Starting to worry about birth..


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2012
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I know this is probably on every mums mind, but I'm 29 weeks tomorrow and the realisation is setting in that I gotta get this baby out- and it's gonna be soon! I've never been one to be very good with pain, and the idea of imagining the most excruciating pain I've ever felt is keeping me awake at night. I want this baby more than anything but I'm so so scared. What if I can't do it or cope with the pain?! I feel like a failure before I start. Hubby is being supportive and saying just coz I'm not good with physical pain who knows what ill be like at birth I could surprise everyone?! But I'm not so sure! I'm afraid I'm just gonna be a screaming crying mess and I can't do it!! :-(
You can do it!! Labour is unlike anything else. It is painful for most women but its a productive pain- you know its going to end and you are going to get the most amazing gift at the end of it. Imagine how much easier it'd be to cope with a broken arm knowing it would only hurt for a few hours ad you'd get a million £'s at the end :haha:.
Don't forget you can have pain relief if you need it, and there are things you can do to help prepare and empower you, such as hypnobirthing. You'll do great!
P.S I'm a 2nd time mummy and SO excited for giving birth! :)
You'll cope.

I cried having my ears pierced at the age of 25 and only let the girl do one ... I had my LO with no pain relief last year and am going back in for round two!

No matter how much you worry, once you're in labour you'll be so caught up in the moment that you don't have chance to think about anything other than just getting on with it ... Then you get a super cute baby after, bonus!x
Giving birth really bloody hurts but it is like no pain that you can imagine, not because its that horrifically painful but because it is not the same kind of pain.

Its productive pain, you know that with every build up and peak of a contraction you are one closer to having your babe in your arms.

Honestly you will be fine, you will more then likely surprise yourself. Us women are pretty damn awesome we can and will cope with anything for our little people :)
Thank you both. It's so nice to hear this from 2nd time mums as you know exactly what to expect!!
The broken arm thing is a really good way to think!!

I haven't got a birth plan or anything yet and I'm worried I should? Is it something I do with midwife?? I'm seeing her again wed but nothing has been mentioned previously.

I think if like some pain relief but I'm petrified at the thought of an epidural!
Thank you for replying. Yes productive pain. I need to keep that in my head!! Everyone just wants to tell u horror stories though :/ think that's made me worse as the weeks gone on :-(

Giving birth really bloody hurts but it is like no pain that you can imagine, not because its that horrifically painful but because it is not the same kind of pain.

Its productive pain, you know that with every build up and peak of a contraction you are one closer to having your babe in your arms.

Honestly you will be fine, you will more then likely surprise yourself. Us women are pretty damn awesome we can and will cope with anything for our little people :)
Why are you petrified at the thought of an epidural? I had one it was great! X
I'm not a great fan of needles!! And again I've heard horror stories if try don't hit the right spot?!
It does hurt but you manage. Why? Baby is coming and as soon as you push baby out instant relief plus the single most joyous experience someone gets to have in their life! Holding your baby for the first time! I was surprised at how I managed second time around I waited it out and can't say I regret it I did try an epi at 6cm it did not work I felt it all and it was honestly not as bad as I imagined it would be!
Maybe if I'm imagining the worst pain possible and fearing the worst it may surprise me?! Lol wishful thinking! X
Mind frame is really important, forget your body that will do what its going to do anyway, going into it with a positive attitude is so so important.

Giving birth isnt something to dread or fear. It can be a amazing experience whether you have pain relief or not. Going into it with a "i can do this" attitude can make a huge difference though.
I'm the opposite in a way in that I'm not scared of labour (well not yet anyway) I know it's gonna hurt but I also know that this is what my body is designed to do and I'm surrounded by medical experts who know what they're doing.

My o/h on the other hand has told me he doesn't think I'm going to cope at all, I plan to just use Gas and Air, since I can't even deal with a little bit of cramp! Helpful!!
I know I'm really trying to change my mind set its so hard though :-s

I've heard that our bodies do what is needed- is that really true?

Oh Smudge101 that's a good way to be I wish I was that positive right now!!

I just hope as time goes on ill get fed up and ill want baby out! Lol
Women in comas give birth, 99.9% of the time our bodies have it covered :)

We are lucky enough to have the medical help there f needed but more often then not the more we are left to it the better.
I know I'm really trying to change my mind set its so hard though :-s

I've heard that our bodies do what is needed- is that really true?

Oh Smudge101 that's a good way to be I wish I was that positive right now!!

I just hope as time goes on ill get fed up and ill want baby out! Lol

My body pushed even if I was not making a push stronger. Does that make sense? It was doing it on its own without me trying! I just added extra strength. It will be ok hun! :hugs:
Women in comas give birth, 99.9% of the time our bodies have it covered :)

We are lucky enough to have the medical help there f needed but more often then not the more we are left to it the better.

Really I didn't know that! That's amazing. I feel a little bit better hearing things like that :)
I know I'm really trying to change my mind set its so hard though :-s

I've heard that our bodies do what is needed- is that really true?

Oh Smudge101 that's a good way to be I wish I was that positive right now!!

I just hope as time goes on ill get fed up and ill want baby out! Lol

My body pushed even if I was not making a push stronger. Does that make sense? It was doing it on its own without me trying! I just added extra strength. It will be ok hun! :hugs:

Thanks so much. I know what you mean. It's good to hear that rather than people filling u with stories of how har and awful birth is :-(
Oh I do hope I'm ok and Ido good! Lol. Thanks you :hugs:
Thank you both. It's so nice to hear this from 2nd time mums as you know exactly what to expect!!
The broken arm thing is a really good way to think!!

I haven't got a birth plan or anything yet and I'm worried I should? Is it something I do with midwife?? I'm seeing her again wed but nothing has been mentioned previously.

I think if like some pain relief but I'm petrified at the thought of an epidural!

Where I am you go over your birth plan with your midwife at your 36 week appointment. There is a section in your green notes to write down your birth preferences and then you can write a few things down on a separate sheet and attach it to your notes so the mnidwives looking after you in labour can see how you'd like things to be.
I wish I hadn't spent so long worrying about giving birth and just enjoyed the last few weeks of pregnancy. Seriously your body will do whatever it needs to do, and not long afterwards you'll have been a mum for longer than you were in labour! X
im so lucky that my birth went the way i wanted it to. i did want a home birth but my partner really didnt so we settled for a hospital birth my way... i got there about 4cm dialated and just said give me gas and air and a birthing pool and leave me too it. i got out once to have my waters broken to bring it allong a bit and was brought a sandwich and i didnt regret not having stronger pain relief then gas and air and hot water untill i was actually in the pushing stage but it was over so quickly that it didnt really matter.

the bit i hated the most was having the anasthetic needle for the stitches... it actually hurt the most lol.

and it was a good laugh truth be told. i asked my partner to look at my stitches and tell me if i looked ok down ther and he said "it actually looks tidyer" i almost killed him what do you mean tidyer? was it messy before!

i left hospital the same day and honestly i could do it again. like everyone says its a productive pain. you know it will probably be over tomoro from the time labour starts and youll have a baby.

def think of a birth plan because midwives and doctors can be pushy and you need to know what you can ask for and what you can safely refuse if you dont want it.
e.g gas and air is brilliant and even if you dont want to give birth in it a birthing pool is sooooo relaxing

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