Struggling.... Early days! :(


Mummy of 2
Feb 26, 2013
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My little girl arrived Saturday night and we got off to a good start with bfing.
By day 3 I'm in so so much pain when she latches and my boobs feel really hot. I don't know what to do?
Aparently my latch is fine and it's worse when I'm engorged (can't seem to hand express)
I was a teary mess a few hours ago and DH had to give her 2oz of formula as she was just using my poor bleeding nipples as a dummy :cry:
I feel awful, like a failure and I'm starting to dread feeding her because of the pain... How selfish!!
Any help would be much appreciated :)
It's not always perfect in the beginning :hugs: Keep at it and it should get better. There are a few things you can try if you aren't already...

Nipple cream is the best thing ever invented

Try warm compresses on your boob to help with the engorgement and flow (don't be ashamed to hand express a little in a warm bath or shower if it helps)

Try breastfeeding in the tub. The warmth and after leaving a warm washcloth on your boobs can help loosen things up and then have hubby bring baby in to nurse immediately. Can make it easier for her to get the flow going and sort of kick start things. Plus the skin to skin is great for her.

If all else fails see a midwife or doctor. You make have some clogged ducts or be developing mastitis that is getting in the way of your milk coming out. Also try stripping baby down to eat. Some babies will get too warm and snuggled in and won't actually nurse when too sleepy. They just use you as a pacifier.

You are doing great just keep at it and try to get some help if it persists :hugs:
Congrats in your new baby! My lo has had latch problems since he was born. Bf is one of the most difficult things I have ever done. It physically hurts so bad and it is emotionally draining. The first week of bf is a blur. I was in so much pain and I ended up having to supplement with formula which made me feel like a failure. Try and stick in there. It did get a bit easier a few weeks in and seemed to get a lot easier everyday after that. I could only bf 3-4x a day because I was in so much pain. Like you, I started to dread feeding him because it hurt so bad. Her latch probs could also be because her mouth is so small. I have noticed that my lo latches a bit better now that his mouth is getting bigger, even though it is not perfect yet.

All I can say is try and stick in there, it does get easier. I really wish I didn't have to supplement but once I got over feeling like a failure, I realized that is prob the only thing that had kept me bf. I know you are doing the best you can and that is all you can do. Have you tried talking to a lactation consultant?
Have you thought of trying a nipple shield? Just until you heal up a bit? I still use one with my 10 week old and if it weren't for that I wouldn't have been able to continue feeding (for other reasons as well as pain...long story). Medela makes a great shield for about $10.

Another idea is to pump and do some bottle feeds. This relieves some of your engorgement and gives you a bread while still enabling your lo to receive breastmilk. Only pump to replace feeds if you're worried with causing an oversupply.

Hope this helps! Honestly it gets so much easier so just hang in there!
Hang in there! It sounds just like my first week,everything started off great, but got extremely painful. The only way I was able to keep at it was because I knew ( from my first child) that it would only get easier. I used a nipple shield when my nipples were cracked and bleeding because it was so extremely painful when my son was latching on. I would also pump bottles for feeds because pumping was much less painful than the baby latching on. You are doing great, remember it can only get easier!!!! I would say my pain lasted about 2 days after I started the nipple shield and/ or pumping.
It gets better! I used the medela tender care nipple covers to relieve pain and help me heal fast. Maybe give that a try.
Hang in there Mama, the first 2 weeks are hard going but it does get so so so much easier! We are at 5 weeks here now & flying it but that first week was a blur of pain, tears (hers & mine!) & we did give her a few bottles just to give me a break! It honestly does get so much easier, just give it time
Hugs to you
It gets better promise. Try not to supplement if you can bear it. Get lots of skin to skin and keep nursing that will help with any engorgement. I found the first 5 days the toughest with all my babies. Once your milk really gets going you will feel more positive.

