Switching to breastfeeding at 13 days old?? Possible?


Mummy of two
May 10, 2012
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I breastfed for the first couple of days but my LO didn't latch on properly because she is tongue tied. I've felt so guilty since and would have loved to have breastfed. The health visitor has visited this morning and she said to try and build up a supply by putting her to my nipple and using my breast pump and to see if I can start to breastfed again. Do you think this is possible?
I'm gonna put her to my nipple on her next fed and try and stimulate and then give her formula and once my breast pump is sterilised, I'm gonna try and pump every 2 hours. Has anyone else tried this or have any advice?
I've just used my breast pump for the first time and managed to express half an oz, so I'm really pleased with that. Will have to just stick with it and see how it goes.
I really don't know the answer, but wanted to wish you luck! It sounds promising though since you were able to express some!
This lady sucessfully did relactating, and is still nursing - while pregnant! :) I'm positive she'll want to support you. :) Good luck!

It's definitely possible, just nurse and pump as often as you can, every two hours is good! Some people have good luck eating oatmeal, it can increase supply. Fenugreek is also good to take, its a herb to increase lactation. Milk is all about supply and demand, the more that's asked for, the more you'll make. Good luck! Oh and www.Kellymom.com is an excellent bf resource as well :)
Thanks ladies.
I've just pumped again (but just one breast) and managed just short of Half an oz. I'm gonna offer the other breast when she is due for a feed at 6.
I feel so much better feeling like I am doing something productive.
If your LO will still latch on, then get them latched. What bottles are you using? You could swap to cup or syringe feeding, but if you're not comfortable with that, then make sure you're using slow flow bottles that require LO to work and suck to get milk out. Basically, you can build a supply reasonably easily so early PP, but if LO decides bottles are easier than BFing, you'll have a harder task on your hands.

As for your supply, I'd personally get into bed with LO, do a good few hours/days (as long as you can) skin to skin and allowing her to latch as she desires. Express every couple of hours (day and night - your hormones will be at their highest between around 1 and 4am, so any feeds or expressing during this time are a real supply boost). Consider investing in a SNS (supplemental nursing system - a tube that LO can get milk through while she is latched onto you) so you can build your supply quicker.

It is absolutely possible to relactate, and at 13 days it's possible you'll actually just be building a supply, as you probably are still producing some milk. The thread posted above should have some good tips for you, too :)
She is struggling to latch because of the tongue tie (health visitor has made an urgent referral to hopefully get this sorted).
In hospital, she was feeding for around 30 minutes, but obviously unsure how much she was taking.
These last 2 times this afternoon, she was latched on and must have managed to get some milk because I can hear her swallow but after about 5 minutes, she gets very frustrated (I feel so sorry for her as she is working as hard as she can). It probably doesn't help that I'm doing this at feeding time so she is just desperate for food and not getting it.
I've expressed every 2 hours so far and managing to get a bit each time (it really helps if my LO is looking at me crying.. Haha).
I'm gonna have skin to skin with her when I'm next due to express at 9 and see what she takes. I'm also planning on expressing at 2/3ish when my OH gets up to do the night feed.
I'm hoping in a couple of days, I will have enough in a bottle to feed her, even if its just an oz as I've just been dumping the milk from today as its small amounts.
Maybe try giving her a small amount of formula or expressed milk first, so she's not desperately hungry. Then, when she latches she might be a bit more patient with your supply and flow. Definitely make sure you're using bottles with the slowest flow possible, too. And perhaps try giving her smaller feeds more often, so instead of 4 oz every 3 hours, do 2 every hour and a half, so she gets used to smaller amounts and doesn't get used to a massively full stomach (which isn't how BFing works). The tiny amounts can be dropped into her mouth rather than dumped - even those tiny amounts will help her immune system at this early stage :) Also, remember that you don't need ounces and ounces of breastmilk for a feed. Her tummy is the size of her fist, so it doesn't need buckets of milk to be full.

We expressed from the beginning, but my DS didn't latch on and feed properly until day 10. We cup fed exclusively for the first week. It is hard to switch, especially if you've got to build a supply as well, but it is possible.

I hope your referral comes through quickly and the TT is sorted. That should definitely help things! Just keep patient, keep as relaxed as you can, and let your body catch up with what you're trying to do. Best of luck :)
Absolutely you can. My lo was also born tongue tied and fought my breast from the start. I express pump and feed her from a bottle but everyday I try to get her to nurse. She's 6 weeks now and will take my breast, sometimes it works other times it doesn't but I've only recently discovered that I have a fast flow. She will gag and choke so I can only try and feed her if I've pump recently. The more you pump and nurse the more milk you will produce. I get about 4 oz in 20 mins when I pump every 3-4 hours. Hopefully you will be able to get her to nurse more regularly and cut out the expressing. In my case, she's going into daycare in a few weeks so I have to stick to the routine we've created. Good luck.
Could you see about using an at the breast supplement system? Also if you are pumping small amounts you can keep dumping it into the same bottle in the refrigerator throughout the day until you have enough for a feed or partial feed.

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