on the 30th of may i went for a growth scan and it was found my placenta had stopped functioning.i was rushed to the maternity hospital in paisley and Evan was born on the 31st may at 12.40pm weighing just 2lb 8oz by c-section.
he was taken to scbu and amazingly came off his ventilator and onto just air less than 12 hours after his birth.he is a very active little chimp.
he is given doner breast milk which is best for preemies and is tolerating it well and has no health problems so far.i've just got home and leaving my little miracle after a week is pretty tough but i know he is in good hands.
if u notice a change in your babys movements or a slow down in movments always get checked out because it could mean the placenta isnt working right.
he was taken to scbu and amazingly came off his ventilator and onto just air less than 12 hours after his birth.he is a very active little chimp.
he is given doner breast milk which is best for preemies and is tolerating it well and has no health problems so far.i've just got home and leaving my little miracle after a week is pretty tough but i know he is in good hands.
if u notice a change in your babys movements or a slow down in movments always get checked out because it could mean the placenta isnt working right.