull throbbing. I have never felt this before, only when ovulating, which I believe happened around the 10th-12th of this month. I could have possibly felt this before, but I can't be quite sure as I wasn't paying attention to everything being that I wasn't trying. Does anyone know what this could be from or have you felt anything like this so close to AF? I feel her coming, my breasts are really full and sore to the touch. This is normal for me before AF though, so I am sure its nothing more. I also have a little cramping to suggest AF is coming. Could this be a cyst, or what do you think? Thank you so much X