Mummy3, good luck with the MRI's next month.

Keep us posted?
I have another vent. Sorry if this is long-winded, but to daughter's condition damaged the nerves in her sacral vertebrae, that leads to bowel, bladder and feet. She has a very slight dropfoot. Meaning, her toes drop down when she walks. So when she steps through, her foot doesn't step down on the heel first, toes second. The toes drag along pointing downwards and lands toes first, heel second. When she concentrates or walks slowly, she's usually fine, since it's a very, very slight dropfoot in her case. Unfortunately when she gets tired, or when she's running, this happens allot and it makes her stumble, fall down or scrape the top part of her toes or foot on the cement, tar, ground or grass.
Usually in winter, it doesn't matter too much, since she'll have shoes on, and her knees and shins will be protected by long pants. But it's spring now in our country, and we live in a very hot part of it. The children wear short (uniform) dresses to school, and go barefoot. This week alone she's fallen down at least 3 times already, and scraped the skin off her foot, knees, hand, elbow, etc. Usually when she stumbles she can stop herself from falling down, but about once a day she can't. And if it happens on cement or tar, she gets hurt. It's usually deep scrapes, that bleeds quite a bit, and then she has a scab for a week or longer. Usually this scab gets scraped off a few times before it finally gets a chance to heal.
My heart aches for her, and I don't know how to help her!

The doctors can't do anything. The nerves are permanently damaged, and wearing braces (afo's) is not worth it, since her dropfoot isn't bad enough. Wearing afo's would make it difficult to run. I told her she could just as well stop running herself, then she won't fall so much!!

But she's such a lively, active little thing, she darts and jumps and flutters from place to place like a little busy bird.

My husband said he thinks we should get permission from the school to let her wear shoes in summer as well. But it's sad, because she'll be really hot in our weather in socks and shoes. But I don't see much of a choice.