Hi inx94, I can share my surrogacy experience with you. I also have MRKH, so I understand how it feels when you know that you will never be able to carry your child. Well, for a long time I was really frustrated and thought that never ever I would be a mom
or even a wife. But fortunately I had a lot of support to deal with this problem. My hubby didn`t let me feel that it was MY problem. He made me realize that all the problems in our life we face together. He kept on telling me that it was not my fault. And that some things in this life just happen to make us stronger. And that it was not something impossible to solve. We started to consider different options. First of all we could do the adoption. It is legal in our country, this is one of pros. But I am not sure how much time it will take
Because sometimes adoption can take you all life long. Like you are put on the waiting list and then your turn might come when you will be already too old to adopt
It is kind of risk. And another risk is that you adopt someone`s child, and you can not be sure how his genetics will show itself in future. Nowadays medicine allows infertile people to have children genetically related to them. So while choosing between adoption and surrogacy we decided for surrogacy. First of all we knew that it would take less time than adoption. Actually, we were told that the whole process would take around one year. It is in case you succeed from the first attempt. Of course, if, unfortunately, the first attempt was not successful of course you would need to start with a new surrogate. But back to my story, the surrogacy is forbidden in my country, I am from Spain, so we needed to find where to go for it. I alredy have told on this forum why we chose Ukraine. But to be clear, in a few words: there are not that many countries where the surrogacy is allowed, and we didn`t trust in India, Thailand, Mexico or Russia
USA is too expensive for us. We are not poor but at the same time are not that rich, so can`t really afford it (the price for surrogacy in US clinic in total will be like 150 thousands at least, and it`s in case if there are no problems during pregnancy. Cause if there are you pay extra, to cover all the medical expenses). So we have just a couple of countries to choose from, and we decided to trust in Ukraine. Actually what we liked about Ukraine before starting the process was a high percentage of success and distance to Spain. Actually, in Spain most people who need surrogacy go to Ukraine. We even went to one agency here in Spain. They offered one clinic in Kiev and we took our time to think it of. We searched on the internet and got to find some people who already had gone for surrogacy with the same clinic. We discussed some questions with them and then just decided to contact the clinic directly. We contacted the clinic and were given all the information we needed. As it turned out, there was no need in agency because it doesn`t offer anything more than clinic
The name of the clinic was biotexcom. We chose the all included surrogacy package. For the surrogacy program we had to come to Ukraine 3 times. The first time was to check the sperm of my husband, to sign papers and make the first payment.
At the airport we were met by the clinic`s driver and were taken to the hotel (provided by the clinic, as well as food). Next day the driver took us to the clinic, we met our coordinator, found out all the peculiarities we were interested in and went back home in the afternoon, as we were done with everything by that time. Then we were waiting till the clinic found for us the surrogate. By the way we chose 5 donors from the list, by their photos and general information provided, before coming to the clinic for the first time. So the next visit was in 2 months. We came for the sperm pick up, fertilization and embryo transfer. We were staying in Kiev that time 5 days. 2 embryos were transferred but, unfortunately none of them survived. So the first attempt was failed. Then we had to wait for a new surrogate. And in another 2 moths we came again. The same procedure as was during the second visit. Now 3 embryos were transferred and 1 survived. So that`s how we got pregnant! Long moths of waiting and then the third visit. We saw our baby for the first time and were so happy
I couldn`t believe it had really happened. She was so beautiful, the cutest baby I have ever seen. After the birth of our princess nothing else had a matter any more. The only thing we had to do before going home was the documents proceeding. We expected to do it in 2 weeks but it actually took us 1 month, as there were New Year and Christmas holidays those days. We were a bit upset about it but still fine as we were with our daughter. Moreover we were assisted very well so it was kind of vacation for us

So now we are parents and it is amazing feeling! That is my surrogacy success sorry

Sorry for making it that long, I tried to be brief. Well I should go because my baby is driving me crazy right now, she has so much energy
Any way if you ladies have any question about my experience with surrogate motherhood, feel free to ask, I would be glad to answer them! Good luck to everybody :wave: