The arrival of Baby Alexander 8th October 2010 *Ventouse and episiotomy*


Mummy to 2 princes
Apr 23, 2009
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Hi girls :flower:

Here is my birth story which I only have time to write now whilst HRH is asleep drunk on milk!!

Firstly, I would like to say that I had from the start wanted a very natural birth, something along the lines of Hypnobirthing but at least I wanted minimal pain relief and a water birth....but none of this came to plan, like the best laid plans!!!!!! If I could give any advice, I would say, keep an open mind about your birthing plan and also keep an open mind about pain relief!!

As a few of you on here who know me know, I started having niggles about a week before I actually went into labour, with lots of BH and tightenings which amounted to nothing much to my frustration..I was really hoping baby would arrive on 04 October as this is my mum's birthday and also that of my cousin! But my due date came and went and no baby...I had my 40/40 MW appointment on 05 October where I had been promised a sweep but then she wouldnt give it to me and I was really disappointed, even though I wasnt that late, I was just so keen to meet my little son! On the evening of 06 October, I actually tried eating some 999 Sauce which is basically a chilli sauce made from Habanero chillis! I am convinced that this is what started things off!!!

Anyway, to cut a long story short, I woke up early on the morning of 07 October with lots of regular and quite painful period type pains. I had no backache with it and wondered if this was really labour as I am a first time mum, I didnt really know. Anyway, these pains carried on and when I got up for the toilet, I saw that I had had a pinkish show! I woke up DH and told him not to worry but I thought I might be in labour! :happydance: By about 05.30 my pains were quite bad (so I thought) and I called the ward who told us to come up to get a VE. Unfortunately, my cervix was posterior and not dilated...:cry:......I was gutted! We went back home where I got in the bath, and then tried to nap...but it wasnt to be because from then on my pains were getting very close together, around 8 minutes apart..then 6....then 5...and so I strapped on my TENS machine and called the ward and went back up there at around 1pm......where I was told I was 3cm!!!!!:happydance:
After this, I decided to get into the bath...silly me thinking that magically a hot bath would take my pain wrong was I????? :blush: It seemed from this point on things just escalated on the pain scale and had me asking for good old gas and air not long after I had gotten in the bath! My lovely DH was with me the whole time by the way, he had been great up until this point, I guess mainly because I had been dealing well with the pain until now...but when the pain REALLY started he just sobbed and sobbed...I did really feel for him, but every contraction from this point on just racked my body with pain and I was screaming and howling - I really shocked myself in how loudly I shouted and times I actually sounded like a banshee and a howler monkey...I am not even kidding! :blush: I think I was in bath from about 4pm until around 7pm by which time the MW suggested that she check me to see how dilated I was at this stage...i had no idea or even cared at this point how dilated I was :haha: and walking from the bathroom to the delivery room was just sheer agony and I had a contraction in the corridor which almost buckled my legs :haha:..anyway to my sheer delight, the MW told me that I was 9cm!!!!!!! :happydance: I am guessing I was pleased, however the pain of the contractions kind of evened out the pleasure LOL. At this point my mum also joined DH and I in the delivery room as we all assumed that at this point it was just a matter of 1cm and some pushing and then baby would be here...but it was not to be as I pushed for 2 whole hours to the best of my ability...but nothing was happening, the head was apparently very high and not coming down and the MW was getting concerned about the baby's heartrate as it was apparently dropping with each contraction. I have to say I did not enjoy the pushing part one little bit. Before I gave birth when I read people's birth stories it always sounded like pushing was actually a good part of the birth, but I think as there were problems with LO head not descending properly, it may have been the reason that for me the pushing part was actually sheer agony, it did not feel nice to push and I actually dreaded each contraction.
As the baby's heartrate was dropping, I was asked to move into another delivery room where they could monitor baby properly. I couldn't believe they were asking me to move yet again and as I stood up another contraction almost floored me!! It was just pure AGONY to move!!!!!!!!
I must stress by the way that I was still using just gas and air, and screaming at the top of my lungs!!!! When I think back I am actually quite embarrassed about how loud I was, and how frightening it must have sounded to my mum and DH! But I really was almost at the top of my pain threshold!
Anyway when I got into the 2nd delivery room the MW placed a fetal scalp electrode on LO scalp and it sounded like he was still not happy with my contractions and also still not descending under my pubic bone despite my valiant efforts to push! Because of his heartrate dipping, the on-call OB was called and he told me that he was going to give me a hand getting the baby out using ventouse. I do remember feeling disappointed that I couldnt do it myself, but also I couldnt wait to get numbed from the waist down as by this point I wanted to get knocked out - the pain was that bad....:nope:
I got whisked down to theatre, with me desperately hanging onto the gas and air canister whilst screaming the corridors down as they took me on the trolley! All the while my body had just gone into bearing down mode and I was just grunting and screaming alternately until a few seconds after the anaesthetist administered the spinal block...and then......NO PAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!
I definitely told the anaesthetist lady that I loved her!
The next few minutes are a blur but within about 15 minutes of the spinal taking into effect and being told to push whilst they attached the Ventouse cap (very strange to do when you cant actually feel your lower body!), they laid this tiny wet baby in front of me!
I was so shocked that it was all I could do to touch his head with my finger! Then he was taken away and wrapped in a blanket before being placed in my arms! I have never before felt such a rush of love as I did at that moment! :cloud9: I thought that I might cry, but neither DH or I did...we just looked at each other in utter shock and amazement at this tiny thing that was apparently our son!!!!! :blue:

We have named him Alexander Frederick Charlie Adam and he was born at 00.12 on 08 October and weighed 3125g (about 6lb 8oz) and he is in my opinion the prettiest baby boy I have seen in a long time!

I came home after 3 days in hospital. I had a catheter because I was given an episiotomy in theatre which wasnt pleasant and am still feeling quite sore!

I am currently breastfeeding him and falling in love with him a little bit more every day! :cloud9:

I hope you enjoyed reading my birth story, I hope I haven't missed anything out and please ask any questions if you like! I know I was always keen to ask things after reading other people's stories! And here are a few photos for you to coo over!!

Good luck to those giving birth soon!! :hugs: xxx


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Congratulations and well done. Your little man is perfect x
awwwwwwww congratulations hope your both doing well i cant wait xxxxx
Congratulations hun so glad you didnt go too far over xxx Sorry your birth wasnt quite as planned (neither was mine lol) but at least you are both home and well xxx He is gorgeous xxx
He's absolutely gorgeous!! I'm sorry that your labour was so horrid but at least he's here and safe. Can't believe u were 9cms and still in the bath chilling lol well done and all the best x
Congrats on the birth of beautiful Alexander! Well done!
Ah he really is very cute. Congratulations! Sounds very similar to me, I got to 7cm and baby wasn't moving down and every time i had a contraction his heartrate soared. I ended up with forces and episiotomy. It really is very sore after. I didn't realise how sore until I was actually walking down the corridor going home.
Claire, cant believe how well you coped, what a fab birth story. The same thing happened to Macy but fortunately I didnt need the suction cap, her little heartbeat kept dropping too. I couldnt imagine pushing for 2 hours, I think I pushed for about 40 mins or so and that was enough and I too howled for England, and cant believe I done it with gas and air too. Well done hun and I am loving the updates on facebook. Lots of love xxxx
Awww what a great story! He is absolutely gorgeous, definitely the cutest boy I have seen for a while ;-)

Well done you xxx
Congratulations, I know I am hormonal today, but you brought tears to my eyes with the love you describe! Am so pleased for you, and he is gorgeous xx
Claire, cant believe how well you coped, what a fab birth story. The same thing happened to Macy but fortunately I didnt need the suction cap, her little heartbeat kept dropping too. I couldnt imagine pushing for 2 hours, I think I pushed for about 40 mins or so and that was enough and I too howled for England, and cant believe I done it with gas and air too. Well done hun and I am loving the updates on facebook. Lots of love xxxx

Thanks hon! You did well too! Thanks for being my bump buddy! Keep in touch xxx :hugs:
OMG babe... you poor honey.. the funny thing is i told the lady who did my epidural i loved her too... after all these months and we joked about giving birth on the same day.. we have more than our fireman husbands in common xxx
OMG babe... you poor honey.. the funny thing is i told the lady who did my epidural i loved her too... after all these months and we joked about giving birth on the same day.. we have more than our fireman husbands in common xxx

Awwwwwww :hugs: xxx
What a cutie, sorry you didnt get the birth you wanted, but at least hes here safe and sound...Enjoy him ;-)
Well done hun, you must be so proud, bless you all :)
well done hun - sorry it didnt go as you planned it (neither did mine) but pleased to hear of the safe arrival - what a cutie xx
Congratulations! I haven't got round to writing my birth story yet! He is gorgeous x

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