Get some lanisoh on your nipples, squeeze some in the centre of your breast pad it is really soothing, safe for baby too. Just nurse nurse nurse you will honestly get through this and feel better in no time xx
When breasts are engorged (congrats on getting your milk in so fast btw) latch is often poor as LO can only get the tip of the nipple in - it's like trying to bite a baloon. If you can't hand express can you get a bit of the milk out using a pump (hand or electric), just the first few squirts till your boobs get a bit less tight and then try latching.
The first week was awful for me. There should really be a "one week breastfeeding milestone" blinkie because getting through it really is an achievement. I would just be sobbing sometimes, and once my husband said, "I don't think breastfeeding ever hurt my mom that much." "Then I guess your mom had tits of steel, because everyone says I'm doing it right, and it still hurts!"

I'm at 5.5 weeks now and it's so much easier and less painful.
Thank you all! Still struggling with the pain at day 5 :(
My breasts are like rocks and so hot about half an hour after she feeds. It really hurts to feed her too.
Getting my latch checked again today though so hoping we can get a bit more comfort. It's so hard to cluster feed (she is on and off constantly from 9-3am) when it hurts so much :cry:
Wouldn't mind so much if it was only lack of sleep.
I'm glad in a way to see its normal though :)
Oh Hun. It's perfectly normal but I know that doesn't make it any easier. :(

I cried and cried at every feed when DD was new.

But all of a sudden it does get better and you'll be so glad you stuck it out. X

Try not to supplement as it'll confuse baby (and then make her latch more painful) and confuse your boobs too. Xxx

Hang in there mama - you're doing great!
You're NOT a failure and you're NOT selfish :hugs: The first few weeks are so hard. You mention that your breasts are hot, it may be worth getting checked out for mastitis and this is a common problem in the early days. I had it in both breasts and antibiotics sorted it out. You could also have a hot bath and place warm flannels on the breasts to help relieve the engorgement and pain in the meantime.

Lansinoh cream can help with nipple pain and heal the nipples.

Try not to supplement with formula if possible as it can cause nipple confusion with the baby. If you do give a bottle then it's a good idea to pump the milk for that missed feed so that you keep your supply up.

It can be so hard at first but I promise it gets so much easier after those first few weeks.

I hope you're feeling better soon :hugs:
Yes, the warmth in your breasts can be a good sign of mastitis. My sil got feverish and chilled with a headache and warm sore breasts after she had her LO and we were all at the in laws. It was weekend and she waited to see somebody. She's had problems since with it starting as mastitis and then into an abscess that she actually has to go have drained at the hospital now. Better to get it checked out and be safe than sorry. Not trying to scare you, you don't have near the symptoms she does, just letting you know to get things checked out right when they start rather than waiting for it to run it's course :winkwink: Don't want you to get even more miserable because bf is hard enough on it's own.
Lanoish by the bucket load after every feed!!
I got some breast heat pads that you put in the microwave...was brill at easing the engorgement before a feed. Then cold flannel for after a feed.
massage your boobs in a hot express a bit of milk out.
Strap those babies down - a good tight sports bra...or really well fitting nursing bra.
ibrophren to help with pain and swelling.
if your already cracked then maybe try some nipple shields.

Day 3 to 5 was the worst and i saw much improvement by day 6/7 so do hang in there. Im now at 2 weeks and it improved soooo much.
4th baby bf and worst pain out of lot for me

the things that got me through



paracetamol before feeds

resting each side for 24 hrs and pumping it instead

best wishes

single side feeding - gives them a longer rest

I have always and still do single side feed works reaaly well bubs 12 weeks
I really do feel your pain. I'm on week 11 now of bf and I was at the point of stopping on many occasions at the beginning. By day 3 I was a tearful mess at home not knowing how I could possibly continue. I bought nipple shields but my baby wouldn't latch. I used nipple cream after every feed and sent my OH out urgently to buy a pump to express that day because the pain was far too much. My main advise would be to ensure your latch is good - I thought mine was and it wasn't because the pain was excrutiating. I would sit on my nursing chair crying and dreading feeds so it's crucial that you have mw back-up. Once the latch was corrected the "shark latch" went away and now it really is a pleasure to bf. It's tough and it takes a lot of determination to get through the beginning - I really do hope you can stick at it hun xxxx

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