Take the folic acid ladies. I have a LO with Spina bifida, and no matter how many times I come in here and tell the ladies to take the folic acid, you WON'T have time to make a difference after your baby is conceived. All neural tube defects are fully formed and irreparable by day 26 (two days before you have even missed your period) - and your baby will live with that for the rest of its life. This is one thing that really, really gets my back up because taking one little pill can save your child a life time of disability (or you may even abort it if you decide you can't cope).
So... just take the folic acid, seriously how much work is one pill a day? And if you're not willing to do that, frankly you shouldn't be trying for a child, because the consequences of not taking it can be much more severe.. Pop into the special needs forum where there are three+ babies with SB and you will see how hard your life could be if you skipped it.