I'm 37 and have 2 boys from a previous marriage. They are 10 & 12. I had no problems getting pregnant with them, but that was a long time ago. I remarried in July '15, and we began TTC. I have been tracking my cycle for over a year, not temp, but taking notes and using opk. Still no luck. In April of this year, we both had testing done, and all seemed fine...but still no luck. The dr I was seeing was going to put me on a low dose of Clomid, but we moved 3 hours away, and I had to get a new dr. That dr wanted to try me on Pregnitude first. So, I started it in early September on cd25. My cycle was 28 days, which was normal for me(27-29 days). After that, I had a 3 day period, also normal for me. However, this cycle was different. On cd25, I had light red bleeding with a small clot, and then nothing. Cycle lasted 28 days. Then, I only bled for 1 1/2 days. Then very light spotting-peachish. I'm at a loss as to what to think or do now. I'm scared to keep using Pregnitude if it's going to mess my cycle up more! Any input and advice would be greatly appreciated!