Hi all, I went on Friday for an ultrasound where I was expected to be 7w4days (positive of my dates). On the ultrasound there were 2 yolk sacs, one gestational sac, and I think two fetal poles..no heartbeats detected, but baby measured 6w0days..Tech and Dr didn't explain well of what was seen..Doc scheduled me for a D and C 2 days later..I went in this morning, and the doc scheduled for the surgery said she thinks we "jumped the gun" and said even though the dates were off, everything measured fine for what was seen and could have been too early to see a heartbeat (Note she did not have access to the ultrasound so she couldn't see it, just what the measurements that were written down). So home I went, and now I am an emotional wreck..I feel like I am preparing for the worst, but hard not to get my hopes up..I don't go for another ultrasound for a week! Guess I am just looking for some words of encouragement or similar stories..