I think I see a little something on that FRER, as for the blue dye test, it looks a little smudgy with the dye so its hard to tell. That FRER looks a lot like mine were at 10 DPO. Good luck hun, I hope it turns out to be the start of your !!
Thanks for the feedback... I’ve just don’t another Clear Blue this eve (I’m in Australia) after what you ladies were saying about the dodgy FRERS... first test my hubby things is positive... what do you think? Appeared after 3 mins and still there now
Thanks so much everyone! I am getting a pain in my right ovary every time I stand up or cough/sneeze, I’ve looked it up and it seems fairly common, but I’m a bit worried as I’m so early along. I’ve booked appointment for the doctors first thing Monday morning. I’ve had some nice progression this afternoon too from yesterday’s FRER, darker line
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